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Recent content by boyscout1

  1. B

    [Line] Let's Get Rich

    Banyak gan trnyata yg gk dpt 200diamond, malah tmn ane yg gk dpt A+ sama skali dpt 200diamond....ane aja blom dpt, pdhl ane dpt A+....trus nick ane juga timbul diatas yg tulisan get 200 diamond back...PHP nih get rich..... -_-
  2. B

    [LINE] Let's get rich : Bagi2 ID buat saling send clover

    Yg mao join group line get rich, bisa invite id ane, trus pm di line yaa ID : ilmaralmsyh
  3. B

    Release clash of clans Mod

    Bisa gan, pas claim rewardnya skali aja, jgn 3x, klo claim 2x aja udh minus
  4. B

    Release clash of clans Mod

    Bisa si gan, tpi 10mnit kmudian diconnect, trus balik ke semula gems nya, jdi kyk cuma buat gaya2an Char doang... Btw thx, still wait for permanent gems >_<
  5. B

    Release clash of clans Mod

    Ente sndiri dah nyoba gan??? Itu gemsnya bisa dipake buat beli builder dll gk?? Trus klo udh direstart ilang lagi ya?
  6. B

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    Makanya itu gan, bak nya udh ane hapus...hahaha
  7. B

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    Ane tdi ngedit file get richnya yg di Data/data/com.linecorp.LGGRTHN/laguagepack/en/data ane edit freeticket.dat pke text editor, trus ane apus smua isinya trus ane save, pas masuk, char ane tiba2 berubah jdi level 1 kampret dah.....wkwk....ane clear data donlot ulang, baru balik lgi ke lvl...
  8. B

    [LINE] Let's get rich : Bagi2 ID buat saling send clover

    ID ane gan : ilmaralmsyh msih nubi gan, baru maen....
  9. B

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    sabar gan, die lgi busy ktnya... ntaran aja, ntar ane malah di block malah gadapet apa2 lgi
  10. B

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    Udh nyoba edit trus value ke 999999 trus reset(bukan clear) trus buka shop, balik home, search 999999 trus klo ada banyak adress coba in 1per1, tekan tahan adress itu, trus view bounty memorry, trus cari yg blkngnya CF1/BF3 ... Udh nyoba kyk gitu??? Bener gan, ane dah sampe waktu 0, tpi cube...
  11. B

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    PM skrng jdi converstion ya namanya?? Cek pm gan....bagi2 dimari ya
  12. B

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    wait to see code if you see code F8B0 or ED13... Gan maksud nya ini liat codenya dimana??? Ane gatau gan...
  13. B

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    udh dapet nih, cobain dong.... ntar share klo ad yg brhasil ok fist time you use SBhackers 2.5.1 to do this and open the game also now you in-put this code okay 1. Monney if you have money 10000 in game you in-put 10000 to sbgamehacker and wait to see code if you see code F8B0 or ED13...
  14. B

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    ada berita berita bagus nih gan, master cookie run thailan mao share cara hack get rich hahahah....bikin akun klonengan nihhh.... tolong bantu comment bilang I need it too sir...bisa kan??? nih page fbnya dia.... https://www.facebook.com/yourst0re bahasa keriting smua.... bantu komennya...
  15. B

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack

    Ahahahahah....mantep ya bro, repost tpi ambil post dari gue!!! Gk sertain sumber, gk izin, udh gitu minta thx lgi!!!! Selamet ya bro....sukses cheat cookie run nya, udh males gw share2 lagi. Pdhl baru brhasil gw bisa looping lagi kyk yg v1.03 dulu + udh bisa pause walopun udh ubah ubah...