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Recent content by GEARx1

  1. GEARx1

    Rf Chronicles 2.2.3

    All ane mw nanya neh ID ane kan kena ban 3 hari neh ma GM zero nanti status banned nya lepas sendiri ato kudu konfirm ke GM Dulu ya? Char ane Violet bisa diliat reason bann nya di banned user kok tq be4
  2. GEARx1

    Rf Chronicles 2.2.3

    Bedanya patch v1 ma patch v2 apa seh ngaruh bgt apa ga si?
  3. GEARx1

    Rf Chronicles 2.2.3

    ehm beda wilayah2 gan kalo tweezer yg d bell kyanya black doang kalo yg d haram ama di 213 antara yellow ma white dcoba aja gan
  4. GEARx1

    Rf Chronicles 2.2.3

    iya 3x vote@25 lumayan gan hehe
  5. GEARx1

    Rf Chronicles 2.2.3

    Wedew btw d acc ad yg bkin guild ga? Mw join ni leh ga?
  6. GEARx1

    Rf Chronicles 2.2.3

    Kalo pke patch v2 yg 14mb(dari web nya) sprite imagesnya pda ga support ntar jd pke yg patch lama 22mb btw skalian absen nick:Violet job:mercenary copo nan kroco hehe
  7. GEARx1

    Rf Chronicles 2.2.3

    buat TS iru link patch download yg mediafire jgn dikapa2in sekarang di web nya ada patch V2 tapi cacad jadi pada pake patchV1 ja
  8. GEARx1

    Rf Chronicles 2.2.3

    Ini nanti kira2 kalo jam 12mlem jd up char msi tetep ada ato d wipe ampe bersih ya?
  9. GEARx1

    Absen Facebook Kamu

    Fb : www.facebook.com/GEARx1 lam knal kk hehe