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Recent content by graceda

  1. graceda

    [Official] N3 Guild LostSaga Thailand

    Ane pengen join gan :3
  2. graceda

    ████ ~ Speedy SE-INDONESIA ~ ████

    Gan, pmin harga jasanya dong gan, prosedurnya juga, minat nih :sweet:
  3. graceda

    ████ ~ Speedy SE-INDONESIA ~ ████

    untuk yg 1mb , berapa harganya bro? pm in ya, ane minat nih, sekalian prosedurnya juga
  4. graceda

    Unit Gawat Darurat N3 ( Semua Masalah Komputer kecuali Hardware )

    Bang, kompie ane kena masalah nih, setiap mau ngeclose folder ,control panel, IE dsb selalu keluar This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer" itu solusinya gimana ya
  5. graceda


  6. graceda

    wew, jadi level IV kwkwkwk Dewa, Congrats ....

    wew, jadi level IV kwkwkwk Dewa, Congrats ....
  7. graceda

    N3 [C++] Example for calling Message Box function

    Ditunggu Updatenya, pengen nyobain neh hehe :sweet:
  8. graceda

    [Lounge]Lost Saga

    Pake VB6 Portable, gak bisa lah pake DevCpp, udah ada pembahasannya kale http://www.nyit-nyit.net/topic/91619-pembahasan-cheat-lost-sagahow-to-make/
  9. graceda

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game]

    Kalo pake Firefox ane kek gitu gan, Coba pake Google Chrome Work kok..
  10. graceda

    [Free Topics Bag.4] cheat dewa semua game ada di sini, silakan masuk :p

    yah,... HS update, Gak bisa maen cheat lagi :( LOL...
  11. graceda

    N3 Server Busy molo...

    N3 Server Busy molo...
  12. graceda

    [Free Topics Bag.4] cheat dewa semua game ada di sini, silakan masuk :p

    if (PakekAntiRename == 1) { char strDLLName [_MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(hDll, strDLLName , _MAX_PATH); if (strstr(strDLLName, DLL_NAME) <= 0) { MessageBox(0, "Dasar Leecher, udah di kasi malah rename", "Leecher Detected!", 0); MessageBox(0, "Hayo balikin ke nama semula.\n Nama DLL Semula ...
  13. graceda

    N3 [C++] Membuat Address Logger

    kalo ane compile di DevCpp succes tapi dapet warning di function Match "[Warning]NULL is used in arithmetic" gak papa tuh?
  14. graceda


  15. graceda

    "Santay" on this vacation

    "Santay" on this vacation