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Recent content by MasterVic

  1. M

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    cilent side doang :( cilent side doang :(
  2. M

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    ayoooo paraa mastahhh.. inii uda greget pngen modnya >…<
  3. M

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    iya gan langsung dapet.. wah klo menurut ane sih jgn beli yg 100diamond.. tkutnya ga dapet.. ntar nyesel.. 240diamond kan masi ada peluang :D sampe tanggal 5agustus di noticenya.. tp indonesia kayaknya sampe tanggal 4agustus.. masi ada waktu bwt ngumpulin diamond gan! semangat :p
  4. M

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    tdi gw beli cardpack premium 30 yg 240diamond.. gw dpet 3 card A+ sama bonus dpet 200diamond :D
  5. M

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    iyaa nihh share dong :D
  6. M

    [Android] LINE Rangers 1.0.4 Mod APK

    wkwkwk.. uda tw keleus.. ditimpa.. dlu jg gw bisa pke yg 1.1.2 cuma bingung yg 1.1.3.. tp uda work kok.. tp napa yaa musuh ttep keluar ._.
  7. M

    [Android] LINE Rangers 1.0.4 Mod APK

    ternyata hrus di ekstrak. bru dpet. tp kok pas jalanin LR ada Warning ya?
  8. M

    Diskusi [CHEAT] Line let's get the rich - Part 1

    ayooo ayooo manaaaaa :D
  9. M

    [Android] LINE Rangers 1.0.4 Mod APK

    gw uda install LR 1.1.3 yg ori.. terus gw uda download libgame.so yg 1.1.3 nah kok filenya cuma 2.4mb yaa? terus gw timpa libgame.so pke yg 2.4mb.. dan hasilnya gabisa :') MOHON PENCERAHANNYA DONG.