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Search results

  1. V

    BUG-BUG HERO di DOTA.......

    @^ wew, hookshot ma clockwerk jd background map gt or gmn sih?? nda ngerti uy ~_~
  2. V

    Game Without Install Game Romawi?Galia?OR Teuton?

    wew... ini pd maen di id3 kah? ad yg tw cr maen teuton??
  3. V

    Game Without Install Game Romawi?Galia?OR Teuton?

    wow rame2, asik2.. travian server 3x aaahhh~
  4. V

    Bahas Hero DotA disini aja !! No OOT ^o^

    kombo bgs?? bwt awal2 sih gw rasa vol'jin + zeus.. full harras abis coy edict + g zeus dijamin skarat2 tuh 1 target yg di line, ha3..