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Ini ms client side ya?gw perhatiin hasil resource yg gw dpt pas abis ngeraid hasilnya beda sama pas lg di town..
Kyknya server tetep nganggep yg kita taro itu king barbarian
Ini gw cb stuck di path waktu di coc modbox..gw mau arahin path nya engga bs..force close trs coc modbox nya..ane pake os jelly bean..butuh pencerahan nih
Edit : dah bs nih pake cara manual + no sync klo pake cocmodbox ms gk bisa
Btw ada cheat buat generate unit ama level semau kita loh..itu di forum sebelah ada yg buka jasa..mungkin agan2 ada yg tau caranya?udah bosen kebanned maen bf..
Saya pake 1.01 udah di add manual untuk game line ranger tp masih kedetect nih apa gk work yah buat line ranger?untuk game pokopang cookie run sih bisa..butuh pencerahan nih
Iyah pokopang gem ama cherry udah bejibun pake cara hack di belakang2..wkwkwk ni coba2 cookie run ketagihan..coba nyari value gk ada yg nemu..nemu cuma gift box,cuma gagal jg dia minta reload..
Little bit about PT.KINGSLAIM Soft :
Established at June 2010 as a Online Game Publisher in Indonesia. To accommodate those games, Kingslaim Soft built a portal that named [playmojo.com]. Our founder and executive in the management had experienced from famous game companies in Korea.
We are...
buat yang mau bikin bot untuk konsumsi sendiri and gak ngerti pake auto it, jgn di paksaain... mendingan cari program lain yang situ bisa pake and ngerti... banyak program yang gak ribet kok
pm ke gw YM situ donk... mau tanya2 masalah cari pixel hp mp..... lagi mau coba2 bikin bot sendiri :D worked bisa jalan pake QM tapi gak tau cara auto hp/mpna doank....
RF Chaotic
High Rate Server
patch : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GXLY7T3W
register : http://www.chaoticrf.com/ (pilih yang tulisannya Cadastro)
Favor Box , Igno Box , Random 55 weapon box di jual di npc flem....
gak usa farming... cukup farming sekali se-umur hidup... sisanya tinggal buka...
gak usa coba lagi..... dah di block IP indonesia... zzz
padahal gw archon, rank 1 from all player and boommmmm get blocked IP becuase many hacker found from indonesia...