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  1. P

    Facebook Release Line / Garis 8 Ball Pool [FREE with CE]

    kena banned sialan wakakak
  2. P

    Facebook Release Line / Garis 8 Ball Pool [FREE with CE]

    ane dari miniclipnya di charles udah keluar static nya padahal. kalo buka fb pas lagi make charles malah gak bisa
  3. P

    Facebook Release Line / Garis 8 Ball Pool [FREE with CE]

    gak bisa gan. agan make ssh kan ? bisa gak make yg hack charles proxy? ane kok gak nongol2 ya garisnya padahal udah persis kaya yg di video dan tutornya
  4. P

    Facebook Release Line / Garis 8 Ball Pool [FREE with CE]

    @Mast3r walah ane udah nyoba dan yakin 100% bakal work -_- soalnya tutor juga ngikutin dari step awal, ssh juga udah jalan sama si charles.eh gak work juga wkwkwkwk.
  5. P

    Facebook Release Line / Garis 8 Ball Pool [FREE with CE]

    tengkyu gan @budi tutornya. gan mast3r make ssh ngga? ane kok gak bisa bisa ya, padahal udah sesuaii petunjuk video
  6. P

    Facebook Release Line / Garis 8 Ball Pool [FREE with CE]

    agan atas ane, ane gak ngerti gan soalnya make ssh koneksi internet ane, sedangkan ini harus make charles proxy, ane newbie soalnya. tunggu agan budi aja dah
  7. P

    Facebook Release Line / Garis 8 Ball Pool [FREE with CE]

    Hello guys... Before this release i tried to create a code to use Cheat Engine but is not working. So, i'll keep trying to find a way. If you don't want to wait, here a good and fast tutorial to get your long line back. 1- Install Firefox (Tested and work) 2- Download some WebServer (Ex...
  8. P

    Facebook Release Line / Garis 8 Ball Pool [FREE with CE]

    27 26 2b 40 d1 4d 29 10 09 00 00 .....................................................
  9. P

    Facebook Release Line / Garis 8 Ball Pool [FREE with CE]

    permisi gan, ada yang udah punya code autowin? coin sekarat wkwkwk