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  1. theonly3

    Ragnarok Online 2 SEA - Multi Login and Bypass Game Guard

    bs kok gan.. logikanye gini di win 7 aja jalan apa lg di win xp.hehehe
  2. theonly3

    Malaysia, Negara Pencuri???? Kasih Pelajaran Gk?

    hajar dah kalo gk bisa d omongin lg...
  3. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    maksudne gmn mas ?? event yg mn ?
  4. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    wkwkwkw... choy... ko exp gw g kbuka y, padahal dah seminggu g d maenin.. gmn neh.. Absen Dolo ! ACC : AngeL[N3] Punisher 50 Bells : XenSen TukangBeca a.k.a AR 50
  5. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    quest yg ampe jewel cube kan ?? set dah, cape bener..! mles bgt gw questnya
  6. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    oy"... char gw ko dah g d maenin slama sminggu neh.. tpi exp 50-56ny g kbuka" gmn neh ?? helep..
  7. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    @tas : paling speck com lu yg g bagus kl.. dulu jg gw gt, stelh gw ganti vga, dah bgus lg...
  8. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    brb absen ulang Nick AngeL[N3] lv 50 Job Punisher Nick XenSen lv 50 Job Tukang Beca eq baru rata +4 ne, susah +5 nye
  9. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    coy, lu make wpe brp ?? gw bingung, tar kl mo rekam" tinggal pencet tombol play kan ?
  10. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    yg mn ?? bingung mas
  11. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    cara make wpe gmn si mas ?? mau +5 in ne
  12. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    [Maaf Saya Kasar]... mangsssatab dah... make WPE mas ?? bingung neh gw make wpe
  13. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    masi copo bos... nanti kalo dah +5 bole dah d ulang.. wekekkeke :hilarious:
  14. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    brb absen ulang nick XenSen job Tukang Beca lv 50 ras bell lg nyoba" nempa ulang rata +5.. jd susah...
  15. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    Ada apaan neh ! Rollback char ? Bah parah bener..
  16. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    gw bingung neh, ko gw g isa beli siege attk y... siege biru malah jadi siege item.. tolongin dong... share please... mohon bantuan bgt neh
  17. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    OC lv 50 masuk kan ?? map bagian mana d OC ? tar w k sana make pot ilang
  18. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    om" minta patch biar di gunung buas g leg dong... please.. Brb Absen dolo. Arx1 Striker 50 Eq : 1 Set 65 Rata +5, Panah 65 +4, Cerberus +4, Int DFL lv 60 +4 wekeke... btw Jewel Cube Nongol dmn aja ??
  19. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    gw ko d gunung buas leg bener ya ?? ad yg pny patchnya g ?? brb dolo mau cari barang dolo...
  20. theonly3

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    aduh, problem lg neh....! 1. ko gw tombolny jadi brubah, 2. g bisa beli Attk Red Siege 3. Booster berubah bentuk pas logout (beli lv 50 anti crit, jadi lv 40 angin 5) pusing bener dah.... btw bang yayank minta datatablenya dong... lupa gw d page brp... thx :hilarious: