Welcome to the Nyit-Nyit.Net - N3 forum! This is a forum where offline-online gamers, programmers and reverser community can share, learn, communicate and interact, offer services, sell and buy game mods, hacks, cracks and cheats related, including for iOS and Android.
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pet gold drop
cookie devil
cookie relay SF
ts terserah, klo pake magnetic aura (danger)
item boost klo pake magnetic aura (danger)
Sukur2 bisa berhenti alias suicide :grin:
ts klo udah S class apalagi udah +6 mo di up lg susyah bener, ane udah pernah abisin 300 rb cuma dapet gift poit :cry:
bagi yang jualan cit apalagi citnya dr sini, apa lu gag kasian ama suhu2 di mari, kecuali ente joki coin or level itu gag masalah
alhamdulilah udah 2 akun yg ke suspend, yg pertama id primne ane kebablasan farming >40k , yang kedua id klonengan 5 menit sebelum posting di mari ke suspend jg gara2 pake trik yamaha semakin di depan jd gag isa mandek nge boooost terus :D
masuk ke BH ?!@#?? bisa jd salah tangkep nih ane, BS maksudnya :D coba ente restart BS nya trus masuk ke cr, yg penting proxifier sm charles dah oh, klo msh tetep unknown jg berarti proxifier or charles yg perlu di configure