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Search results

  1. Y

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack part 2

    Gan, mau tanya dong.. Code musicnya cookie gitar itu apa yah? Thx
  2. Y

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack part 2

    Gan, kalo biar work sbgh versi berapa ya?
  3. Y

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack

    Maksudnya gan? :/
  4. Y

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack

    Kalo gw pake yg 4120-503 kan 1valur,gw coba bisa, kalo yang ganti 2value belum.. Rasanya pause 2x
  5. Y

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack

    Tips biar ga kepental: open sbgh - minimize-open cr-jangan dipermit dlu sampe di home-buka sbgh-PAUSE(pojok kanan atas, tapi lagunya tetep jalan, gamasalah) trs edit value-kalo udah exit sbgh-good luck Permitnya sesudah ubah value
  6. Y

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack

    Hati hati bro, gw pake 4120 ke 503 jadi kebanned, level 38 koin: cuman 26k score:3juta lebih, cookie:devil, pet:flowcopter
  7. Y

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack

    Jadi tar kan C dah full, B dah full, trs kalo hatch telur gratis dr gift pasti dapet A.. Kalo A dah full, beli pake diamond.. Hasilnya 100% S Jadi tar kan C dah full, B dah full, trs kalo hatch telur gratis dr gift pasti dapet A.. Kalo A dah full, beli pake diamond.. Hasilnya 100% S
  8. Y

    [LINE] C00kie Run Hack

    Gan sori masih newbie..tapi ngikutin dr hlm 1,tapi kalo itu dibanned kan ulang lg dr lvl 0,lha kalo mau cheat kan hrs punya devil cookie..lha katanya agan disitu tertulis langsung dapet lvl 8 devil cookie sama kaya cheri cookie,lha caranya itu gimana gan?thx semua..