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  1. riri

    Necrobot Fix bypass auto shutdown

    udah ganti berapa kali proxy yang work tetep begitu [14:25:37] Amount of Pokemon Seen: 34/151, Amount of Pokemon Caught: 34/151 [14:25:38] No usable PokeStops found in your area. Is your maximum distance too small?
  2. riri

    Necrobot Fix bypass auto shutdown

    "GetSniperInfoFromPokeSnipers": false, "CatchPokemon": true, tapi kok masih no usable pokestop found in your area padahal proxy udah work kenapa ya?
  3. riri

    Necrobot Fix bypass auto shutdown

    gan kalo pake proxy bukan pake vpn .. bisa gak????
  4. riri

    Necrobot Fix bypass auto shutdown

    pake proxy gmn,dari kemarin pake yg 8.5 gak dapet pokemoon sama pokestopnya 0
  5. riri

    Necrobot Fix bypass auto shutdown

    malah sekarang gk bisa login gara2 ip proxynya valid...padahal saya cek mah work proxynya
  6. riri

    Necrobot Fix bypass auto shutdown

    ane udah pake necro sama pogofeder nya kok gk dapat pokemonnya ya???padahal udah di setting true snipe nya
  7. riri

    [Tips] Cara Setting Necrobot + Pogofeeder (autosniffing)

    tadi cuman ada kesalahan aja gan... tapi udah bener settingan udah sama agan tapi kok gk keluar pokemonnya aja cuman incubatornya aja terus
  8. riri

    [Tips] Cara Setting Necrobot + Pogofeeder (autosniffing)

    kenapa ya kalo udah selesai setting terus jalanin program dia force close???