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    [Lounge]RF Neverzone

    Koq tante isis gwe mentok 50 doang ya? Kalo mau naekin lvlny gmn lg??
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    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    ^ Lo yg semalem tes damage ma DeathEater bkn?? Absen ah... DeathEater striker 50 SFL+6 [TANKER]B4D4Kxxx Mercen 50 SL+5 ^ Lo yg semalem tes damage ma DeathEater bkn?? Absen ah... DeathEater striker 50 SFL+6 [TANKER]B4D4Kxxx Mercen 50 SL+5
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    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    ^ Dpt dari pb apa om??
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    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    Oh jd ques 50 ma 56 tu gk usah dislesein ya... Brb maen commander dlu nunggu 3hari.
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    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    Koq gwe kalo mau bwt char cora ato bell slalu crit eror sih?? Abis tutor langsung DC. Kalo bwt ACC gk knp"... Kasi tau solusinya pls...
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    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    @cannonman om mytho job apa?? Prasaan gwe assaulter dr yg da skill mangle itu nyerang templar kena cuma 1k. Pdhal tombak 65int dah +5 tambah elem warior.
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    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    eh koq gwe kl mau bkin char cora ato bell slalu crit eror ya? Abis tutor pasti langsung crit eror Ada yg tau pencerahannya??
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    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    Iye gila bner. Gwe mercen 50 armor ama prisai 65int rata+4 tambah elem ditabok coro masi nembus 4.5k.. Gila bner... Untung maren SL gwe ahirnya jd +5.
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    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    Lah klo gwe mau bwt char cora ato bell malah crot cret crit error. Tiap abis tutor gwe skip langsung crit eror. Tp kalo ACC gk kek gt.
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    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    ea.. 7sTriKeR maen gamers lv jg... Kalo gwe si pake client indo pure langsung timpa patchnya. Jgn lupa spriteimage en-id di copas ke en-gb ama ru-ru. <<DeathEater <<[TANKER]B4D4Kxxx
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    Kenshin DVD Games Offline "REBORN" 2014 - Part 1

    Wah bos tlong PM spec minimal bwt Rf offline dunk. Tkutnya komp gwe gk kuat.