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  1. M

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    betul gan klo PVP w nemuin cheater pasti q laporin (walaupun q jga cheater) Xixxixixix hargai org yg buat cheat udh dpt gratis d pamer"in akhirny ke ban & cheatny udh gx bsa lgi truss protes ke yg buat cheat "oi gmna ni char q koq ke ban?" abis itu tnya lgi "ad cheat baru gx?",,klo kyk gni...
  2. M

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    setuju gan cheat for me just for fun jgn show off d PVP klo nekat nnti charny d laporin ke sini lgi http://www.ninjasaga.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=4413&start=1170
  3. M

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    maaf klo OOT,,member baru mohon bimbinganny :unsure: eh,,d sni yg para master yg bsa edit SWF kira" siapa yah??
  4. M

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    d sni ad yg bsa edit SWF gx?? ko' q pke flash trilix ma adobecs 4 error trus yah wktu exportny?? Mohon bantuany nih :thank_you:
  5. M

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    ad yg sdah bsa edit swf gx?? :unsure:
  6. M

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    slam knal agan" smuany q member baru :D w mo nnya,,cheat 1 hit kill yg pke damage critical masih bsa pa gx ya?? ko' pasti error 100 wktu slesai lwan boss. d sni ad yg bsa edit swf gx ya??soalny q edit swf pas export error trus ya?? thx seblumny :thank_you: