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Search results

  1. N

    [Android] [iOS] Pokopang v2.0.3 Mod

    Game update score ilang jadi No score lol
  2. N

    [Android] [iOS] Pokopang v2.0.3 Mod

    Eh berlebihan... wkwkwk.. pdahal cuma maw bbrapa juta aja... :bow: :mad: :mad:
  3. N

    [Android] [iOS] Pokopang v2.0.3 Mod

    Mohon pencerahan nya ..pas ane open Sbgamehacker game nya stop loading / running " inquitios blablallablabab have been found blablalblab"
  4. N

    [Android] [iOS] Pokopang v2.0.3 Mod

    Event....:D..nunggu update lg ni...
  5. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    Kayaknya blum smua di MT ya..?
  6. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    Cata udah ga bisa lagi..
  7. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    Lol MT... tunggu nasib nih...
  8. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    Waduh..coba pake CCleaner. clean tu smua cache palah bersihin smua...trus coba login lagi.. kemarena ane pernah kaya gto.. rupanya mslah di Net..tapi klo net ente laju.. ya browser mungkin..
  9. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    Buat 40 an max 5 aja dlo smua...50an bisa lah lvl 6 1 at 2 biji...
  10. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    ya elah.. gila ampe segitu.. char lvl brapa ente?
  11. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    Udah Coba pake browser laen ? Udah Coba pake browser laen ?
  12. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    Ya maksud ane gtu gan.. ga usah di shyntetis..record na dipandihin 1 per 1.. emng lama dikit sih.. tapi lumyan klo bisa run 1-2 jam pake speed 2x..pake Ghost..astral ane udah lvl 9 smua mlah..:D
  13. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    [/q Masih bisa bro pake Ghost.. cuma ga usah disyntetis.. record aja pindahin 1 per 1 astral ke astral yag ente maw update.. record.. turs.. klo udah save..buka pake notepad..ulangi recored tadi di nitepad ampe 10 ampe 20x.. dah tinggal jlan dah..:)
  14. N

    [Release] Wartune Hack

    Ane udah 3x pake smua bisa.. tapi kaynya bermsalah ma 203,, ane ga nemu lagi 203 .. coba ganti dengan 303 itu Pdef astral biru..cuma msalahnya jgna di Shytetis sekaligus.. psti crash..