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Liga Inggris Ucapan Duka Dunia Sepakbola Untuk Tragedi Manchester


Deretan ucapan belasungkawa mengalir dari insan dunia sepakbola menyusul adanya serangan teroris di Manchester, Senin (22/5) waktu setempat.

Pihak kepolisian Manchester Raya mengumumkan ada 19 korban jiwa dan 50 luka-luka yang terkenda dampak ledakan bom ketika berlangsungnya konser penyanyi Ariana Grande di Manchester Arena.

Laporan menyebutkan bahwa ledakan muncul sesaat sebelum pukul 22:35 waktu setempat di Manchester, dengan banyak fans penyanyi asal Amerika Serikat itu sudah membanjiri arena konser.

Kejadian tersebut mengundang simpati dari perdana menteri Britania Raya, Theresa May dan juga segenap pelaku dunia sepakbola yang tertuang melalui laman media sosial Twitter.

It's with great sadness we hear of the terrible events at the Arena. Our hearts go out to all affected and to our city's emergency services.

— Manchester City (@ManCity) May 23, 2017 //
I would like to express my deepest condolences to the families of the victims. It's a sad day for the great city of Manchester. #Unity

— Vincent Kompany (@VincentKompany) May 22, 2017 //
Truly awful news from the great city of Manchester. Thoughts are with all those affected.

— Gary Lineker (@GaryLineker) May 22, 2017 //
Just heard the news what's happening in Manchester.. hope everyone safe & sound!

— Rio Ferdinand (@rioferdy5) May 22, 2017
Sickened by what has happened in Manchester. Thoughts go out to everyone. This is literally right around the corner from me. I am safe.

— Carli Lloyd (@CarliLloyd) May 23, 2017 //
Our hearts go out to our friends and all those affected in Manchester following tonight's tragic events.

— New York City FC (@NYCFC) May 23, 2017 //
Thoughts and prayers with those affected by the events in Manchester 2nite,and the good people of Manchester.xmb #

— Mark Bosnich (@TheRealBozza) May 23, 2017 //
Spent 5 great years living in Manchester... truly saddened to hear the news today. Thoughts are with everyone there right now.

— Stuart Holden (@stuholden) May 22, 2017 //
My family and I are praying for the children, families and all affected by the Manchester bomb.

— Brian McBride (@BMcBride20) May 23, 2017 //
Terrified at what news may emerge from Manchester. Concert full of children & youngsters. In awe at those who run toward the danger to help.

— Arlo White (@arlowhite) May 22, 2017 //
Just so hard to believe and understand our world anymore. Thoughts & Prayers to those in Manchester, England. https://t.co/iqfsgQj4NZ

— Taylor Twellman (@TaylorTwellman) May 23, 2017 //

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