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Search results

  1. hit4homerun

    From: [Req & Share] Music Korean, Japanese, Chinese

    minta lagu OST night of the shooting star dong lagu yg instrument harmonica, klo gak salah itu lagu VIBE yg boy and girl tapi versi full harmonica
  2. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    REQ Soundtrack Nodame Cantabile klo ada lagu2 bethovennya minta sekalian ya hihihi
  3. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    req Ost big Windup nih: kozue takada - medaka no mita ni sunset swish - arigatou
  4. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    Kk reg all ost big windup y Share plz Thx
  5. hit4homerun

    [tutorial]Full tutorial all photosop

    thx kk lumayan, buat newbie
  6. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    all ost. movie doraemon
  7. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    ^thx2 bener kyknya, hhehe btw Honey and clovernya minta yg HOney and Clover - doramachiku dong
  8. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    ^thx thx thx banget vonce arigatou req dung req all OST honey and clover req OST Naruto - soushakanishimi :smiley_beer:
  9. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    ^thx vonce, keren abis loh req all lagu doraemon
  10. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    thx banget banget banget req lagi kelupaan tadi Ost alice academy
  11. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    kk, kyknya itu masih deathnote yg kedua d, bukan yg "change The World" gpp d req Ost Naruto - Sakura Themes Ost Sailormoon - moonlight Densetsu
  12. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] Indonesian Music

    nih kk http://www.4shared.com/file/51139752/d8afe2b6/Chrisye_-_Cintaku.html?s=1
  13. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] Indonesian Music

    ^ http://indowebster.com/Tak_Bisa_Memiliki.html bener g?? :bolakbalik:
  14. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share ] Movie & Movie Info

    [REQ] DVD Chatmonchy Restaurant Zensai [REQ] DVD Chatmonchy Restaurant Soup plz kk klo ada share yah... thx... :smiley_beer:
  15. hit4homerun

    [Trick] Download Video Via Youtube

    biasanya c klo cannot render the file itu file video lo .001 , .002 , .003 jadi tuh mesti di join dulu semua filenya biasanya c pake hjsplit coba aja da :smiley_beer: tanya dong2 klo download dari sini gmn caranya?? www.crunchyroll.com
  16. hit4homerun

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    REQ ost deathnote 3 Change The World THX :smiley_beer:
  17. hit4homerun

    [Trick] Download Video Via Youtube

    kk, sekarang pas gw instal codecnya kok videonya jadi item putih yah??
  18. hit4homerun

    Master Of Fantasy

    ko stat yg bagus buat jadi ranger apa ya?? klo hunter atk: 25 str: 19 agi: 41 int: 30 jadi apa bagusnya ya?
  19. hit4homerun

    [Trick] Download Video Via Youtube

    kk tanya dong, kok waktu gw klik yg donlot file .mp4, pas ud kelar download gak ad videonya c? cuma suaranya doang yg ada :dizzy:
  20. hit4homerun

    [Trick] Download Video Via Youtube

    gw pake keepvid lancar2 aja dah download, enak lagi cepet biarpun di net :smiley_beer: