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Search results

  1. S

    InTerGrated Resistance + Cara pakenya.

    matiin deepfreeze mah pake deepunfreezer aja tuh.. tp klo versi2 baru kagka tau klo dah kluar deep unfreezenya... km mank pake antivirus apaan ??? bingung juga,, :sad:
  2. S

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    ^ cari dolo judul lagunya.. lagi males internetan lama2 negh.. lagi banyak tugas.............. damn2......... ^_^ -_- :D :P ^_^ -_- :D :P :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  3. S

    [Req & Share ] Movie & Movie Info

    bused... heroes S2 dah mpe nomor 9 boo... mantab bgt dah... gw kagka bisa sher ke internet,,, ntar klo sempet gw cariin link-nya
  4. S

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    Exactly you were wrong, Naruto Shippuuden ~far off distance~ http://images.metapod.multiply.com/song/1/29/full/U2FsdGVkX1-zosZaqrD2wQJqpB2hxqkJ5nGwyhoot05DKN46df7TYA==/Naruto_%20%20Far%20Off%20Distance.mp3...
  5. S

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    wadoh,, kagak nemu gw klo anime itu bukan lagu anime yah ?? itu bukannya lagu lama gitu,, yg brotherhood ato bob marley gitu bknn seh ?? kok ReQ disini ???
  6. S

    [Req & Share ] International Music

    ~Give It To Me~ nelly furtado, timbalanal, and justin timberlake http://images.bestinaguswuri.multiply.com/song/1/49/full/U2FsdGVkX1-zosZaqrD2wVAimmpkcWbScY2ScWYFTAATomoVRHS8c2yyggkAFhVy/Timbaland%20ft.%20Nelly%20Furtado%20%26%20Justin%20Timberlake%20-%20Give%20It%20To%20Me.mp3...
  7. S

    [Req & Share ] International Music

    ~No Promises~ Shayne Ward http://images.bisoubisou.multiply.com/song/1/223/full/U2FsdGVkX1-zosZaqrD2wQysJBjBfoJsJXFX9mPkh833rZUub9xVIuHna9.NhAWh/shayne%20ward%20-%20no%20promises.mp3...
  8. S

    [Req & Share] Indonesian Music

    ini mah malakin gw namanya,,, edan,,,, paragh..... gw kagak kuat klo upload2an.. negh gw kasih 1-1 aja yee link-nya VIA Multiply.... NIDJI ~Biarlah~...
  9. S

    [Req & Share ] International Music

    White Clocks DJ Clive$ter Mashups Vol. 6 Coldplay vs. Duran Duran vs. Kraftwerk...
  10. S

    Trick Double Leveling Dengan Double EXP

    ^ fake level bukannya udah di cheat yah sama si rakatabudi,, aLagipula udah ada Tutornya kok,, liat aja di sticky paling bawah,, ada tuh di dalamnya.. .......................... gw mah kagka tau,, blom maen PangYa,, kakak2 sekalian ajarin saya maen pangYa donk...
  11. S

    Film2 Recommend+Reason

    gw blom nonton tuh 300 :smiley_beer: yg mantab mah SAW 4... sama apa lagi yah... bingung kebnayakan nonton film akhir2 ini
  12. S

    [Req & Share ] International Music

    Super Junior Don't Don http://multiply.com/benefits/8?event=event9&xurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.cutegit.multiply.com%2Fsong%2F1%2F291%2Ffull%2FU2FsdGVkX1-mtTkbDgsGV24RG1QvHkEbh5bldj2gRp03fBXGoP1f1g%3D%3D%2FSuper%2520Junior%2520%25282%2529%2520-%252001%2520-%2520Don%2527t%2520Don.mp3...
  13. S

    [Trick] Download Video Via Youtube

    khan udah gw bilang,, pake yg xilisoft,, bentar2 gw cariin degh link-nya www.xilisoft.com/3gp-video-converter.html nah tuh.. pake itu aja,, lebih mak-nyus...
  14. S

    Trick Double Leveling Dengan Double EXP

    thx trick-nya om van,, om van,, ko ada installer PangYa + update yg di upload di internet gak ?? mw install PangYa negh.. Maklum,, baru mulai maen PangYa,, :sad: :peace: :lol:
  15. S

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    ~Seishun Kyousoukyoku~ ~Seishun Kyousoukyoku~ ~Sambomaster~ http://multiply.com/benefits/8?event=event9&xurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.daiichis.multiply.com%2Fsong%2F1%2F9%2Ffull%2FU2FsdGVkX189G84mMF2g.7FkSvw9dDUhgfeI3P7hXUjt6sxrhQezWw%3D%3D%2F01%2520Seishun%2520Kyousoukyoku.mp3...
  16. S

    [Req & Share ] International Music

    Travis ~The Man Who~ 1999 http://rapidshare.com/files/19880386/Travis_-_The_Man_Who.rar Travis ~The Invisible Band~ 2001 http://rapidshare.com/files/19881960/Travis_-_The_Invisible_Band.rar Travis ~12 Memories~ 2003 http://rapidshare.com/files/19883261/Travis_-_12_Memories.rar Travis ~The Boy...
  17. S

    [Req & Share ] International Music

    prasaaan muse udah gw kasih lengkap kok diawal2 lw liat lagi yee... Tp berhubung gw lagi baek,, gw tarok lagi aja dgeh Muse ~Black_Holes_and_Revelations~ http://rapidshare.de/files/27775758/Muse_Black_Holes_and_Revelations_hippiesIMZ.rar Dragon Force ~Inhuman Rampage~...
  18. S

    [Req & Share ] Movie & Movie Info

    DL sih DL,, tp sizanya itu loh gede..... mending ambil di database kampus aja lah yeeee :lol:
  19. S

    [Req & Share] anime soundtrack

    klo mw request yang jelaz donk judl lagu ato liriknya juga boleh lah... bingung klo gak tau judul.. huhuhu...
  20. S

    [Trick] Download Video Via Youtube

    doh sorry baru menyahut.. klo mw nonton film,, type apa aja bisa pake software ini neh http://www.brothersoft.com/dvd_video/video_codecs/k-lite_mega_codec_pack_download_61501.html trus klo mw convert,, pke total video converter,, yg publishernya,, xilisoft klo gak salah... itu bisa convert...