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  1. bandoengx

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    @tas ,, : iyah gua juga experiment ,, IP hide ^^
  2. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    emang KK CE kdetek ,, UCE donk ^^ MLE ato apalah .. Kiki gpapa
  3. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    @atas :: derita anda mas ,, coba aja maen di deteck in dolo ^^ ,, trus ... ctrl +F / find ,, EagleNT ,, dicobak gan ^^ klo ktemu bagus deh
  4. bandoengx

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    @settingan nya ada yang salah gan .... unicode ,, jangan hyperscan .... trus cheat token masi CS doank ,, ada seh ,, pakek WPE RPE ,, tpi agan2 siap di banned ya ??
  5. bandoengx

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    hohohho UNICODE JGN LUPA ^^
  6. bandoengx

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    masih work dan masih berfungsi ,,, n cluenya gini :: sblum mengganti valu ,, mohon semua masuk ke style shop trus kluwar ,, masuk ke shop trus kluwar
  7. bandoengx

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    gua jugag ,, jadi bahasa apan nehh TT
  8. bandoengx

    Game Without Install Game Romawi?Galia?OR Teuton?

    travian game santai masih ngecit pula wkwkwkw .. cit ngalahin NAtar ada gag ya ??
  9. bandoengx

    [Study]Ninja Saga [Facebook Game] Post Ga Berguna = Hapus

    hohoho ,, di gua juga work amaterasunya ^^ ,, nice dah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  10. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    @tas ,, versi 2.3 bagus kk
  11. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    @emang ... threadnya bypass .. bukand disabled PB ^^
  12. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    @tas : liat sedetil2 nya ^^
  13. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    @tas bukand pakek cara itu agy ,, abis di disable pakek cara yang gua ,, inject pakek ehsvc.dll unpack an luwar ,, hohoho ,, sebelum inject suspend thread dolo
  14. bandoengx

    Ke Shotbox bntar Gan!!

    Ke Shotbox bntar Gan!!
  15. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    anda anda anda ,,yang pingin disable HS n berWH ,, Replace N gag crash ria gua nemu cara baru akakakak
  16. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    @tas ,, pingin lebih cepet scannya ??? nih ,, VLC ENGINE MA RYUGJ /// REVO LEMOT
  17. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    yap Tpi TAMBAH jamu dulu
  18. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    @tas ,, ngapain bingung morphost ,, smadav aja dah bisa
  19. bandoengx

    [Share] Bypass Point Blank Di Sini

    Hoahmz,,,,,,....////// ... Bypass PAKEK argument baru prikitiw