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Search results

  1. jakarta4

    Brazilian Rf - Pvp

    @IfelunICriminaL yup bro... bru msuk map chat lngsung crit error... da yg bsa ksh solusi g?
  2. jakarta4

    Brazilian Rf - Pvp

    @all login dah bsa pemilihan server dah bsa. tpi pas masuk map chat selalu crit error!! da yg taw knp? maap double post.... bis pngn mae ni game gagal molo!
  3. jakarta4

    Brazilian Rf - Pvp

    @all login dah bsa pemilihan server dah bsa. tpi pas masuk map chat selalu crit error!! da yg taw knp?
  4. jakarta4

    has not set their status

    has not set their status
  5. jakarta4

    has not set their status

    has not set their status
  6. jakarta4

    tolong kasih gw patch nya sebelum patch yg baru nih. gw bantu experiment,kmungkinan jebol lngsung

    tolong kasih gw patch nya sebelum patch yg baru nih. gw bantu experiment,kmungkinan jebol lngsung
  7. jakarta4

    Rf Chaotic 2.2.3

    lalalalalalalala DC molo gw da yg salah kah?? absen Nick : GirlsGeneration Race : Bellato union Job : Wizard Lvl : 65 Whisp ja y yg mo dbntu!!!!
  8. jakarta4

    RF TURBO 2.2.3

    y nih hackshield init faile Err 100 pake LOE bos!!
  9. jakarta4

    [Lounge]RF Neverzone

    y bner lah kk!!! yg 60,4 lokal!!!! zzzzzzzz y cpet lah
  10. jakarta4

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    @ TS buy alicny gmn kk? pake gold kuq 87 jt ++ goldny limit gold khan 500k ksh pencerahan please
  11. jakarta4

    [lounge]RF.GAMERS.LV - 2.2.3

    coba dulu ah brb tes tkp