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Search results

  1. kururu

    [Share] Kata2 Character Anime Yang Kalian Suka

    wasu.. lupa mau share apa tadi --a
  2. kururu

    Quiz Berhadiah

    wkowkowkow... dasar hentai!! bos.. vouchernya boleh diganti voucher pb?
  3. kururu

    Quiz Berhadiah

    begonya keterlaluan
  4. kururu

    [Share] Kata2 Character Anime Yang Kalian Suka

    i think i must.. back to the first principal~ " Hayate - Hayate the combat buttler "
  5. kururu

    [Share] Kata2 Character Anime Yang Kalian Suka

    abyan fbnya apa y?
  6. kururu

    [Share] Kata2 Character Anime Yang Kalian Suka

    setau gw terakhi2nya gini y? but i love you , because you are killing machine.. and you can help nymph wkwkkw...
  7. kururu

    Kumpulan Gambar Lucu[Just 4 Funn)

    koranya mantap!!
  8. kururu

    [Share] Kata2 Character Anime Yang Kalian Suka

    what if there was a person in this world who could speak nothing but truth ,without a doubt he would be an honest , and what if there was another person who could tell nothing but lies? , a fearless boy asserting that white is black , or front is back... , or possibly.. a girl ? it's likely...
  9. kururu

    [Share] Kata2 Character Anime Yang Kalian Suka

    well , now go my cute little familiars take the sacred offerings and cross . the sunlight , and the rain , and the strom... and then , seek out for the sage ( yukari yakumo [ touhou ] )
  10. kururu

    [Share] Kata2 Character Anime Yang Kalian Suka

    yes the first kiss in my love , nimura - ga-rei just trust me , im use to it.. , (tsucimiya kagura)
  11. kururu

    Permintaan Pencabutan Awards Inotwhowho

    ?? gak kalii
  12. kururu

    Permintaan Pencabutan Awards Inotwhowho

    udah laah.... coba aja dulu jalanin hidup
  13. kururu

    Permintaan Pencabutan Awards Inotwhowho

    huf.. yang sabar lah not.. jangan mudah menyerah.. pelan2.. lw pasti bisa.. nothing imposible in this world.!! gak ada yang gak bisa not!!
  14. kururu

    [Lounge]Anime And Manga

    iy yang the movienya ep 14 , 15 ,16
  15. kururu

    Bahas Hero DotA disini aja !! No OOT ^o^

    pake bm.. buat damage return.. tapi gak ngaruh2 amat.. nc sekali kabur gak perlu pulang --a
  16. kururu

    [Lounge]Anime And Manga

    ayam..!!! request uploadin pokemon giratina the sky warrior sama arceus the jewel of life ke indowebster dong plss T_T i need your help.. udah lama ... ternyata udah keluar 2 epsiode aj --a
  17. kururu

    [ Req And Share ] Anime , Manga , Dan Vn

    bukan k-on tapi ane doki T_T ayam..!!! request uploadin pokemon giratina the sky warrior sama arceus the jewel of life ke indowebster dong plss T_T i need your help.. udah lama ... ternyata udah keluar 2 epsiode aj --a baca manga pokemon dimana ya? sama digimon ?
  18. kururu

    [ Req And Share ] Anime , Manga , Dan Vn

    iy ceritanya gantung banget lagi mudah2an ad season2 nya
  19. kururu

    Kalian Para Nyit2ter Cewek Cowok ?

    salam kenal.. saya pas keluar dulu cewek.. tapi gara2 mak gw gk mau cewek jadinya dimasukin lagi.. eh keluar lagi jadi cowok --a ,
  20. kururu

    K-On / Keion..

    oh iya y manganya gk pernah baca lanjutanya gw ..