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[Android] LINE Rangers 1.0.4 Mod APK

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Level 1

- XLine Bypasser 1.0.3 dan xline.txt
- Xposed Installer
- LR 1.1.0 mod
- LR 1.1.0 ori
- Root Explorer 3.1.1


3 SD
Level 2
koneksi ke LINE rangers kok error mulu ya...
- iPat : lancar jaya, pake XL
- di tablet Andro : pake modem (bisa colok modem ke andro) ga bisa, thetering sama iPat jg gabisa... [pake mod]
- iPon : bisa klo thetering sama Andro. si Andro sebarin sinyal modem.
masalahnya tinggal sama si Andro... tadinya download resource 1/25 trus failed.. udh coba delete internal resource, skrg 1/1854 trus failed
ada solusi?
mestinya sblm uninstall backup dl data lr nya.
ada di sdcard/Android/data/com.linecorp.LGRGS

copy ato rename aja, tambahin 1 hruf di blakng, trus uninstall.
install mod apk, buka, stlah sukses login, force close aja pas mau download data, paste hasil backup an td, ato rename kembali, jd nda perlu donwload file bejibun lg.


Level 0
bang xline.txt nya ada tambahan lagi kah?
kalo ada bagi dong
tadi ada yang share kode nya tapi ana ga bisa tambahin gmn cara tambahin nya ya??



Level 0
Copy the lgprs works on 1.1.1? tryed to copy and a error message close the program.

Works fine on 1.1.0:

- Unninstall v1.1.1
- install original v1.1.0
- save with Titanium BK
- unninstall v1.1.0
- install mooded v1.1.0
- restore "files only" on Titanium BK.


Level 0
mungkin LINE nya dah bawaan HH itu, jd di anggap aplikasi sistem, coba cek di pengaturan - app - LINE - ada tombol uninstall/copot/bongkar ( gila bahasa indo, di mana2 emang gak cocok gantiin istilah2 pc/hh/it), kalo nda ada berarti emang gak bisa, kecuali di root, trus pake Titanium Backup utk uninstall.

coba cek di lib 106, coba cari text "resetCoolTime" di tab export, liat vidio 110 yg sy posting di awal2 gak? gak ada bar di situ kan?

tengkyu saran nya mastah hrd sekarang pas ane root dah bsa uninstall pke tb :grin: sekali lagi thanks mastah @hrd :sip:


Belum Sekolah
Level 0
no, xline v1.0.3 designed to be portable (using "xline.txt"), that we can add new bypasses, without me recompiling it. edit: LOL, i guess you can use 1.0.2, since on this version we already using xline.txt btw, yg gak bisa donlot xline, silahkan minta link nya sama member yg lain (anggap aja sy gak tau... kwwowkowkokooo) ato kalo mau aman, silahkan upgrade ke level 1, dgn begitu, bisa liat link, donlot attachment, dsb dsb
Waaa parah nih wkwkwk masalahnya gak ada yg mau bagi om....
ayo2 xline 1.0.3 miror... :D


Level 0
Alhamdulillah bro, akhirnya WORKED PERFECTLY..
makasih agan agan mastah semua.. makasih banyak :grin: :bow: :happy:


Level 0
Copy the lgprs works on 1.1.1? tryed to copy and a error message close the program.

Works fine on 1.1.0:

- Unninstall v1.1.1
- install original v1.1.0
- save with Titanium BK
- unninstall v1.1.0
- install mooded v1.1.0
- restore "files only" on Titanium BK.
file only? data only?
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