hmmm which line ranger i need? i have use line 3.8.8 and the last Line Ranger from the Shopfirst u must to have a rooted android device,
download this file,
rename it to ""
use your Root Explorer, paste the in data/data/com.linecorp.LGRGS/lib
tested by me :![]()
Oh iye, yang udah pass stage 60 bisa diambil hadiahnya sekarang :grin:
ane saranin rubyny buat ngegacha deh,
ranger baru kuat'' lho gan
300 ruby ngelayang cm dapet dumpy 1 biji ane -.-buka gacha 300 ruby cuman dapat 1 ranger baru bintang 4 pula huufftt
sudah ikut tutorial diatas download lalu renam jadi lalu masukin lewat root explorerfirst u must to have a rooted android device,
download this file,
rename it to ""
use your Root Explorer, paste the in data/data/com.linecorp.LGRGS/lib
tested by me :![]()
Oh iye, yang udah pass stage 60 bisa diambil hadiahnya sekarang :grin:
ane saranin rubyny buat ngegacha deh,
ranger baru kuat'' lho gan
this is you needhmmm which line ranger i need? i have use line 3.8.8 and the last Line Ranger from the Shop
I have Root and Copy the file to the directory when i now start the game i get an Message.
wwkwkwkwk, gw abis buka 500 ruby... cm dapet cony pake lipstik sama yg disemak2 wkakaka...ada cheat ruby ga ya, emosi gw ga dapet "susu". imba bngt ini ranger sumpah...
izin nyoba sedot ganline rangers mod apk 1.1.2 https://onedrive.liv...thint=file,.apk
izin nyoba sedot ganline rangers mod apk 1.1.2 https://onedrive.liv...thint=file,.apk
xlinebypassernya gmn? sudah beres?sudah ikut tutorial diatas download lalu renam jadi lalu masukin lewat root explorer
masih tidak jalan cheatnya
Bluestack ane udah di root gan
apa ada step yang ane lewatin gan?
Thank you !!!!!! Works !!line rangers mod apk 1.1.2 https://onedrive.liv...thint=file,.apk
WORKKKKKline rangers mod apk 1.1.2 https://onedrive.liv...thint=file,.apk
Thank you !!!!!! Works !!
kenapa authentication failed ?line rangers mod apk 1.1.2 https://onedrive.liv...thint=file,.apk
gw ga perlu pake trik itu, pas pertama buka langsung dapet 3 character baru yang bintang 5 :mantap:gan nih ada trick biar dapet ranger yg bagus dari gatcha
silahkan dicoba. semoga bermanfaat
yah, telat gan, udah kepake semua, rubynya hiks, tadi mayan sih dapetnyagan nih ada trick biar dapet ranger yg bagus dari gatcha
silahkan dicoba. semoga bermanfaat
kenapa authentication failed ?
ane sama masalahnya nikenapa authentication failed ?
ane juga gni gan, udah ngikutin semua instruksi udah di delete juga line messengernya, udah install bypasser dan 1.0.3nya.this is you need
xline bypasser 1.0.3 include xline.txt
line ranges 1.1.2 ( )
and delete your line messenger
wwkwkwkwk, gw abis buka 500 ruby... cm dapet cony pake lipstik sama yg disemak2 wkakaka...
itu emang imba bgt ranger barunya...
udah download terus timpa libnya masi gak jalan iniline rangers mod apk 1.1.2 https://onedrive.liv...thint=file,.apk