Welcome to the Nyit-Nyit.Net - N3 forum! This is a forum where offline-online gamers, programmers and reverser community can share, learn, communicate and interact, offer services, sell and buy game mods, hacks, cracks and cheats related, including for iOS and Android.
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oalah tu ad orangnya di atas wkwkwkw, HE, HD, dan HA wkwkwkw 3 bersodara holy smua..
lha kan ad lagu indo jg kynya ? u mskin aj lagu k bgm pilihan lu, lagu WALI - Cari jodoh, Jodi kwakwkw :hilarious:
baru kpikiran nih
kalo TH kan waktu bs dipercepet
knp ga diperlama ?
kalo CB musuh kan uda slese
kita masih gerak ampe CP +60
yeee mana bisa kalo musuh gk pake data yg sama.... <_<
BP c9 susah juga.... gw aja make cit masih kalah.... mesti minimal 3 kek biasa keknya :hilarious: