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Level 1
nick : sijichan
lvl: 11 (susah naek lvl) :smiley_beer:

FS: abi_kuro [bla bla bla] .id

lagu keren sih "stay in me"
mode Fav D4 deh :smiley_beer: (D8 takut kriting jarinya)


Belum Sekolah
Level 1
Halow All,pada sTuJu gk thRead ini dibuat,ya buat nambah tmn / knalan di ayodance,bahkan mungKiN,biSa jd coupLe giTu :D
hiks,ya diSini,taRo :
-e-MaiL FS
-weB fs
-Nick Ayodance
-Lv Brp
-Paling Suka Maen Mode apa di Ayodance,hiKs
-Kemampuan mu,kali2 aj ad yg dewa and ad yg nantang jg :D :D :D ,kan seru menciptakan saingan baru okeh

Start by me

naMa : anGGa rIo
FS : schooLgotoheLL[no junk email]
web Fs : www.friendster.com/getampedr

Ow iya,i forgot 1 more

Lagu Favorit mu di Ayodance :

kaLo gw ada 3

cooL aLready boy
cHineSe LaDy
M.Street One For Me

ya tapi kLo the best
ya One For me donggg :smiley_beer: :rolleyes: <_<

Tapi,biasa nya klo gw maen dyna 8,paling2 make
Sweet Dream Jang Na Ra
Baby Vox Wish
So Eun Lee - Loving You....

Okey,aLL,ditunggu sLanjutnya

Update 1 More

Kemampuan Change

Kalo gw maen competition,pake change,paling tinggi gw cuman 110 Bpm - Lexy - Let Me Dance
110 Bpm change jg lv 8 masih suka miss,lv 9 grak 2x doang paling


di post atas

yg lagu favorit

maksud gw bukan cool already boy tapi Cool Already Now :D :D :D ,mangap2,lupa judul
nicK Ayodance : styLebReaker
Lv : 8
I Lov lov lov dynamic 8 :D
Kemampuan Dance - 145Bpm lv 8 udah gk gerak :D :D

Okeh All,So Ditunggu Para Dancers :D :D

Lets Make A Great Dancer Community
oia...add FS aq dunk
nie : uchiha_derwin@assassin.com

makaci yah :D


Level 1
kotak surat pembunuh bayaran kali ya? ^_^
oi ada yg mau main ama gw gk tar sabtuuuuu, gw msh lvl 13.................
cheers to AyoDancers
:smiley_beer: :lol:


Level 1
ikud Donk

Nick : DeiYZz (Mo Ganti jadi -SiButetYogyA-) :hilarious:

LVL : 11

Max D4 : lovely 350k ( Seret G bisa Tembus Angka 500k TT)

Max D8 Techno Romance 300k++

FS : violent_assasin [ No Junk Email With yahoo.co.uk ]


Level 1
teken spasi sblom lu kira beat...ngerti?
misal lu kira beat tengah, pencet spasi sblom tengah,(agak maju mendahului) :(
tu wat lethal industry...(pertama2 wa jg bingung)
hands up gw perfect ampe x7...
gk pernah combo sebesar itu... :p :26:


Level 1
nick gw Azyro0

skrg lv 12 [msh AdvanceDancer alias Cupuw]

selalu berpindah-pindah aka nomaden[tergantung suasana hati]