gampangnya sih ini tuh buff, jadi klo loe mati loe bakal idup lebih cepet trus goldnya ga ngurang ^^'Shallow Grave
The next time target allied hero dies, he will revive in 40% of the regular time and will not lose gold. Revives with full mana. The enemy still gets gold and experience. Dying unit will deal physical damage to its killer if it was a hero. The buff lasts 360 seconds on the target.
Level 1 - Returns 150 damage.
Level 2 - Returns 300 damage.
Level 3 - Returns 450 damage.
Cooldown: 200/175/150 seconds.
Level 1: 100 mana, 200 sec cooldown.
Level 2: 200 mana, 175 sec cooldown.
Level 3: 300 mana, 150 sec cooldown.
sebenernya bukan heal tp nambah regen...1. inner vitality : singkatnya bwat ngeheal diri sendiri atwpun hero temen
12 dps, stack ampe 5 kali jadi 60 dps...2. burning spear : singkatnya serangan jadi tambah sakit n mirip poison atack gitu deh (lupa brp per detik)
tiap 7% HP lost dapet tambahan +8 damage ama 8% IAS, stack ampe 7 kali jadi + 56 damage ama +56% IAS...3. besreker blood : singkatnya lagi, setiap 7% hp lost (klo ga salah) bakal ngasih lo damage lebih (lupa lgi brp ya??)
yg ini udah bener...4. life break : ngeslow musuh 50% selama 5 dtk, trus ngurangin hpnya sebanyak 40% tapi
-lvl1: lo harus merelakan 40% darah lo
-lvl2: lo harus merelakan 33% darah lo
-lvl3: lo harus merelakan 25% darah lo