Iseng2 nyari cheat clash of clans ehh ketemu cheat castile clash oke langsung aja sory klo bhasanya inggris
Name of Game: Castle Clash
Version: 1.2.52
Root Needed?: YES(Sbgamehacker)
Name of cheat:
- Heroes Unlimited Energy
-change heroes skills
Manual Step:
Paladin: 19726337
mage spirit: 20381701
Ninja: 19726343
Succubus: 20054035
-Knight: 20250649
-Druid: 19857443
-god of thunder: 19988523
-pumpkin-Prince: 20381741
-Minotaur: 19988543
-Reaper: 20381745
-Atlantikor: 19988533
-Snowman: 20381750
-Cupid: 19791927
-Pharaoh: 19988540
-Dragon: 19988544
These are codes for all heroes skills.
Firstly, you'll need Sbgamehacker 2.6.3 Cuz newest version doesnt allow you to list.
Follow these procedures
Step 1/ Find your hero skill value (eg: druid = 19857443) you will always get 9 results for each hero
Step 2/ On each found result, open "Nearby Memmory List" => find the line with the value 1074737971 (scroll up) => Tap and choose "Add to list". The new address should be added to result list
Step 3/ change the value of the added address to "1999999999" => click on hero base to check if its the right address. If not, repeat step 2 with another address. If the hero score changed to "2147483647" it the right address for that hero
Step 4/ choose save address or just note the address on paper
Step 5/ Reset SB hack, search 1074737971 find the noted address from the result list and note which line is it (eg: my druid's hero address is on 53rd line)
and note down the position of that hero's address. DONE
p/s: this progress is the most time consuming but once you found all address, the address positions in result list of 1074737971 will never change. Meaning, even name of the address is different, the position of the address of 1074737971 will not change.
-----Skills hack-----
1/ Tap hold the hero address
2/ Nearby Memory List
3/ Scroll down until you find your hero skill code and change the value of the skill you want
-----Unlimited energy-----
1/ Tap hold the hero address
2/ Nearby Memory List
3/ Scroll down until you find something like 4010xxxx or 6XXXXXXX just change it to 40108288
Credits to: imyself179, Hacker_Trio, Egypt2010
Download Link:
Sbgamehacker 2.6.3
Use it before its patched.
Name of Game: Castle Clash
Version: 1.2.52
Root Needed?: YES(Sbgamehacker)
Name of cheat:
- Heroes Unlimited Energy
-change heroes skills
Manual Step:
Paladin: 19726337
mage spirit: 20381701
Ninja: 19726343
Succubus: 20054035
-Knight: 20250649
-Druid: 19857443
-god of thunder: 19988523
-pumpkin-Prince: 20381741
-Minotaur: 19988543
-Reaper: 20381745
-Atlantikor: 19988533
-Snowman: 20381750
-Cupid: 19791927
-Pharaoh: 19988540
-Dragon: 19988544
These are codes for all heroes skills.
Firstly, you'll need Sbgamehacker 2.6.3 Cuz newest version doesnt allow you to list.
Follow these procedures
Step 1/ Find your hero skill value (eg: druid = 19857443) you will always get 9 results for each hero
Step 2/ On each found result, open "Nearby Memmory List" => find the line with the value 1074737971 (scroll up) => Tap and choose "Add to list". The new address should be added to result list
Step 3/ change the value of the added address to "1999999999" => click on hero base to check if its the right address. If not, repeat step 2 with another address. If the hero score changed to "2147483647" it the right address for that hero
Step 4/ choose save address or just note the address on paper
Step 5/ Reset SB hack, search 1074737971 find the noted address from the result list and note which line is it (eg: my druid's hero address is on 53rd line)
and note down the position of that hero's address. DONE
p/s: this progress is the most time consuming but once you found all address, the address positions in result list of 1074737971 will never change. Meaning, even name of the address is different, the position of the address of 1074737971 will not change.
-----Skills hack-----
1/ Tap hold the hero address
2/ Nearby Memory List
3/ Scroll down until you find your hero skill code and change the value of the skill you want
-----Unlimited energy-----
1/ Tap hold the hero address
2/ Nearby Memory List
3/ Scroll down until you find something like 4010xxxx or 6XXXXXXX just change it to 40108288
Credits to: imyself179, Hacker_Trio, Egypt2010
Download Link:
Sbgamehacker 2.6.3
Use it before its patched.