tetep gan keluarnya musiknya yg ori, pdahal udh diganti.cuman mau kasih usul gan, coba di rename jadi GameWaitting.wav kali aja bisa hehe
mungkin hp ane yg aneh hahah
tetep gan keluarnya musiknya yg ori, pdahal udh diganti.cuman mau kasih usul gan, coba di rename jadi GameWaitting.wav kali aja bisa hehe
udh dapet nih, cobain dong.... ntar share klo ad yg brhasil
ok fist time you use SBhackers 2.5.1 to do this
and open the game also
now you in-put this code
1. Monney if you have money 10000 in game you in-put 10000 to sbgamehacker and wait to see code if you see code F8B0 or ED13 in you edit only this row to 999999 or 900000 only 1 row and reset it go to shop in game see the money if money is 999999 or 900000 you back to main manu and open sb game agin so in-put 999999 or 900000 to see code CF1 or BF3 Only Edit it to 1 (One)
the money is 999999 or 900000
This is my give to pls keep secret.
HBD Sir Nice to see You. Thx For Follolw
i want to try right now
thx sir
do you play clash of clan sir?
yes sir
can you hack the gems?
last time i can do that.
but now i no have time T-T
what version of sbgamehacker to hack line gets rich
oh my god, you are verry awasome
use 2.5.1 or sbbypass sir
i really need gems....so hard to find get it, i just play that game in almost 2 years, but no gems ;'(
can you tell me if you have time?? if not its okay
thx for everyting sir
thx sir
thx for follow
okay sir, thx for tutorial too
semangaaaat gaaan,,Sabar gan, ane lg coba otak atik
Gan ane udah otak atik, coba2 teruss. gak ada address F8Bo. Misalkan emang ada, gold kita mesti 10000 pas. nah masalahnya cara ngepasinnya itu gimana ? kayanya 1 : 10000 kalo mau ngepas banget 10000 gitu.wait to see code if you see code F8B0 or ED13... Gan maksud nya ini liat codenya dimana??? Ane gatau gan...
ane ud cb gan, ga bs mod nya mental keluar dr game, mst minta jurus baru lg nihudh dapet nih, cobain dong.... ntar share klo ad yg brhasil
ok fist time you use SBhackers 2.5.1 to do this
and open the game also
now you in-put this code
1. Monney if you have money 10000 in game you in-put 10000 to sbgamehacker and wait to see code if you see code F8B0 or ED13 in you edit only this row to 999999 or 900000 only 1 row and reset it go to shop in game see the money if money is 999999 or 900000 you back to main manu and open sb game agin so in-put 999999 or 900000 to see code CF1 or BF3 Only Edit it to 1 (One)
the money is 999999 or 900000
This is my give to pls keep secret.
HBD Sir Nice to see You. Thx For Follolw
i want to try right now
thx sir
do you play clash of clan sir?
yes sir
can you hack the gems?
last time i can do that.
but now i no have time T-T
what version of sbgamehacker to hack line gets rich
oh my god, you are verry awasome
use 2.5.1 or sbbypass sir
i really need gems....so hard to find get it, i just play that game in almost 2 years, but no gems ;'(
can you tell me if you have time?? if not its okay
thx for everyting sir
thx sir
thx for follow
okay sir, thx for tutorial too
PM skrng jdi converstion ya namanya?? Cek pm gan....bagi2 dimari yaGan ane udah otak atik, coba2 teruss. gak ada address F8Bo. Misalkan emang ada, gold kita mesti 10000 pas. nah masalahnya cara ngepasinnya itu gimana ? kayanya 1 : 10000 kalo mau ngepas banget 10000 gitu.
Saran ane, agan coba lagi tanya ke dia detail nya gimana.. atau agan kasih deh facebook palsu agan yg dipake untuk chat ama dia ke ane, mungkin ane bisa cuci otak dia biar ngasih tau lebih detail wkwkwk. Untung2 kalo dia ngasih tau value2 hackable lainnya.
Ane bakal control terus ya gan thread ini, kalo ane nemu. ane share gan pasti
masih gagal gan, udah ane otak atikudh dapet nih, cobain dong.... ntar share klo ad yg brhasil
ok fist time you use SBhackers 2.5.1 to do this
and open the game also
now you in-put this code
1. Monney if you have money 10000 in game you in-put 10000 to sbgamehacker and wait to see code if you see code F8B0 or ED13 in you edit only this row to 999999 or 900000 only 1 row and reset it go to shop in game see the money if money is 999999 or 900000 you back to main manu and open sb game agin so in-put 999999 or 900000 to see code CF1 or BF3 Only Edit it to 1 (One)
the money is 999999 or 900000
This is my give to pls keep secret.
HBD Sir Nice to see You. Thx For Follolw
i want to try right now
thx sir
do you play clash of clan sir?
yes sir
can you hack the gems?
last time i can do that.
but now i no have time T-T
what version of sbgamehacker to hack line gets rich
oh my god, you are verry awasome
use 2.5.1 or sbbypass sir
i really need gems....so hard to find get it, i just play that game in almost 2 years, but no gems ;'(
can you tell me if you have time?? if not its okay
thx for everyting sir
thx sir
thx for follow
okay sir, thx for tutorial too
salam kenal semuanya..Ohya masalah hack score, itu bisa untuk gb diamond gw rasa. soalnya gw coba ga main dan nunggu org2 main sampe ranking gw paling bawah alias travelling. terus gw coba2, ubah score gw jadi lebih tinggi dikit dan gw urut sama yg paling bawah. misalnya rank 10 scorenya 300, gw jadiin score gw 301 & post to timeline alhasil +1 diamond. rank 9 3010, gw ubah score gw jd 3020 & post to timeline. +1 lg, seterusnya sampe lo rank 1. 10rank = 10 diamond[DOUBLEPOST=1407434693][/DOUBLEPOST]Rank emg ga permanent, tapi server taunya kita udh ngalahin score org diatas kita. jadi bisa gb diamond gratisss
boleh di share caranya dan toolsnya?salam kenal semuanya..
ini work caranya. thanks! walau kurang praktis nambah diamondnya sedikit2, tapi drpd gak sama sekali. intinya setiap sebelum main edit ranking point kita dulu, jadi setiap kali kita menang satu game dapet 1 diamond dari share to friends.
kalau rank udah tinggi juga bisa. pokoknya rank kita diubah dulu jadi sedikit kurang dari rank dibawah kita. maen game, kalau menang langsung bisa share ke temen dan dapet 1 diamond.
kelemahannya cuma jadi ketahuan sama temen pake cheat karena kita terus2an share ranking.
ditunggu cheat lainnya. keep them coming!
mohon tutornya dong gan, step2nya gimanasalam kenal semuanya..
ini work caranya. thanks! walau kurang praktis nambah diamondnya sedikit2, tapi drpd gak sama sekali. intinya setiap sebelum main edit ranking point kita dulu, jadi setiap kali kita menang satu game dapet 1 diamond dari share to friends.
kalau rank udah tinggi juga bisa. pokoknya rank kita diubah dulu jadi sedikit kurang dari rank dibawah kita. maen game, kalau menang langsung bisa share ke temen dan dapet 1 diamond.
kelemahannya cuma jadi ketahuan sama temen pake cheat karena kita terus2an share ranking.
ditunggu cheat lainnya. keep them coming!