Gan saran ente udah ane coba smua ...Itu berarti Ke ceklis Keep Me Login
Trus klo stuck mungkin Flashpayernya dah lama, download yg terbaru...!!! :content:
saran ane sie cari koneksi internet yang bagus aja...Gan saran ente udah ane coba smua ...
sampe pake CC cLeaner jg udah ...
Tp ini masi stuck d 92% ...
aneh ini ,,, ada solusi lain ga ??? :sob:
Goods= 10620
GoodsMax= 17720
energy= 60
coins= 344736754
cash= 64
xp= 39640
level= 60
id= 123456789
gan mau tanya dongAlternatif Ngedapetin Energi
1. Donlot file nya disini
ato disini jg bisa
2. Ekstrak
isi nya file : 100001488170836.sqlite
3. Ganti angka 100001488170836 dengan id fesbuk agan..
Cara liat id fesbuk agan :
- Buka bot trus jlankan..tunggu sampe proses awal bot slsi..
- Agan perhatikan hasil proses nya pas diawal ada tampilan spti ini :
nah..123456789 -->> itu id agan..Code:Goods= 10620 GoodsMax= 17720 energyMax=30 energy= 60 x_flash_version=10,1,85,3 host= flashRevision=25342 coins= 344736754 cash= 64 xp= 39640 level= 60 worldName=Evil13 id= 123456789
selanjutnya angka 100001488170836 agan gnti dg 123456789
inget ya gan..yg agan ganti cm 100001488170836 ( .sqlite jgn dignti krn itu ektensi file nya)
jdi hasil akhir nya ntar 123456789.sqlite
4. File 123456789.sqlite copy n paste ke dlem subfolder Profiles yg ada di dlem Folder Cityvillebot
ingat!! : selama proses copy-paste..proses bot nya dimtikan dlu..jgn dijlan kan..ato di close ajah.. ^_^Code:C:/PROGRAM FILE/CITYVILLEBOT/PROFILES
5. Buka n jlankan kembali bot agan..
6. Happy Farming energy.. :wink:
ane udh tes..n working gan...
kalo bermanfaat bolelah ngasi ++ gan.. :tense:
ok gan gw test... cendol dah melayang buat agan... thanks gan sharenya...Alternatif Ngedapetin Energi
1. Donlot file nya disini
ato disini jg bisa
2. Ekstrak
isi nya file : 100001488170836.sqlite
3. Ganti angka 100001488170836 dengan id fesbuk agan..
Cara liat id fesbuk agan :
- Buka bot trus jlankan..tunggu sampe proses awal bot slsi..
- Agan perhatikan hasil proses nya pas diawal ada tampilan spti ini :
nah..123456789 -->> itu id agan..Code:Goods= 10620 GoodsMax= 17720 energyMax=30 energy= 60 x_flash_version=10,1,85,3 host= flashRevision=25342 coins= 344736754 cash= 64 xp= 39640 level= 60 worldName=Evil13 id= 123456789
selanjutnya angka 100001488170836 agan gnti dg 123456789
inget ya gan..yg agan ganti cm 100001488170836 ( .sqlite jgn dignti krn itu ektensi file nya)
jdi hasil akhir nya ntar 123456789.sqlite
4. File 123456789.sqlite copy n paste ke dlem subfolder Profiles yg ada di dlem Folder Cityvillebot
ingat!! : selama proses copy-paste..proses bot nya dimtikan dlu..jgn dijlan kan..ato di close ajah.. ^_^Code:C:/PROGRAM FILE/CITYVILLEBOT/PROFILES
5. Buka n jlankan kembali bot agan..
6. Happy Farming energy.. :wink:
ane udh tes..n working gan...
kalo bermanfaat bolelah ngasi ++ gan.. :tense:
bukan nama fb ato nama kota..apalgi emailgan mau tanya dong
maksudnya nama fb kita apa nama kotanya atau email kita nie...??
ooo...bukan nama fb ato nama kota..apalgi email
tapi id fesbuk gan...
ituh diatas udh ane kasi tau cara liat id fesbuk gan.. :err:
makasi gan..smoga working... :wink:
gw juga mengalami haL yang sama gan kek uGan saran ente udah ane coba smua ...
sampe pake CC cLeaner jg udah ...
Tp ini masi stuck d 92% ...
aneh ini ,,, ada solusi lain ga ??? :sob:
hmm...itu stuck nya pas game nya mo dimaen kan normal (tanpa bot/maen dr browser) ato loading game di bot nya gan??gw juga mengalami haL yang sama gan kek u
udah gw coba smw cara yang di kasih tw agan shunz. . tp ttp aja loading stuck di 92%
any solusi lain gag yah . . . :thank_you:
Zynga Customer Support
* Update your browser.
* There are several documented issues surrounding Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) and Flash Content. If you are using IE8 we suggest that you try a new browser such as Safari 4, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome.
* Clear your cache. Click here for instructions.
* Verify that JavaScript is enabled. Click here for instructions.
* Close your other internet applications, especially any file-sharing applications or concurrent streaming video.
* Plug in rather than use wireless.
* Disable pop-up or ad-blocking software. Software of this nature actively monitors JavaScript and has been found to have a negative performance impact on our games, as they rely heavily upon JavaScript.
TIP: Rather than fully disabling the software you may make an exception for the social networking platform on which you play our games. Please refer to your software's documentation or 'help' file for instructions.
Here are some more specific suggestions:
* Click here to download the latest flash player if you do not currently have it.
Reboot your system.
* Adjust your Flash settings to give Flash permission to store information on your computer. Instructions on how to accomplish this can be found here.
* Uninstall and re-install Java. Click here for instructions.
If you have tried all the steps above and are still unable to load the game please try uninstalling and reinstalling your flash player. In order to uninstall your flash player please follow the instrucitons on this page:
then reinstall it from this page:
The last step you can try is removing the game in application settings and then adding it again. In order to add the game again after removing it please click on the following link:
If you have tried all these steps and you still can't load the game please post about your issue in the appropriate thread in the bug reporting forum, if you cannot find an appropriate thread for your issue please start a new one in The Help Desk.
Happy Building,
ane td dh berhasil farming energi mkek cara agan evil, brusan ane coba knp dh gak isa ya??
apa zynga dh update lg??
mhon pencerahan gan...
ya ternyata hrus nutup botnya dlu..bru bsa farming energi lg...mkn td cz tdk q tutup Bot cv nyaKaga gan.,, msi lancar kok nie
coba perhatikan step2nya.. + bot yang baru
kalo untuk bot 1.3 / 1.4
bisa di tempa pake plugin yg lama gak gan???
soal nya cuma dapet 1 enrgy doang beda dengan yg semalem saya masih bisa dapet 3
ada solusi nya gan?
ane td dh berhasil farming energi mkek cara agan evil, brusan ane coba knp dh gak isa ya??
apa zynga dh update lg??
mhon pencerahan gan...
tq bor cendol send..Alternatif Ngedapetin Energi
1. Donlot file nya disini
ato disini jg bisa
2. Ekstrak
isi nya file : 100001488170836.sqlite
3. Ganti angka 100001488170836 dengan id fesbuk agan..
Cara liat id fesbuk agan :
- Buka bot trus jlankan..tunggu sampe proses awal bot slsi..
- Agan perhatikan hasil proses nya pas diawal ada tampilan spti ini :
nah..123456789 -->> itu id agan..Code:Goods= 10620 GoodsMax= 17720 energyMax=30 energy= 60 x_flash_version=10,1,85,3 host= flashRevision=25342 coins= 344736754 cash= 64 xp= 39640 level= 60 worldName=Evil13 id= 123456789
selanjutnya angka 100001488170836 agan gnti dg 123456789
inget ya gan..yg agan ganti cm 100001488170836 ( .sqlite jgn dignti krn itu ektensi file nya)
jdi hasil akhir nya ntar 123456789.sqlite
4. File 123456789.sqlite copy n paste ke dlem subfolder Profiles yg ada di dlem Folder Cityvillebot
ingat!! : selama proses copy-paste..proses bot nya dimtikan dlu..jgn dijlan kan..ato di close ajah.. ^_^Code:C:/PROGRAM FILE/CITYVILLEBOT/PROFILES
5. Buka n jlankan kembali bot agan..
6. Happy Farming energy.. :wink:
ane udh tes..n working gan...
kalo bermanfaat bolelah ngasi ++ gan.. :tense:
Gan kalau cheat gold itu ada gk ya ?
saya cari pake CE gk dapet2..
Gan kalau cheat gold itu ada gk ya ?
saya cari pake CE gk dapet2..