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[Closed] digital generation dapat duit hanya run software

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Level 1
barang kali...
soalny di katakan scam sangat di sesalkan ya...
liat aj website nya
sudah pake ssl, di tambah protect account, website ny cepat nah sepertiny pake vps berkelas
TG ny juga baru update dan di sempurnakan

jadi untuk scam kayanya tidak sih
lagian pembayaran nya down bukan karna admin nya tdk bayar, melainkan akun PP mereka dispute
itu pun bukan dari mereka tapi dari member yg jail saja klaim disputenya
dan sukurny admin ny cepat bertindak, seandai nya saja admin nya tetap membayar kita otomatis semua yg pake payza akan terkena dispute berantai.
nah kemungkinan egopay pun bakalan bermasalah karna egopay kan bisa deposit dari payza.

jadi klo pun mereka scam setidak ny modal mereka harus balik dulu, posisi sekarang kan modal mereka belom balik
artinya mereka tdk scam, klo pun tdk bayar di katakan mereka bangkrut


Level 1
akhirnya kita dapat pencerahan, ternyata benar anggapan saya selama ini klo CG sulit di bilang akan scam
klo pun scam website tdk mungkin bertahan lama.
di masa2 CG down dikatain scam ini itu masih sempat2ny admin ny update website nya...
ini sekilas info saya liat dari website nya

Good news ahead!

Dear DG users,

We have some good news ahead which we'll update you about within the next couple of days.
First of all we're happy to announce that Payza contacted us today, we've started our negotiations and look towards resolving the status with all payments shortly.
Most likely we'll be able to work out a scenario where Payza may be still used for withdrawals, we'll notify all members when we come up to a certain point of negotiations to accomplish this.

We will resume all payments and continue stronger than ever once we settle everything down. There are some issues which may not be noticed at the first glance but we feel it's important to explain what goes on behind the scenes right now.

We experience very high daily traffic load (approx. 1 million visitors/day) to our servers and are required to upgrade our server infrastructure urgently. We are tweaking up the responsiveness to avoid delays in data communication shared in real time via ThreadManager as well as improving the stability of the web platform to avoid current glitches such as "error 503". The transfer from the old servers to the new data center is in process as of now therefore please don't worry if you experience some downtime accessing the website during the weekend.

Right now we are taking final procedures to fund our EgoPay account in order to start processing pending withdrawals that may still remain for some of the users. This issue should be rectified by Friday or the next week for sure. There are some backlogs processing payments on time due to increased volume of requests that have occurred because of members worries and concerns, we want to point out once again that all earnings will be paid in full *as always* since we respect our clients and therefore will deliver all obligations accordingly.

Concerning all of the above, we would like to apologize for any inconvenience we have caused to our highly valued members. We regret the situation with Payza has impacted our reputation and have caused some lack of confidence to arise however we would like to point out that there are things that are impossible to keep perfect at all times. Just try to keep this in mind.

We love challenges and will prove once and for all that we are trully here to show everybody the capabilities and the power we have!

Standby for the next update,

Digital Generation Team

jadi selama ini mereka bukan tdk mau byar tapi akun payza mereka di bekukan

payza di bekukan automaatis egopay juga bermasalah soalny funding egopay mereka dari payza

dan akun perfect money mereka juga bermasalah

jadi harap2 bersabar saja, admin nya saja mau update server jadi masih ad pencerahan

beda dengan site2 hyip yg lain nya, scam 2-3 hari websitenya 404 not found

admin di contact tdk balas2, klo CG masih di balas


Level 1
trial thread gw dah abis gan. trus gw req lagi tria thread, kok ga ada respon dr admin ya, dah seminggu ga di bales


Level 1
trial thread gw dah abis gan. trus gw req lagi tria thread, kok ga ada respon dr admin ya, dah seminggu ga di bales
daftar baruu...
sebelum nya clearn browser2 hostory yg pernah di buka untuk cg
un install thread managernya
clear pke cc cleaner

nah sekarang beli kartu baru
bnyak kartu2 yg 2 ribu dapat 5 ribu pulsa
malahan ada tuh kartu mentari
harga 2 ribu dapat pulsa 5 ribu dan dapat qouta 100mb

kartu yg kita pakai guna nya
yg pertama pastinya buat daftar cg menggunakan uniqe ip ny
nah setiap kartu kan ip nya beda2
yg kedua ya pastinya buat sms
nah gmana bisa membaginya, ett sekarang perdana sudah bnyak yg promosi2 paket2 murah serba seribu
manfaat kan paket2 tsb

nah udah tahukan selanjutny lakukan saja pendaftaran,verifikasi seperti biasa
klo sudah etss jangan instal dulu
lakukan ulang sprti tdi pke kartu baru lalu bla bla ulangi saja tahap atas
lakukan sampe 10 x atau sesuka hati boss
selanjutnya bahan2 nya sanboxie atau virtual pc, atau virtual box, atau oracle , masih bnyak lagi aplikasi2 software buat triknya
nah klo ada vps lebih bagus lagi , 1 vps cantolin 10 account
tutorial penginstalan dan pemakain virtual pcny serch saja di u tube
untuk install windowny silahkan cari di google dengan format iso

jika bermanfaat silahkan join dengan link saya sebagai timbal balik
selepas itu akun yg lain daftar pke link account yg menjadi ref saya
jadi anda dapat ref lvl 1 saya dapat lvl 2
dan tdk ad ruginya bagi kalian kan, itung2 amal
itu trik nya yg saya janjikan

perkiraan pendapatan 10 account $10 sehari tapi sebenarnya lebih
1 akun $1 jadi upline ny dapat 20% = 0.2 x 9 = $1.8
akun asli dapat $1+$1.8
nah klo saya cuma 10% jadi saya dapat $1+0.9
begitulah perhitungan nya
jadi saya tdk mengharapkan semua account kalian join sebagai ref saya
tapi akun induk saja yg join nah akun anak silahkan join pake link kalian
1 lagi siapkan PP ny banyak2 hhh
saya sarankan egopay atau PM aman...
klo payza 1 ip banyak akun bisa dispute berantai...


Level 1
info terbaru

We have received a list of opened disputes against DG and are seeking a way how to expedite these requests. To reduce the workload for Payza staff we have approached them with a proposal to let us perform payouts via API as before. So far Payza has one condition: they ask us to resolve the situation with members on our side first to minimize the number of opened disputes.

Above said, to speed up the process resuming payments for high risk countries members are kindly requested to void their dispute unless intentions to abandon the project still remains. We have assured Payza that all funds in our account will be used for payouts to members and seek their professionalism resolving the present status with pending payments.

As soon as we receive positive feedback from Payza all payouts will be fully instant again. We see no obvious reasons for this turnaround to take a negative scenario and will update all members within the next 24 hours.

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.

Cordially, DG Management

intinya jika CG dapat email cinta dari payza dalam waktu 1x24 jam maka pembayaran yg pending akan di bayar semua
dan semua payment akan aktive semua serta instant

ok sebentar lagi saya buat thread baru buat alternative CG yg sudah saya pantau 1 minggu
gunakan trik yg sama sprti CG
tapi ini bukan CG ya...
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Level 1
ini tu kita run aplikasi non stop yah ?
iy tapi bsa mati kok pc nya di sleep aj
program ny masih jalan tapi pc istrahat

klo ada vps lebih baik
tdk perl membuat pc panas
santai saja...hh
ingat besok kita liat infonya
admin janji har jumat infonya
mudah2an saja clear...


Level 1
penjelasan dari daftar banyak account bisa gw pahami kok gan, klo pake sandboxie aja bisa buka brp thread manager?


Level 1
iy tapi bsa mati kok pc nya di sleep aj
program ny masih jalan tapi pc istrahat

klo ada vps lebih baik
tdk perl membuat pc panas
santai saja...hh
ingat besok kita liat infonya
admin janji har jumat infonya
mudah2an saja clear...
mksudnya PC dlm keadaan stand by?


Level 1
sanboxie kalo premium bisa kalo non premium tdk bsa...
pake saja oracle virtual bos
itu buat seperti virtual komputer mirip kaya vps
tapi koneksi dan ip sama
pandai2 saja menutupi ip nya...
di buat
sleep boss
klo yg 2.2 dulu saya sleep saja
laptop tidak kuat on terus

coba deh ente liat di menu>shutdown>sleep
di situ ad tulisan sleep pencet saja


Level 1
iye trnyata sandboxie nya musti premi, tapi udah dapet kok
problem 1 , itu klo mode sleed modem colok ane gpp di lepas boss??
problem 2 , ane XP 3 gan, kok ga ada sleep ya, ada nya stand by :dizzy:


Level 1
saya modem cabut aj to nanti kan pas di colok modem lagi tiba2 koneksi di modem naik jadi 60an kbps
lalu di TG nya update blablabla tulisan nya

saya kurang tau xp3 soalny saya pke win 7 hehe


Level 1
banyak hahaha
yg baru IPu,beez
yang lama eobot,jill,ada 6 tdk salah saya cuma lupa tapi semuanya kecil dapatnya dan berat di laptop oh iy 1 nya lgiada tuh di post teman kita di bawah2

dan ada lagi yang masih coming soon dah bulan lalu katany private testing katanya...
saat ini CG yg paling gede baik personal mau pun komisi refferalnya...


Level 1
katanya IPu tgl 1 septmber ini ya launch nya, katanya lagi $2 /24 Hours lumayan tuh

btw gan, run CG menggunakan VPS gmn ya? sama kek biasa atao gmn?
coz gw ada tmn yg sewa VPS, gw cuman mw testing aja, blajar cari pengalaman


Level 1
kalo itu blom saya coba soalny 1 vps 1 TG

ayo bagi yang ingi req Thread
ada 2 admin online di chat ini
buru sblum ofline


Level 1
gan ane baru daftar,
itu multi akun gk papa gan?
gk takut kena banned?

terus klo pake sandboxie aman gk?
aman sampe multi akun brapa gan
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