Untuk Software/Game: DOTA
Harga Rp.: 20000
Contact Person:
bukti bot asli
Spoilerfor Cara pemakaian bot:
.abort abort countdown
.checkme check your own status (can be used by non admins, sends a private message visible only to the user)
.clearhcl clear the HCL command string
.close ... close slot
.closeall close all open slots
.dl alias to !download
.hcl set the HCL command string
.hold ... hold a slot for someone
.latency set game latency (20-500), leave blank to see current latency
.lock lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
.open ... open slot
.openall open all closed slots
.ping [number] ping players, optionally add [number] to kick players with ping above [number]
!refresh enable or disable refresh messages
.start [force] start game, optionally add [force] to skip checks
.swap swap slots
.synclimit set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
.unhost unhost game
.unlock unlock the game
.version display version information (can be used by non admins, sends a private message visible only to the user)
.virtualhost change the virtual host name
.votekick start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
.yes register a vote in the votekick (can be used by non admins)
.banlast [reason]
.addban [reason] add a new ban to the database for this realm
.checkban check if a user is banned on this realm
.countbans display the total number of bans for this realm
.delban remove a ban from the database for all realms
.reload reload the main configuration files
.unban alias to !delban
ListMap bisa dilihat disini
Cara Transaksi
Pembayaran menggunakan:
* Saya tidak menjual cheat dalam bentuk bulanan dan perpanjangan. Cheat hanya berlaku sampai detect, tidak bergaransi! Jika ketahuan menipu dan berbohong kepada customer dan N3, saya bersedia dieksekusi sesuai aturan N3.
Harga Rp.: 20000
Contact Person:
320A3AB4| 085732876587
Nama Bot : alliance-1 , alliance-2 , alliance-3 , alliance-4 , alliance-5 , alliance-6 dan alliance-7
Stay Channel : DAYZ
Root admin : Adminsdayz dan dayz~
Clan : DAYZ
Grup Fb : Dark Alliance
Stay Channel : DAYZ
Root admin : Adminsdayz dan dayz~
Clan : DAYZ
Grup Fb : Dark Alliance
Pin bb : 320A3AB4
Nomor hp : 085732876587
Nomor hp : 085732876587
bukti bot asli

Harga Bot Per Bulan
1 bot : 5.000 perbulan
3 bot : 10.000 perbulan
5 bot ; 15.000 perbulan
7 bot ; 20.000 perbulan
1 bot : 5.000 perbulan
3 bot : 10.000 perbulan
5 bot ; 15.000 perbulan
7 bot ; 20.000 perbulan
Rules Bot Of Admin
1. Menaati semua peraturan yang berlaku di IDGS
2. Saling menghormati sesama admin bot
3. Dilarang membuat judul room yang menyinggung suku agama dan ras ataupun menjelek - jelekkan bot, apabila admin membuat judul room tersebut maka akan menjadi tanggung jawab adminnya sendiri
4. Dilarang menyangkutkan bot (ga jadi main terlanjur create tapi ga di unhost)
5. Dilarang men-unhost room milik admin lain secara sengaja
6. Dilarang menghina bot maupun root admin
7. Root admin selalu benar
8. Apabila root admin salah, lihat peraturan di atas
9. Apabila admin melakukan pelanggaran terhadap rules IDGS maupun rules bot, maka admin akan menerima sanksi delete admin dan ban ID dari bot
Spoilerfor Cara pemakaian bot:
Command bisa dilakukan via Whisper / via Chat jika BoT berada di Channel
.map leave blank to see current loaded map
.getgame display information about a game in progress
.getgames display information about all games
.autostart auto start the game when the specified number of players have joined, use "off" to disable auto start
.hcl set the HCL command string
.hold ... hold a slot for someone
.load load a map config file (".cfg" files) / change map
.priv host private game / Create private game
.pub host public game / Create public game
.start [force] start game, optionally add [force] to skip checks
.unhost unhost game in lobby, only root admins can unhost games where the game owner is in the lobby
.getgame display information about a game in progress
.getgames display information about all games
.autostart auto start the game when the specified number of players have joined, use "off" to disable auto start
.hcl set the HCL command string
.hold ... hold a slot for someone
.load load a map config file (".cfg" files) / change map
.priv host private game / Create private game
.pub host public game / Create public game
.start [force] start game, optionally add [force] to skip checks
.unhost unhost game in lobby, only root admins can unhost games where the game owner is in the lobby
Catatan : untuk setting map harus dilakukan ketika BoT berada di Channel (tidak bisa di dalam room)
Command Cek Status BoT .
Command bisa dilakukan via Whisper / via Chat jika BoT berada di Channel
Command bisa dilakukan via Whisper / via Chat jika BoT berada di Channel
.getgames menampilkan informasi game secara keseluruhan
.getgame menampilkan informasi suatu game yang berlangsung
.getgame menampilkan informasi suatu game yang berlangsung
Command BoT dalam Lobby room
.abort abort countdown
.checkme check your own status (can be used by non admins, sends a private message visible only to the user)
.clearhcl clear the HCL command string
.close ... close slot
.closeall close all open slots
.dl alias to !download
.hcl set the HCL command string
.hold ... hold a slot for someone
.latency set game latency (20-500), leave blank to see current latency
.lock lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
.open ... open slot
.openall open all closed slots
.ping [number] ping players, optionally add [number] to kick players with ping above [number]
!refresh enable or disable refresh messages
.start [force] start game, optionally add [force] to skip checks
.swap swap slots
.synclimit set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
.unhost unhost game
.unlock unlock the game
.version display version information (can be used by non admins, sends a private message visible only to the user)
.virtualhost change the virtual host name
.votekick start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
.yes register a vote in the votekick (can be used by non admins)
Command In Game
.latency set game latency (20-500), leave blank to see current latency
.lock lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
.ping ping players
.synclimit set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
.unlock unlock the game
.votecancel cancel a votekick
.votekick start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
.yes register a vote in the votekick (can be used by non admins)
.lock lock the game so only the game owner can run commands
.ping ping players
.synclimit set sync limit for the lag screen (10-10000), leave blank to see current sync limit
.unlock unlock the game
.votecancel cancel a votekick
.votekick start a votekick (it tries to do a partial match, can be used by non admins)
.yes register a vote in the votekick (can be used by non admins)
Comand baned
.banlast [reason]
.addban [reason] add a new ban to the database for this realm
.checkban check if a user is banned on this realm
.countbans display the total number of bans for this realm
.delban remove a ban from the database for all realms
.reload reload the main configuration files
.unban alias to !delban
ListMap bisa dilihat disini
Cara Transaksi
Via pulsa ke nomor 085732876587
setelah dikirim silahkan sms ke nomor tersebut dan bilang sudah terkirim
atau apabila online bisa wisp DaYz-Ultras
Contact Person
add pin bb : 320A3AB4atau sms ke : 085732876587
Pembayaran menggunakan:
Pulsa / Bank
* Saya tidak menjual cheat dalam bentuk bulanan dan perpanjangan. Cheat hanya berlaku sampai detect, tidak bergaransi! Jika ketahuan menipu dan berbohong kepada customer dan N3, saya bersedia dieksekusi sesuai aturan N3.