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Source Code [CS-GO] External Glow Esp (C++)


Level 0
Halo agan" N3 yang masih aktif :)

kali ini ane akan sharing source code glow esp untuk game "CSGO" ::nyengirn3::

base cheat ini bersifat external, jadi agan hanya perlu run '.exe' saja, tidak perlu DLL Injector dan semacamnya, karena file jadinya tidak bersifat .dll :)

#### WARNING ####
hanya untuk pembelajaran (educational purpose only!)
jika ingin mencoba, pertama" sebelum buka game csgo, pastikan masuk dalam mode "VAC Disabled" (VAC Mati) terlebih dahulu, supaya menghindari banned dari VAC Detection! berikut ini adalah caranya!
source code ini tentu bekerja pada saat bermain di real server!
banned bukan tanggung jawab saya...

Klik kanan CSGO di Library -> Properties -> Launch Options

Kemudian enter:

(Dalam Mode ini tentunya anda tidak akan bisa join ke server manapun, kecuali bermain dengan bots!)

Berikut ini adalah Source Codenya:
#pragma once
#include <TlHelp32.h>

// declare variable
uintptr_t moduleBase;
HWND hwnd;
HANDLE hProcess;

// offsets up2date from: https://github.com/frk1/hazedumper/blob/master/csgo.hpp (hazedumper)
namespace offsets
    // client.dll
    const uintptr_t dwLocalPlayer = 0xDEB99C;
    const uintptr_t dwGlowObjectManager = 0x535BAD0;
    const uintptr_t dwEntityList = 0x4E0102C;

    // entity object
    const uintptr_t m_iGlowIndex = 0x10488;
    const uintptr_t m_iTeamNum = 0xF4;
    const uintptr_t m_iHealth = 0x100;
    const uintptr_t m_bDormant = 0xED;

// utils
uintptr_t GetModuleBaseAddress(const char* modName) {
    HANDLE hSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE | TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32, procID);
    if (hSnap != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        MODULEENTRY32 modEntry;
        modEntry.dwSize = sizeof(modEntry);
        if (Module32First(hSnap, &modEntry)) {
            do {
                if (!strcmp(modEntry.szModule, modName)) {
                    return (uintptr_t)modEntry.modBaseAddr;
            } while (Module32Next(hSnap, &modEntry));

// Simplified Write process memory
template<typename T> T RPM(SIZE_T address) {
    T buffer;
    ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPCVOID)address, &buffer, sizeof(T), NULL);
    return buffer;

// Simplified Read process memory
template<typename T> void WPM(SIZE_T address, T buffer) {
    WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, (LPVOID)address, &buffer, sizeof(buffer), NULL);

* Simple [CSGO] Glow Esp External
* Inspired by: @Cyborg Elf from YT (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FWjLMlD0Rs)
* Source Code by: Ivan Kurniawan
* Special thanks: @cazzywastaken & @pxcvbe
#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "offsets.h"

DWORD getLocalPlayer() {
    return RPM<DWORD>(moduleBase + offsets::dwLocalPlayer);

DWORD isDormant(unsigned int Entity) {
    return RPM<DWORD>(Entity + offsets::m_bDormant);

int main()
    hwnd = FindWindowA(0, "Counter-Strike: Global Offensive - Direct3D 9");
    GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, &procID);
    moduleBase = GetModuleBaseAddress("client.dll");
    hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, procID);

    // loop and set panic keys
    while (!GetAsyncKeyState(VK_END))
        uintptr_t dwGlowObjManager = RPM<uintptr_t>(moduleBase + offsets::dwGlowObjectManager);
        int localTeam = RPM<int>(getLocalPlayer() + offsets::m_iTeamNum);

        // loop through entity
        for (int i = 1; i < 64; i++)
            uintptr_t dwEntity = RPM<uintptr_t>(moduleBase + offsets::dwEntityList + i * 0x10); // // tiap entity berikutnya didalam game harus dikali 10! (contoh: tempatke1 adalah 0, tempatke2 adalah 10, tempatke2 adalah 20, dst)

            int iGlowIndex = RPM<int>(dwEntity + offsets::m_iGlowIndex);
            int enemyHealth = RPM<int>(dwEntity + offsets::m_iHealth);
            int entityTeam = RPM<int>(dwEntity + offsets::m_iTeamNum);
            isDormant(dwEntity + offsets::m_bDormant);

            // skip draw dead player & health > 100
            if (enemyHealth < 1 || enemyHealth > 100)

            // skip bDormant
            if (isDormant(dwEntity))

            if (localTeam == entityTeam) // buat warna team menjadi hijau (green)
                WPM<float>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x8, 0.f); // red
                WPM<float>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0xC, 1.f); // green
                WPM<float>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x10, 0.f); // blue
                WPM<float>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x14, 1.f); // alpha
            else // buat warna musuh menjadi merah (red)
                WPM<float>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x8, 1.f); // red
                WPM<float>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0xC, 0.f); // green
                WPM<float>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x10, 0.f); // blue
                WPM<float>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x14, 1.f); // alpha

            // buat glow menjadi 'true'
            WPM<bool>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x27, true);
            WPM<bool>(dwGlowObjManager + (iGlowIndex * 0x38) + 0x28, true);

    return 0;

Build Required:
  • C++ Language Standard: ISO C++ 14 Standard.
  • Configuration Properties -> Character Set -> Multi-Byte Character Set
  • Configuration Type: Application(.exe)
  • Release, x86
Ga Mau Susah???
File projectnya: Nih Jek

NB: offset perlu diupdate kalo geser atau lebih bagus modifikasi source codenya dengan menambahkan findpattern / sejenisnya!

Males Juga nyarinya???
Up2date CSGO Offsets: hazedumper

- Ivan K
- pxcvbe
- frk1 & ReactiioN1337 (hazedumper)
- Cyborg Elf (Original Source Code)
- cazzywastaken (CSGO Hacking Fundamental)