tadi nya gak akan di share lg,... (ada beberapa yg protes),...
tapi gara2 gak di share malah makin byk yg protes,...
arti nya memang lebih byk yg dukung imba mode yah,...
nih DL di
dota v6.60 imba mode
nambah command: () password
nerubian weaver (weaver) skill 4
Witch Doctor (Maledict) skill 3
Venomancer (venom) skill 1
kk darieL emang paragh..
ya sud wa bantu biar bnet indonesia cepet dipatch ke versi terbaru...(1.24??)
ni imba yg 6.60b..
commandnya masi sama..
creditz to Hillo
edited :
untuk commands
<div><div style="background:#B7E5CE;border:1px dotted #000;border-bottom:0;border-left:4px solid #429E6F;color:#000;font-weight:bold;font-size:10px;margin:8px auto 0 auto;padding:3px;">
Spoiler untuk XD: Perlihatkan</div><div style="color:#000;background:#FAFCFE;border:1px dotted #000;border-left:4px solid #429E6F;border-top:0;padding:4px;margin: 0 auto 8px auto;display:none;">Commands:
Cheats are activated by certain passwords. They are in the following format: "-heroname<space><space>" to activate
and "-heroname<space>" to deactivate. Includes commands for hero pinging, rune notifications and items.
Password for pinging "ping"
Password for runes "rune"
Password for BKB and Satanic "item"
Hero - Skill - Password
Obsidian Destroyer - Astral Imprisonment - int
Doom Bringer - Devour - doombringer
Ogre Magi - Multicast - ogremagi
Bloodseeker - Rupture -bloodseeker
Dark Seer - Wall of Replica -darkseer
Invoker - Alacrity - invoker
Lifestealer - Open Wounds -naix
Lord of Avernus - Borrowed Time - abaddon
Spiritbreaker - Charge of Darkness - barathrum
Prophet - Sprout - prophet
Broodmother - Spin Web - broodmother
Pudge - Flesh Heap - pudge
Juggernaut - Omnislash - yurnero
Priestess of the Moon - Moonlight Shadow - mirana
Faceless Void - Chronosphere - facelessvoid
Witch Doctor - Maledict - witchdoctor
Moon Rider - Eclipse - luna
Night Stalker - Hunter in the Night - balanar
Captain Imba - Torrent - kunkka
Sand King - Epicenter - sandking
Tiny - Avalanche - tiny</div></div>