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Level 0
Halo agan2 nyiters sekalian...ane mau ngeshare game fesbuk namanya I AM PLAYR ..gamenya seru (sepakbola) jadi mainnya kyak kita jadi
pemainnya , kita ngejalanin keseharian kita....disini system pertandingannya harus ngumpulin MATCH FITNESS dulu baru bisa maen league, ngumpulinya agan harus banyak latihan di TRAINING GROUND... game ini recommended buat agan2 semua...menurut ane ni gak kalah sama PES...oiyaa klo agan2 menemukan cheat , bug , maupun glitch share juga dimari yaa....ini energinya seret banget... !!! disini juga ada fitur shop , klo beli SEPATU harus pake coin ( coinnya susah ) agan harus nyetak GOL sebanyak-banyaknya di LEAGUE nanti perGOL agan dapat 5 coin , juga ada fitur WAGE yg dpat beli transportasi tiap 1 tanding league biasanya dapet wage 2000

untuk yang mau maen ni linknya >>> http://apps.facebook.com/iamplayr/?fb_source=bookmark_apps&ref=bookmarks&count=0&fb_bmpos=5_0

Saya udah nemu chitnya yaitu chit score pake CHEAT ENGINE...TUTORNYA NI

1. Agan latihan bagian shot... tendang bolanya ampe masuk nah nanti dpet score (misal 200)
2.pause dulu dengan cara tekan ESC , SCAN score 200 agan yang pertama dapet nah dapat banyak address
3,selanjutnya tendang lagi dan dapet score lagi kan nambah (misal 500)
4.pause, next scan 500
5.nanti akan ada 2-4 addres
6.ubah value sesuai yang agan inginkan
7.tadaaa scorenya tinggi dan agan akan dapat penghargaan !!!

buat yang lainnya klo nemu cheat coin , wage sama energy share dimari yaaa....thanks


Level 0
ini gamenya kita jadi manajer gitu ta?
kita jadi pemainnya gan seru lho....nanti kita diajarin step per step ....pertandingannya juga seru jadi tiap kita dapet kesempatan cetak gol ..nanti kita sendiri yang eksekusi GOLnya ... cuma ga enaknya energi nya seret abiss gan...yang mau oprek dipersilahkan dehh hehehehhe :)


Level 2
ini game First Person Football :) ada jalan ceritanya kita mulai dari bawah, ada sisi kehidupan pribadi juga, recomanded dah :D saya udah lama maen,
lumayan gamenya, hanya saja dianya pake unity3d, jadi agak susah nyari aob, tapi charles kayaknya bisa.


Level 0
Nih game gak enak banget gan kok mesti install unity web player segala?
cuma bentar kok gan abis install langsung masuk kok .... klo sering crash ya pake MOZILLA aja

Nih game gak enak banget gan kok mesti install unity web player segala?
cuma bentar kok gan abis install langsung masuk kok .... klo sering crash ya pake MOZILLA aja

Nih game gak enak banget gan kok mesti install unity web player segala?
cuma bentar kok gan abis install langsung masuk kok .... klo sering crash ya pake MOZILLA aja

ini game First Person Football :) ada jalan ceritanya kita mulai dari bawah, ada sisi kehidupan pribadi juga, recomanded dah :D saya udah lama maen,
lumayan gamenya, hanya saja dianya pake unity3d, jadi agak susah nyari aob, tapi charles kayaknya bisa.
gimana bang djaggo caranya :D ....OPREKIN DONK hahahaa


Level 0
ini game First Person Football :) ada jalan ceritanya kita mulai dari bawah, ada sisi kehidupan pribadi juga, recomanded dah :D saya udah lama maen,
lumayan gamenya, hanya saja dianya pake unity3d, jadi agak susah nyari aob, tapi charles kayaknya bisa.
tar ane coba pakai Charles or Fiddler :grin: semoga za ada yang bisa di hack


Level 1
Halo agan2 nyiters sekalian...ane mau ngeshare game fesbuk namanya I AM PLAYR ..gamenya seru (sepakbola) jadi mainnya kyak kita jadi
pemainnya , kita ngejalanin keseharian kita....disini system pertandingannya harus ngumpulin MATCH FITNESS dulu baru bisa maen league, ngumpulinya agan harus banyak latihan di TRAINING GROUND... game ini recommended buat agan2 semua...menurut ane ni gak kalah sama PES...oiyaa klo agan2 menemukan cheat , bug , maupun glitch share juga dimari yaa....ini energinya seret banget... !!! disini juga ada fitur shop , klo beli SEPATU harus pake coin ( coinnya susah ) agan harus nyetak GOL sebanyak-banyaknya di LEAGUE nanti perGOL agan dapat 5 coin , juga ada fitur WAGE yg dpat beli transportasi tiap 1 tanding league biasanya dapet wage 2000

untuk yang mau maen ni linknya >>> http://apps.facebook...=0&fb_bmpos=5_0

Saya udah nemu chitnya yaitu chit score pake CHEAT ENGINE...TUTORNYA NI

1. Agan latihan bagian shot... tendang bolanya ampe masuk nah nanti dpet score (misal 200)
2.pause dulu dengan cara tekan ESC , SCAN score 200 agan yang pertama dapet nah dapat banyak address
3,selanjutnya tendang lagi dan dapet score lagi kan nambah (misal 500)
4.pause, next scan 500
5.nanti akan ada 2-4 addres
6.ubah value sesuai yang agan inginkan
7.tadaaa scorenya tinggi dan agan akan dapat penghargaan !!!

buat yang lainnya klo nemu cheat coin , wage sama energy share dimari yaaa....thanks
koq pas next scan ga nemu ya gan value nya..


Level 1
Halo agan2 nyiters sekalian...ane mau ngeshare game fesbuk namanya I AM PLAYR ..gamenya seru (sepakbola) jadi mainnya kyak kita jadi
pemainnya , kita ngejalanin keseharian kita....disini system pertandingannya harus ngumpulin MATCH FITNESS dulu baru bisa maen league, ngumpulinya agan harus banyak latihan di TRAINING GROUND... game ini recommended buat agan2 semua...menurut ane ni gak kalah sama PES...oiyaa klo agan2 menemukan cheat , bug , maupun glitch share juga dimari yaa....ini energinya seret banget... !!! disini juga ada fitur shop , klo beli SEPATU harus pake coin ( coinnya susah ) agan harus nyetak GOL sebanyak-banyaknya di LEAGUE nanti perGOL agan dapat 5 coin , juga ada fitur WAGE yg dpat beli transportasi tiap 1 tanding league biasanya dapet wage 2000

untuk yang mau maen ni linknya >>> http://apps.facebook...=0&fb_bmpos=5_0

Saya udah nemu chitnya yaitu chit score pake CHEAT ENGINE...TUTORNYA NI

1. Agan latihan bagian shot... tendang bolanya ampe masuk nah nanti dpet score (misal 200)
2.pause dulu dengan cara tekan ESC , SCAN score 200 agan yang pertama dapet nah dapat banyak address
3,selanjutnya tendang lagi dan dapet score lagi kan nambah (misal 500)
4.pause, next scan 500
5.nanti akan ada 2-4 addres
6.ubah value sesuai yang agan inginkan
7.tadaaa scorenya tinggi dan agan akan dapat penghargaan !!!

buat yang lainnya klo nemu cheat coin , wage sama energy share dimari yaaa....thanks
ane udah berhasil gan hack score latihan nya, utk point 6.ubah value sesuai yang agan inginkan jgn ubah value terlalu tinggi..thx


Level 1
ane udah berhasil gan hack score latihan nya, utk point 6.ubah value sesuai yang agan inginkan jgn ubah value terlalu tinggi..thx
kenapa gan kalau terlalu tinggi? batas max nya berapa?

mau share tips trick di I Am Playr
source guidescroll.com

Facebook I AM PLAYR Guide

What to train?
Train up Power and Accuracy because you’ll need them when you go for that goal. In the beginning you can afford to ignore Curl for now as there will not be many chances to use it. Update: As I progress further into the game, Curl is still rarely used so it is really quite safe to just put all your energy into power and accuracy.

Training is hard!
The training drills later on are hard indeed. Remember to aim higher than where you are shooting to account for the ball drop and shoot when the aiming circle is past its smallest point and begins to enlarge. But don’t wait till it becomes too big.

Remember that not only must you get the ball on target, it must also meet a minimum speed requirement so you need a certain power level in order to get the point. Thus training up your power takes the utmost priority when choosing which skill to train. Also make sure the ball does not touch the ground before hitting the target as that almost always slows down your ball too much and it ends up in a failure.

If you are stuck at a certain drill, you can always go back to a previous drill to level up your skill before attempting it again. You can also try a different area: If you’re stuck in a certain power drill, then level up your accuracy before trying it again.

How much energy to save for match prep?
I spent all my energy in training and none in match prep for the first two matches and I had a chance to score in each of them. Supposedly, spending more energy in match preparation will give you more chances to score but I guess it isn’t really needed in the early parts of the game. Later on you’ll probably need to set aside 5 energy for match preparation.

What do I do in match prep?
You must look at your opponent and match up your skills against his. If he’s got lots of speed you need lots of dribbling, if he’s got high skills in dribbling, you should improve your tackling etc.

The match is starting! What tactic should I use?
Watch the videos and you might be able to find some hints on the best strategy to use. I used the passing tactic for the first match since the talk show guys said that my team had a good defense but is lacking in offense. I guess the best tactic to use would best make use of your strengths and takes advantage of your opponent’s weaknesses. Look at your stats and also your opponents stats to decide which tactic to use. I choose the tactic that corresponds to the lowest stat of the opposing team to take advantage of their worst weakness, this ended up in a hat-trick for me.

What should I do with my coins?
You can buy the largest pack of energy drinks with gives you 20 energy for 8 coins which is fantastic. Other than that, I absolutely recommend using it to buy equipment like new shoes. Don’t spend it on speeding up the rest period because its expensive and not really worth it.

Where do I get this Promo Code?
At this moment I have no clue. But I assume you can win promo codes through competitions and the likes.
UPDATE: Our generous friend krayzeejin has shared 4 promo codes with us worth 50 coins each! That means 200 coins! WOW! Here are the codes: ginsters1, ginsters2, ginsters3 and r3dbull. Thanks a million krayzeejin!

Facebook I AM PLAYR Choices and Decisions Guide

Throughout the game you will have to make choices during video segments that can have a huge impact on the progress of the game. The following is a guide on the best choices to make in each of these cutscenes. Spoiler Alert.

First Party
Definitely go for the party, you get improve your relationship with the team and also meet some girls.

Training Tackle
Choose to go easy on your captain (Danny Deans). You don’t want to hurt your teammate just before a match. Get a little scolding from your coach, just take it like a man.

Injury Secret, Nurse’s Room
Protect your captain and help him keep his secret. You will earn his trust.

Practical Joke (Billy Laidlaw)
Roll with it. You will go to the party with both sleeves torn off in a makeshift sleeveless suit, getting cheers from your friends, getting the attention of a hot girl (Oh turns out her name is Vanessa).

Choosing your agent
Choose Deans Agent (Frank), you will still go to parties don’t worry about it. The next day Jug, one of your teammates will send you a message telling you that he signed with Laidlaw’s agent and that he’s not that good.

Beer with Danny Deans
Of course! Why not? (mm ok it used up 10 energy and I had a hangover during training the next day which ended terribly. But your relationship with Deans improves so there.)

The Hack
Keep Quiet. Don’t tell him anything of course!

A Word of Advice
Tell the nurse Darcy the truth. Be honest about your injuries. You want to get it treated right? Plus this option will also impress the manager and get you some nice praises from him.

Meet Natalia
So you meet this super model who wants to hook up with you and at the same time your girl (Kelly) calls. Choose to call your girl back cause that’s just the right thing to do.

Do Not lend Laidlaw the money cause he’s just gonna blow it all and you ain’t gonna get any of it back. (Your other friend wasn’t bluffing, he had a royal flush while Laidlaw had nothing.)

Text message from unknown
It’s that star manager guy (Joaquin Franks) who was on tv. Let’s just accept his invitation for now and see what he has to say. (Oops I think that was the wrong choice. Should’ve rejected his invitation I guess. My bad.)

Text message from Kelly
Text her back ya, better not make any more silly mistakes.

Captain Plastic
Go after Kelly! That stupid Natalia would make a mess out of your life grrrr..

A word from our sponsors
At this point Nike gives you a choice of 4 really good sneakers for free which gives you a +4 boost in 3 different areas. The choices are as follows.
Nike CTR360 Maestri II Elite: +4 Control +4 Curl +4 Dribble
Nike Total90 Laser Elite: +4 Accuracy +4 Curl +4 Power
Nike Tempo Legend Elite: +4 Control +4 Power +4 Tackle
Nike Mecurial Vapor Superfly III: +4 Dribble +4 Power +4 Speed

I chose the Nike Mecurial Vapor Superfly III because I definitely don’t need +4 Curl from the first 2 sneakers and also I don’t need Tackle because the Shin Guards already give me a boost in Tackle.

On top of this you will also get a free Nike Total90 Command shin guard which gives you +2 Tackle.


Level 1
game seru ini wkwkw dulu tiap hari maen beginian mulu :laugh:
bang ini game buat energy dan coin nya cara dapatnya gimana
#selain dari cetak gol..
bosen nunggu energy lama bener...
oh iya saya kan dah beli sepatu tapi kok ada trial point gitu maksudnya apa?


Level 1
bang ini game buat energy dan coin nya cara dapatnya gimana
#selain dari cetak gol..
bosen nunggu energy lama bener...
oh iya saya kan dah beli sepatu tapi kok ada trial point gitu maksudnya apa?
- utk value training sampe dpt nya tropi emas aja cukup jgn terlampau jauh,
- trial point maksudnya berapa kali sepatu itu bs dipakai (ga unlimited)