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  • Welcome to the Nyit-Nyit.Net - N3 forum! This is a forum where offline-online gamers, programmers and reverser community can share, learn, communicate and interact, offer services, sell and buy game mods, hacks, cracks and cheats related, including for iOS and Android.

    If you're a pro-gamer or a programmer or a reverser, we would like to invite you to Sign Up and Log In on our website. Make sure to read the rules and abide by it, to ensure a fair and enjoyable user experience for everyone.

Facebook [FB]Resource FarmVille2


Level 0
  1. coins_buy_desc
  2. cannot_sell_desc
  3. e_building_antique_chest_word
  4. e_resource_fertilizer_bag_pack_25
  5. e_resource_bottle_pack_10
  6. e_resource_bottle_glass_pack_10
  7. e_resource_unwither_pack_25
  8. e_resource_water_can_pack_30
  9. e_resource_feed_bag_pack_25
  10. e_resource_instagrow_pack_25
  11. e_resource_bottle_pack_2
  12. e_building_watertrough_3
  13. e_resource_energy_pack_15
  14. e_resource_fuel_pack_15
  15. e_resource_salt_pack_10
  16. e_resource_sugar_pack_10
  17. e_resource_superfood_pack_10
  18. alfredo_desc
  19. butter_desc
  20. flour_desc
  21. pie_crust_desc
  22. marinara_desc
  23. buttermilk_desc
  24. egg_fried_desc
  25. pancake_desc
  26. coins_buy_word
  27. pie_pumpkin_descshovel_desc
  28. fence_white_desccannot_sell_desc
  29. farmbucky_desc
  30. e_crew_Finish
  31. e_crew_Guest
  32. e_building_input_feathers_const
  33. e_building_well_construction_l30_fv2_building_crew_prices_4
  34. e_building_cd_animalcrossing
  35. e_building_well_construction_l30_fv2_building_crew_prices_5
  36. coins_buy_desc
  37. e_animal_adult_goat_red
  38. e_building_pumpkin_carvery
#Mision Hack#(Maaf cuman dikit gk bisa Kasih lebih banyak lagi)

  1. e_job_prune_complete_training
  2. e_job_animal
  3. e_job_eight_one
  4. e_job_eight_two
  5. e_job_eight_three
  6. e_job_animal_baby_desc_when_taught
  7. e_job_crop_benefits
  8. e_job_crop_talkbubble_desc
  9. e_job_baby_animal_complete_training
  10. e_job_ore_gold
  11. e_job_ore_silver
  12. e_job_animal_baby_benefits


Level 0
Pertama Scan String yg Di inginkan coins_buy_desc String untuk Membeli...
Lalu replace cannot_sell_desc ini string agar tidak bisa di jual ...
jadi saat string nya di replase ter jadi error sehingga di Shop ikut*an error
dengan kata lain semua harga di shop jadi Free / 0 coin

maaf agak ribet jelasinnya
NB :
pemilihan string / resource berdampak pada apa yg sudah ada di game
terkadang bisa membuat error


Level 1
Sebagai kod-kod ini, yang dicapai dengan menggunakan mereka digunakan?
  1. e_job_ore_gold
  2. e_job_ore_silver