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[Free Topics Bag.4] cheat dewa semua game ada di sini, silakan masuk :p

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Level 2
suntuk maen game menang mulu.. mejeng disini ahhh... btw ane paling kroco lho... ^^V


ih kepo deh
Level 2
Heii. Rilando-sama
Bedanya gomennasai dan Moshiwakearimasen ap?
I'm very Sorry
moshiwake arimasen
Although moshiwake arimasen translates to being very sorry for a bad thing you did, judging from the rest of the phrases, you are looking for sumimasen or gomen nasai. Moshiwake arimasen is more for politicians or businessmen who were found out taking bribes or cheating, etc. It is not something you want to use when you bump into somebody in the train :)

emank situ oke....
^^v peace...
wuzzz, ndak tau situ ya, kalo ane masuk 50 Sexiest Men of 2012 versi majalah dunia :sweet:


Level 1
google emang songong, wkwkkwkwwkwkwk

@^ lagi liburan pa, wkwkwkwkkwkwk
sist/gan itu gambar di signature gak salah sist/gan ? :surprise: +18 tuh sis/gan masih banyak di bawah umur dsni wkwkwk :surprise: liat perhatiin seksama :bingung:
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