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4 SD
Level 2
Double Kill
1 Browse the black wind address' memory region (by right clicking on it and clicking 'browse memory region')
2 Scroll up 5 addresses within the memory region and change the array of bytes of the fifth, fourth, third and second to "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00".
Note: You must be Creator of Room/Slot 1 to get the DKs
Note2: You must be using Turtle, Mage or A. Sate for this to work.
Note3: To do invisible DKs, change the room number (as I described later) and/or change your name (as I will describe how next).
Credits: Mooblar
maksud na apa tuh yg nomor 1 sama nomor 2

plisss berikan pencerahan


Nyit-Nyit Lovers
Level 2
di memory region angin,scroll mouse ke atas sampe 5 address
nah,trus ganti array of bite ke 5,4,3,2 menjadi 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00".
kalo kurang ngerti,ntar gw perjelas lagi..
ksh tau dimananya yg gak ngerti


Level 1
Om mood saya mau tanya, saya pake vista n mau cari addres untuk bonus gold n bonus GP, nah di post om mood ada ini
Bonus Hack
1 Subtract 22F2 (HEX) from the green wind address.
2 Put the new address in "Array of Byte (24)"
3 Freeze the address at "00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00"

Ajarin donk om untuk dipakai di CE PichuEngine 2.5 :carrot:


4 SD
Level 2
Power User Hack
1 Subtract 3010 (HEX) from the green wind address and add the new address as 8 Byte.
2 Subtract 3080 (HEX) from the green wind address and add the new address as 8 Byte.
4 Freeze them both at 0.

tu maksutnya apa subtract

sama green wind addres itu apa


2 SD
Level 1
Power User Hack
1 Subtract 3010 (HEX) from the green wind address and add the new address as 8 Byte.
2 Subtract 3080 (HEX) from the green wind address and add the new address as 8 Byte.
4 Freeze them both at 0.

tu maksutnya apa subtract

sama green wind addres itu apa
utk sekarang gw cuman bisa jawab green wind address itu apa dan bagaimana cara kita menemukannya, karena gw jg masih dalam tahap pembelajaran..
caranya biasanya klo lo lg scan.. dan scan itu udah selesai, biasanya lo akan mendapat 2 jenis address, dynamic (hitam) dan static (hijau)
sorry klo kurang jelas,, kaarena gw jg masih dalam tahap pembelajaran.. :wacko: :capede:
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