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Iix Aion Ps Online

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Level 1
Nyumbang info gan buat yg suka game online AION,.....

info lengkap klik image diatas gan.....

Server rate:
10x Exp Rate 25x Kinah Rate 25x Drop Rate 10x Quest Rate 10x Group Rate 10x Abyss Points Rate

No LAGGING karena koneksi unlimited BW IIX.......dan spek server dipakai; AMD Opteron2220 Dual, ram 8gb, gigabit ......

OK ya gan, ampe ketemu di game.................


Level 1
Minimum specs to play AION:

CPU: Pentium 4 2.0GHz
Graphics Card: GeForce FX 5600 or higher
Video Memory of 128MB 3D acceleration required
DirectX: 9.0 or higher (latest updated required)

Recommended specs:
CPU: Pentium 4 3.0GHz
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon or higher
Video Memory of 512MB 3D acceleration required
DirectX: 9.0 or higher (latest updated required)


4 SD
Level 2
ini gimana pada mo minat exp seret skill beli , duh private server apa official kk????


Level 1
info gan......

skarang aion server ini sudah close beta (rev. 2031) dan ada event 10 player yang mencapai lebih dahulu level 50 dapat reward gan.........Server online tgl 5 Mei 2010 jam 8 pagi, ayo ramein servernya gan mumpung masih baru.

info lengkap klik image diatas gan.....

atau kunjungi forumnya di http://forum.netsoulid.net/index.php?board=3.0
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