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VIP Kehormatan
This is beta, so use it at your own risk !

Knownbugs 1.2.1
- dont try to unload jamilah driver (cause an exception)
- some pids (process) still in list even they didn`t exist, if this occur, try to click process list button to refresh process list.

send to me at [email protected] (retired)

Bypass HackShield:
- lastest HS version create 2 threads,they do check if their protection still alive, try to find these two threads and suspend them.After that, you can safely do RSDT(Restore Service Descpritor Table).After finish, restore suspended threads if you want to close the game.
example GBWC-indo HS, the threads are no: 31 and 34.

- run jamilah, run the game, run any other simple process, eg notepad.exe. goto proccesslist, select the game and right click, create fake process then enter the pid of "notepad.exe". you should give cheat programs(fuckedTsearch,fuckedwpe etc) to system access(Impersonate to system) and protect/hide them first.

another way:
try it your self.

happy cheatting and sorry for my bad english,
[email protected]


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