bah.......udah ada versi baru lagi nih.......dah capek DL veris18 malah ada versi 20 lagi....parahnya harus pake auto DL segala......paling benci yg namax auto update :dizzy:
yang baru DL ampe pacth 18 cba nih trik dr tmen2 forum LPW :
You cannot manual patch. You have to do as Hauk said in his post.
In other words:
Patch .19:
1) Right-click on the link: .
2) Select "save object as..." and save it on your desktop.
3) Copy and paste it into your LPW folder > Patcher > Server.
4) Run the game, and let it update. When it's done, close the client.
Patch .20:
1) Click on the link: .
2) Download it and copy and paste (or drag it) into your LPW folder > Patcher.
3) You'll be asked to overwrite, say "yes".
4) Run the game by using the launcher.
5) You'll see a little window coming up, asking to auto-update
Be sure the options are:
~ a) Please select update server: LPW
~ B) Select update server before patching [✓]
~ c) Auto-continue when patching fails [✓]
6) When it's done, you can play by clicking on start.
artinya kagak bisa pacth manual kalo mau versi terbaru...masalahna koneksi w lemot abis kayak cacing kepanasan....
met mencoba aja deh semua.....maen hell2world dolo