Mantap gan libnya work
Mantap om mr_by matur suwun...caranya berhasil....Cek libgame yg ente copy om, bung @joepaijo klo gak salah upload 2 libgame, yg pertama cuman no delay, yg berikutnya full hack
Yg make lib dan gagal dengan status "not installed correctly" cobain cara ane..
Ane make LR hek tuls nya bung @hrd.. uncheck semua menu hek tulsnya.. klik hit and run.. masuk LR, trus close lg,
Copy dan timpa libgame punya bung @joepaijo.. buka LR secara normal..
Silahkan di coba..
Tambahan: yg masih level 0, jgn banyakin ngeluh, klo mau gampang, donasi aja, upgrade level 1, sekaligus apresiasi untuk pembuat tools dan web penyedia
Ko ga bisa download yaa...udah gak mork kayanya gan, barusan ane coba gak bisa[DOUBLEPOST=1408556952][/DOUBLEPOST]
wuiih udah jadi tulsnya, mantab om![]()
YA.. THIS WORK WELL[DOUBLEPOST=1409105031][/DOUBLEPOST]For level 0 like me...
1. Install LR from Google Play
2. Run LR HEK TULS (Version 1.0.4) from @@hrd
3. Run game until crash and auto exit
4. Paste from @JoePaijoe
Thanks a million for the hack from Malaysia!
not work on my HHNih abe kasih saran buat yg masih error timpa nya
Download lucky patcher
Cari line ranger
Pilih move to system/up
Nanti kalo minta reboot ya reboot aja
Klo udah buka root expolder cari data line ranger
Langsung timpa aja nya nggk usah masuk ke lib nya
Di ane work kok
Untuk yg mash lvl 0 cba untuk tidak ini lah itu lah kalo mau usaha pasti bisa kok
Thanks agan @hrd dan @JoePaijoe
[DOUBLEPOST=1409114343][/DOUBLEPOST]yess maturnuwun gan.HOW TO USE MODDED FILE
(with picture and video)
Niyh gw kupiin lagi dah tutorialnyah...
#source : fesbuk gw ^^
Root your device first, ask uncle Google how to root your device.
Install "Xposed Framework" and "X-Line Bypasser" to bypass LINE server validation.
Xposed Framework download ->
1. Download the Xposed Installer APK and install it
2. Launch the Xposed Installer, go to the "Framework" section
3. And click on "Install/Update"
4. Reboot
5. Done!
X-Line Bypasser download ->, credit to : Brother HRD
1. Download the X-Line Bypasser (xline-bypssr103.rar)
2.Extract xline-bypssr103.rar in your phone. Use ZArchiever application to extract RAR files, or you can use other similiar application. Search the application in PlayStore.
3. There will be two files inside RAR archieve, "xline.txt" and "XLine-103.apk"
4. Put "xline.txt" file in ur SD-Card,
You can use File Explorer to do that, there's so many File Explorer applications in PlayStore, choose one of them. As for me, I'm using ROOT EXPLORER,
5. Install "XLine-103.apk" (XLine-Bypasser) to your phone.
6. Open "XLine-Bypasser.apk", and then press "Current xfile.txt location :"
7. Select "xline.txt" file in your SD-Card, browse/search the file using File Explorer.
8. And the result would be like this
9. Press "Add LINE games"
10. And select Line Ranger Application, tick the check box on the right [✓]
11. Tick the check box [✓] at "Bypass root and cheating tools"
12. Reboot your device.
Download latest modded "" file version 1.1.6
Copy modded "" file, and paste the file in
--> /data/data/com.linecorp.LGRGS/lib
Use ROOT EXPLORER to go to that folder.
/Data -
/Data -
/com.linecorp.LGRGS -
/lib -
See the tutorial video.
And PLAY the game!!
NOTE : You'd better make a backup to your Original "" file, just in case if you want to play Normal (Un-Modded) LINE RANGER again.
Happy Cheating Everyone (^^ ,)b
hope it helps ..
Udah ada upadate baru om...LR 1.1.7 Ga work lagi......Nih ane ksh tutor simpLe ..
Make LRHT v1.1.5
Install LR Versi ori PS v1.1.6
Instal LRHT v1.1.5
:: Open LRHT v1.1.5
:: Hit / Run
Otomatis Lgsg ngebuka tu LR.
Di Close aja pake tomboL ( Home )
Timpa yg ente downLoad Td.
Buka Rootexplore
Root / data / data / com.linecorp.LGRGS / lib
Taruh di mari
Lgsg aja Buka Game LR nya jgn Buka Haktool nya.
Slamat mencoba
Work 100 %
Punya ane msh work ganUdah ada upadate baru om...LR 1.1.7 Ga work lagi......
Nih ane ksh tutor simpLe ..
Make LRHT v1.1.5
Install LR Versi ori PS v1.1.6
Instal LRHT v1.1.5
:: Open LRHT v1.1.5
:: Hit / Run
Otomatis Lgsg ngebuka tu LR.
Di Close aja pake tomboL ( Home )
Timpa yg ente downLoad Td.
Buka Rootexplore
Root / data / data / com.linecorp.LGRGS / lib
Taruh di mari
Lgsg aja Buka Game LR nya jgn Buka Haktool nya.
Slamat mencoba
Work 100 %