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[Lounge]Pet Society [Facebook Game]


2 SD
emang skrg sekali klick dapet gope....wa mo tanya itu Auto klickr link mana?
settingannya gmn ?
kan setiap 4-5k kudu teken add coin?

coba kasi tw link ma settingannya klo emang bener ga boong..... :hilarious: :hilarious:


Level 1
maaf baru post .....

ini waktu ku coba masi bisa (tgl 7 feb 2010)...


* CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.6
* FP10 - Flash Player 10
* Firefox 3.5
* Auto Clicker


1. Go into PS, Then Brush your pet
2. Open CE, Process firefox.exe, Setting (Hex, Array of bytes,ASROM)

* 0F 84 D5 02 00 00 8B 5D FC 8B
* 0F84CF0000008B5DF88B43088B4874
* 0F850A000000B804000000E9450500
* 05508F0F Setting (4byte,Hex,ASROM)

1. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble"
2. Right click the selected Code "Replace with code that does nothing"

jangan lupa di add coin, setelah dapet 5k ato 10 k..... biar g keluar pak wali kota .....

:hilarious: :hilarious: :content: :content:


2 SD

ga bisa gan...scan yg pertama gak mau keluar...
* 0F 84 D5 02 00 00 8B 5D FC 8B
yang ini ga keluar.....
wa jg masih bingung....hoeh...


2 SD
emang tw ga di pake gan..........itu brush nya gmn ?pake ap?pohon?

agak bingung dikit...... :hilarious: :hilarious:


2 SD
ga bisa...
malah error.....pet nya gerak kanan kiri cpt....aneh......step nya yg jelas gan... :telephone: :telephone:


Level 1
ga bisa...
malah error.....pet nya gerak kanan kiri cpt....aneh......step nya yg jelas gan... :telephone: :telephone:
Itu diatas uda bener...... tinggal ambil sikat, tahan sikat-a, lalu gosok atas bawah (terserah dimana aja), klo petnya yg gerak2 biarin aja ........

ntar duit-a nambah terus ... selama kita gosok tentunya......

keep try ......
:yipi: :yipi:


Level 1
Hmm... Baru jalan2 dari negri sebrang..... Menemukan ini :

Pet Society hacks - Petling Coins Cheat


Cara pakek-a tolong di perhatikan satu - satu ya...

Note : The notifications only appear if your friends didn't online for 3 days


* Charles 3.4.1
* Firefox 3.5
* CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.5
* FP10 - Flash Player 10


1. Open Charles Proxy
2. On the notifications post , click R2O Hacks
3. Then click BACK on your browse ( you should come back to earlier page )
4. Back to Charles , Find "http://apps.facebook.com" and expand it
5. Expand "petsociety" , for now you should see line "accept_feed_link ?" and "?Pf_ref = fg_pets_lostpet"
6. Select both of the line , right click and choose "Repeat Advanced"
7. Write 100 for Iterations and 5 for Concurrency
8. Back to browser , re-enter the game
9. You should see alot bag of coins
10. Now , Open CE 5.5, Process firefox.exe, Tick (Hex. Array of bytes. also scan read only memory)
11. Scan "8B403C8945E88B45e885c0", 1 address returned
12. Right click the address and select "Disassemble memory region"
13. Right Click the address that highlighted/selected code and select "Replace with code that does nothing"
14. Back to Pet Society , you should see pop -up , just click "√" sign

Kalo g tau, silahkan nanya2 dolo...

saya maw off utk beberapa waktu....

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Level 1
pet society hacks - $600 bet coin cheat

Berhasil pada tanggal 15 february 2010.

Credit:5!N3X, N4T3X, F4ST3D@cheat2009


* CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.5
* FP10 - Flash Player 10
* Firefox 3.5


1. Go into Pet Society, then go to Bet race
2. Open Cheat engine, Process firefox.exe(Browser)
3. Setting tick (8 bytes, asrom, HEX)
4. Scan "5D8B000006C1840F", 1 address should returned
5. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble This Memory Region"
* Change the "je xxxxxx" to "Replace with code that does nothing"
* "and ecx,f8" to and "ecx,3E8"
* "jne xxxxxx" to "Replace with code that does nothing"
6. watch the video if unclear ->>> http://www.youtube.com/v/8KpaglP4IpI

Cendol-a jgn lupa...


Level 1
pet society hacks - $600 bet coin cheat

Berhasil pada tanggal 15 february 2010.

Credit:5!N3X, N4T3X, F4ST3D@cheat2009


* CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.5
* FP10 - Flash Player 10
* Firefox 3.5


1. Go into Pet Society, then go to Bet race
2. Open Cheat engine, Process firefox.exe(Browser)
3. Setting tick (8 bytes, asrom, HEX)
4. Scan "5D8B000006C1840F", 1 address should returned
5. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble This Memory Region"
* Change the "je xxxxxx" to "Replace with code that does nothing"
* "and ecx,f8" to and "ecx,3E8"
* "jne xxxxxx" to "Replace with code that does nothing"
6. watch the video if unclear ->>> http://www.youtube.com/v/8KpaglP4IpI

Cendol-a jgn lupa...
kau kira smua agen cendol andre


Level 1
cendol aja g ngerti apa artinya aq....

apaan sih artinya ??

:hilarious: :hilarious:

tambahin lagi ah :

Pet society hacks - $30 coin per tree cheat


* CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.6
* Firefox 3.5
* FP10 - Flash Player 10
* Auto Clicker


1. Go into Pet Society, Then get some coin outside your house
2. Open Cheat Engine, Process firefox.exe(Browser)
3. Scan "06DA820F" (Setting Hex,4Bytes,ASROM), 1 address should returned
4. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble this memory region"
5. Right click the "jb xxxxxx" then select "replace with code that does nothing"
6. New Scan "8B402485F60F849B020000" (Setting HEX, Array Of bytes, ASROM)
7. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble this memory region"
8. Change the "eax,[eax,-24]" to "mov eax,90"
9. Change the mov "[ebp-24],00000000" to "mov [ebp-24],0000001e"

Note:Every 300 coin, you must enter to banker to save the game and to avoid mayor pop up :) enjoy


Level 1
cendol aja g ngerti apa artinya aq....

apaan sih artinya ??

:hilarious: :hilarious:

tambahin lagi ah :

Pet society hacks - $30 coin per tree cheat


* CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.6
* Firefox 3.5
* FP10 - Flash Player 10
* Auto Clicker


1. Go into Pet Society, Then get some coin outside your house
2. Open Cheat Engine, Process firefox.exe(Browser)
3. Scan "06DA820F" (Setting Hex,4Bytes,ASROM), 1 address should returned
4. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble this memory region"
5. Right click the "jb xxxxxx" then select "replace with code that does nothing"
6. New Scan "8B402485F60F849B020000" (Setting HEX, Array Of bytes, ASROM)
7. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble this memory region"
8. Change the "eax,[eax,-24]" to "mov eax,90"
9. Change the mov "[ebp-24],00000000" to "mov [ebp-24],0000001e"

Note:Every 300 coin, you must enter to banker to save the game and to avoid mayor pop up :) enjoy
Itu software autoclickernya drmn yah?

sama CE nyaaa thx be4


Level 1
pet society hacks - crazy brush coin cheats v2

credits: Credit:hackpet , lauta @cheat2010, pationiox


* CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.6 Link
* Firefox 3.5
* FP9 - Flash player 9
* Auto Clicker


1. Go into Pet Society, Then Brush your Pet
2. Open Cheats Engine 5.6, Process firefox.exe(Browser)
3. Setting Tick (Hex,Array of bytes,ASROM)
4. Scan "C7 44 24 FC 00 00 00 00 89 74 24 F8 DF 6C 24 F8 DD 5C 24 F8 F2 0F 10 44 24 F8 F2 0F 2A CA" , 1 address should returned
5. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble this memory region"
6. Change the "mov [esp-04],00000000" to "mov [esp-04],0000000f"
7. Scan "0F 84 D5 02 00 00 8B 5D FC 8B"
8. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble this memory region"
9. Change the "je xxxxxx" to "jg xxxxxx" (X is a random number, just ignore it)
10. Scan "0F 84 BB 00 00 00 8B 5D F8 8B 43 08 8B"
11. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble this memory region"
12. Right click the selected/highlighted code then select "Replace with code that does nothing"

Selesai deh, Sekarang kamu bisa menghasilkan uang dengan cara menyikat pet kamu ato temen kamu, Kamu juga bisa sekalian pakek autoclicker

Happy Cheating :hilarious: :hilarious: :hilarious:


2 SD
ga ada y yg kyk dlu....
tiap tree 500....yg gampang.....kan cari goceng gampang to....cariin yg kyk gitu....yg manteb....

:capede: :capede:

butuh yg mantep gan...duit dah tipis....