cendol aja g ngerti apa artinya aq....
apaan sih artinya ??
:hilarious: :hilarious:
tambahin lagi ah :
Pet society hacks - $30 coin per tree cheat
* CE - CE -Cheat Engine 5.6
* Firefox 3.5
* FP10 - Flash Player 10
* Auto Clicker
1. Go into Pet Society, Then get some coin outside your house
2. Open Cheat Engine, Process firefox.exe(Browser)
3. Scan "06DA820F" (Setting Hex,4Bytes,ASROM), 1 address should returned
4. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble this memory region"
5. Right click the "jb xxxxxx" then select "replace with code that does nothing"
6. New Scan "8B402485F60F849B020000" (Setting HEX, Array Of bytes, ASROM)
7. Right click the address then select "Dissassemble this memory region"
8. Change the "eax,[eax,-24]" to "mov eax,90"
9. Change the mov "[ebp-24],00000000" to "mov [ebp-24],0000001e"
Note:Every 300 coin, you must enter to banker to save the game and to avoid mayor pop up