:content: :content:
stau ane itu hacker,,dy ambil chip dr player yg duduk d meja tsb,,btw,,kang army ane ada bot beta 4.1,,tp kok dy g mw jln sndiri y???g ngerti setting2 nyAll waktu entuh kan main ketemu ma nick jeke trus networknya pake Yahoo.. setiap dia all-in cips yang dia dapet nambah trus,, mau menang tau kalah.. itu apaan yah? apa dah ada botnya.. :grin:
Owh gitu yah.. enaq dong dia bisa jual 1M 7rb kalo da jutan tau milyaran WOW.. :hilarious: caranya gimana yah??stau ane itu hacker,,dy ambil chip dr player yg duduk d meja tsb,,btw,,kang army ane ada bot beta 4.1,,tp kok dy g mw jln sndiri y???g ngerti setting2 ny
This will work until Sept. 1st or until Beta is ready. Note the change below..
high =30
low =15
Since Zyngas changes to the banking the bot will now go to a new room when the high is met. So if you win a few hands and your room chips are over 30 x BB it will go to a new room instead of banking.
FYI - If your have a current working bot it would be easiest for you just to copy over the bot.exe and not have to worry about the lobby, seats, bmps ect.
wadoh gx pernah pake WPE kkmu nanya nih gan?
Nie Game Msih Isa Pke WPE ndak?
cara pakenya ada di page sebelumnya ato kalo susah nyarinya karna emang udah agak jauh sihc pagenya bisa liat di blog yang udah gw sediain buat poker botada virusnya ga?? btw cara pake gimana? dah work share" yah..
gw blom sempet nyobain brojln g bro??????konfirm y klo jln,,, :hilarious: :hilarious:
ciri ciri orang pake bot tuh gx bakal keliatan .....ciri-ciri yang maennya pake bot gimana sih?
rada kesel aja nih bawaannya