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Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Hi Teman-Teman pengunjung setia Nyit-Nyit.Net

Silahkan bagi yang ingin share macro buatannya atau macro yang lainnya di sini aja..
Thread sebelah sudah menjadi khusus Tanya Jawab.. (Biar ga pusing)

Untuk para member, dilarang melakukan tanya - jawab di thread ini.
Bagi yang melanggar, Warning menanti anda.

Terima Kasih,



Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Macro Buffer

Macronya di set kalau ada yang bilang "paket" langsung ngasih paket dan ngomong,

automacro MintaPaket {
pubm "paket"
call Kasi

macro Kasi {
$orang = $.lastpub
do c Oke, bentar ya $orang
do sp 28 $orang
pause 1
do sp 29 $orang
pause 1
do sp 34 $orang
pause 1
do sp 66 $orang
pause 1
do sp 67 $orang
pause 1
do sp 73 $orang
do c Sip, He..he..
do e 29

automacro Minta2 {
pubm "heal"
call Kasi2

macro Kasi2 {
$orang = $.lastpub
do c Oke, bentar ya $orang
do sp 28 $orang
pause 1
do sp 29 $orang
pause 1
do sp 34 $orang
pause 1
do sp 66 $orang
pause 1
do sp 67 $orang
pause 1
do sp 73 $orang
do c Sip, He..he..
do e 29

Di kasi paketnya cuma gak ada assump, thx


Level 1
Macro untuk priest paketer woe.

cukup deketin priestnya dan kibarkan bendera (ctrl+1 atau ctrl+2) atau chat ke umum bilang "paket". sebagai tambahan paket hanya diberikan pada guild yg diinginkan saja.
gunakan macro versi minimal 1.x.x
Perlu diperhatikan tidak akan bekerja untuk yg menggunakan macro 0.9.3

paket lengkap dengan Blessing, Inc AGI, dan Assumptio
kalo ada yg cuman pake semisal Blessing dan Inc AGI saja cukup hilangkan atau beri tanda "#" di awal baris, contoh:

#skill assumptio
#pause 1
#do sp 361 $no 5
Here we go:

automacro paket {
console /\[dist=(.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (\*Flag\s\d\*|paket)$/
run-once 1
call {
$distance = $.lastMatch1
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch2
$playerID = $.lastMatch3
$playerguild = @eval (exists $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild} ? $::players{$::playersID[$playerID]}->{guild}{name} : 'null')

#Nama guild yg mau di paket
$guild = taruh_nama_guildmu_di_sini

if ($playerguild == $guild) goto oke
goto lain
if ($distance > 8) goto jauh
do c Bentar2 lagi maketin $namaPlayer

#skill blessing
do sp 34 $playerID 10

#skill increase agi
pause 1
do sp 29 $playerID 10

#skill assumptio
pause 1
do sp 361 $playerID 5

goto end

do c ui $namaPlayer jgn jauh2 kl minta paket >.<
goto end
do c paket khusus buat $guild

release paket

buat tambahan coba set di timeout "macro_delay 0.5" agar maket banyak orang lebih cepat

Modifikasi untuk penggunaan guild lebih dari 1:

Cari baris ini:
#Nama guild yg mau di paket
$guild = tulis_nama_guild

if ($playerguild == $guild) goto oke
goto lain
lalu modifikasi dikit, menjadi:
#Nama guild yg mau di paket
$guild1 = tulis_nama_guild_ke_1
$guild2 = tulis_nama_guild_ke_2
$guild3 = tulis_nama_guild_ke_3

if ($playerguild == $guild1) goto oke
if ($playerguild == $guild2) goto oke
if ($playerguild == $guild3) goto oke
goto lain
untuk nama guild nulisnya kudu persis termasuk kalau ada character2 spesial
sedikit tips buat nulis nama guild yang pake character2 special.
1.Tulis berdasarkan bagaimana tulisannya ketika sedang di dalam game, karena font openkore dengan font yang ada di game berbeda.
2.Kalau gak tau gimana cara nulisnya, di windows di start->RUN ketik charmap, lalu pilih font "Terminal", cari characternya lalu copy paste ke macros.txt

Modifikasi untuk penggunaan tidak mengenali guild (free for all guild)
Beberapa orang mengalami kesulitan menuliskan guildnya (terutama yg menggunakan special character) jadi aku beri tahu cara simpelnya agar paket dapat diberikan ke guild manapun.
caranya mudah buat yang sudah mengenali macro tinggal menghapus semua baris yg berhubungan dengan percabangan untuk mengidentifikasi guild. Atau kl mau cara singkatnya tinggal cari dan hapus baris ini:
goto lain
macro di atas boleh dikopi, dimodifikasi, didistribusi secara bebas dan cuma-cuma.
kl ada eror silakan post di sini :00100000:


Thanks to Minerva from www.d-bests.com


Level 1
Macro Fire Arrow Quiver Menggunakan 2 Char dalam 1 ID

macro fire {
# $c = isi dengan char anda yg berada di payon
# $s = isi dengan char anda yg berada di alb2trea (sunken)
$c = 2
$s = 0
$f = 1

automacro f1 {
location payon_in01,payon
inventory "Fire Arrow" < 500
var f == 1
exclusive 1
call {
call goStor
call getArr
call convArr
do conf char $s
do relog 2

macro convArr {
do move 15 134 payon_in01
do talknpc 5 134 c c c c r4 c r0 c c r0 c n

macro getArr {
if (@inventory(Fire Arrow Quiver) < 0) goto n
do storage add @inventory(Fire Arrow Quiver)
do storage get @storage(Fire Arrow) 10000
do storage get @storage(Fire Arrow) 10000
do storage get @storage(Fire Arrow) 10000

macro goStor {
do move 175 110 payon
do ss 387
do talknpc 181 104 c r1 n

automacro f2 {
location alb2trea
inventory "Fire Arrow" < 1
exclusive 1
var f == 1
call {
if ($.zeny > 30000) goto go
$f = 0
goto end
do move 73 69
do talknpc 59 69 c r0 n
do talk @npc(87 65)
do store
do buy @store(Fire Arrow) 10000
do storage add @inventory(Fire Arrow)
do buy @store(Fire Arrow) 10000
do storage add @inventory(Fire Arrow)
do buy @store(Fire Arrow) 10000
do storage add @inventory(Fire Arrow)
do conf char $c
do relog 2


Seperti yg telah saya sebutkan di judul thread... ^^ silahkan dicoba apabila terdapat error post saja disini...

Cek beberapa hal berikut:
1. Pastikan storageAuto_password di config sudah benar
2. Kosongi lockMap dan saveMap
3. Config storageAuto 0 dan autoTalkCont 0
4. Untuk char di payon dapat membawa beban seberat 6000
5. Untuk char di alb2trea dapat membawa beban berat 2000
6. Jalankan secara manual char masing� ke payon & alb2trea (sunken)
7. Macro dijalankan dengan mengetik: macro fire

Thanks to KoemA from www.d-bests.com


Level 1
Macro Kena Strip

automacro OMG_Strip{
status Strip Weapon #disesuaiin strip eq yg mana
call {
do relog
timeout 3
Thanks to Minerva from www.d-bests.com


Level 1
Macro Cloaking to alde_dun04

automacro cloaking {
map c_tower1
run-once 1
exclusive 1
call {
do ss 135
pause 1
do move 235 225
pause 1
do ss 135
release cloaking

automacro cloaking2 {
map c_tower2
aggressives >= 1
run-once 1
exclusive 1
call {
do ss 135
pause 1
do move 25 25
pause 1
do ss 135
release cloaking2

automacro cloaking3 {
map alde_dun03
aggressives >= 1
run-once 1
exclusive 1
call {
do ss 135
pause 1
do move 264 13
pause 1
do ss 135
release cloaking3

Thanks to Rex-Q from www.d-bests.com


3 SD
Level 2
Macro minum White Potion

automacro HP {
hp < 50%
call Abis

macro Abis {
do is @inventory (White Potion)

macro WPAbis {
inventory (White Potion) < 10
call huehe

macro huehe {
log macro siap bos
$tempatasal = $.pos
$Q = 0

while ($Q == 0) as ulangulang

if (@inventory (White Potion) == 0) goto ambilpot
do use @inventory (White Potion)
if (@storage (White Potion) < 100) goto abiscoy

log bos ambil pot dolo yah abis nie
do move 180 103 payon   <--- apalah sudah pokoknya deket kafra
do talk @npc (181 104)     <--- apalah sudah pokoknya kafra
do talk cont
do talk resp 1
do storage get @storage (White Potion) @eval (@invamount (White Potion) - 100)
do move $tempatasal
log siap badog pot bos
goto end

log bos potnya dah abis macro off dulu ya

end ulangulang
log tha tha ragnarok online hope see u soon


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Macro autoCrete-Potion Ver.1.4.2
(Credit By rHa, www.d-bests.com)

### Move to Create Position trigger by Inventory Quantity
automacro initiate {
sp > 80
location not payon 180 100 181 100
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call start
#run-once 1
timeout 10

macro start {
#@release initiate
move 180 100 payon
@pause 1

#at Create Position consider condition trigger by Quantity and sp
automacro resta {
location payon 180 100
sp < 15
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call rest
run-once 1
timeout 5
macro rest {
move 181 100
@release resta
@pause 1
#at Rest Position ... condition trigger by Quantity & sp
automacro jallen {
location payon 181 100
sp > 90
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call shifta
timeout 5
macro shifta {
move 180 100
@pause 1

#at Create Position ... Create condition trigger by Quantity or Sp
automacro create {
location payon 180 100
sp > 15
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call pharmacy
run-once 1
##### Pharmacy Creation CODE : Credit to flakey of OpenKore Board #####
##### http://openkore.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5000 #####

##### send (code) after invoke "ss 228 10" only ... therefore Kore terminate !
##### Red Potion = 8E 01 F5 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Yellow Potion = 8E 01 F7 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### White Potion = 8E 01 F8 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Blue Potion = 8E 01 F9 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Adonyne = 8E 01 5D 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Aloevera = 8E 01 5E 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Red Slim = 8E 01 21 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Yellow Slim = 8E 01 22 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### White Slim = 8E 01 23 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Alcohol = 8E 01 CA 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Fire Bottle = 8E 01 DF 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Acid Bottle = 8E 01 E0 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Plant Bottle = 8E 01 E1 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Mine Bottle = 8E 01 E2 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Coating Wax = 8E 01 E3 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00

macro pharmacy {
ss 228 10
@pause 0.5
send 8E 01 F8 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
@release create
@set (time) @var (.time)

##### Counter Relogin every 10 min ... while Pharmacy #####
### in order not to Mix up the Counter Relogin with the Process ###
### leave the Counter Relogin macro at last lines ###
#Counter Relog while Grab
#Counter Relog while Create
automacro resetKaraCreate {
var time < @eval (@var (.time) - 30)
location payon 180 100
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call reseto
timeout 60
macro reseto {
macro reset
@pause 1
#Counter Relog while Rest
#Counter Relog while Walking
# Counter Relog while Standing out of 181,100 / 180,100
# Counter Relog while Store Item

attackAuto 0
routeRandomWalk 0
sitAuto_idle 1

lockMap (kosongkan)

storageAuto 1
storageAuto_npc payon 181 104 (posisi kafra di payon)
storageAuto_distance 2
storageAuto_npc_type 3
storageAuto_npc_steps c r1 n
relogAfterStorage 0

getAuto White Herb {
minAmount 0
maxAmount 100 (perhatikan saat mengambil item ini agar berat tidak lebih dari 50%)
passive 0

All 0 0 0 0 0
White Potion 0 1 0

White Herb 100 1 0
Medicine Bowl 100 1 0
Empty Potion Bottle 100 1 0
macro_delay 0.5
ai_sit_idle 3


Level 2
Share - AutoBuffer Macro (Private Buff)

1. Buff kalo kita PM ke Bot passwordnya, supaya orang lain gak ikut2an passwordnya yg susah (Heal, Agi, Bless Lv 10)
2. Bot Anti Ganggu, jadi kalo di PM heal/paket dia akan respon Jasa....
3. Bot Yg Refuse Warp Portal ke Payon, soalnya taro di GEO sih botnya :)

Enjoy. (Sorry No Attachment, Storage gw Penuh :) )
automacro sukamaket1 {
pm /password/ #password = kata2 yg akan di PM agar paket bereaksi
call {
do sp 28 $.lastpm 10
do sp 29 $.lastpm 10
do sp 34 $.lastpm 10
do sit

automacro announce {
pubm /heal/
call {
do c Sorry, Jasa Paket dan Heal Tertutup Untuk Umum!

automacro announce2 {
pm /heal/
call {
do c Sorry, Jasa Paket dan Heal Tertutup Untuk Umum!

automacro announce3 {
pubm /payon/
call {
do c Sorry, Saya gak Ada Skill Warp Portal!


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Macro Gonta-Ganti Chat Room

automacro BuatChatRoom {
run-once 1
call BuatRoom

macro BuatRoom {
do chat create bla3
pause 5
call GantiNama1

macro GantiNama1 {
do chat modify bla3
pause 5
call GantiNama2

macro GantiNama2 {
do chat modify bla3
pause 5
call GantiNama1

Jadi :
[1] AutoMacro
[2] Buat Chat Room
[3] Ganti Nama Chat Room ke 1
[4] Ganti Nama Chat Room ke 2
[5] Ganti Nama Chat Room ke 3
[6] Balik lagi ke no 3 (NgeLoop terus sampai DC.. Kalo DC balik lg no 1)



2 SD
Level 2
Macro Speed Potion

automacro dc {
priority 1
console /NPC Exists:/
call ulang

macro ulang {
release all

automacro bukatoko {
priority 0
timeout 1
set repeat 1
exclusive 1
location morocc
delay 1
call buka
run-once 1

macro buka {
do move 159 256
pause 1
do talknpc 160 258 c r1 n
pause 2
do look 4
do deal no
do openshop
pause 2
release dc


automacro sped {
shop \"Speed Potion\" < 400
cart \"Speed Potion\" < 400
storage \"Speed Potion\" >= 1
call {
do closeshop
pause 1
do storage add Speed Potion
do storage get @storage (Speed Potion) @eval (400 - @cartamount (Speed Potion))
pause 1
do cart add Speed Potion
pause 1
do openshop
pause 2
do storage log
release tersediasped
exclusive 1
timeout 2
set repeat 1
run-once 1

automacro tersediasped {
storage \"Speed Potion\" >= 1
call {
release sped
exclusive 1
set repeat 1
run-once 1


Level 1
Macro Converter Elemental

[codebox]automacro Mulai{
location yuno
inventory "Blank Scroll" > 1
inventory "Rainbow Shell" > 1
run-once 1
call Buat

macro Buat {
do ss 1007
pause 1
do arrowcraft 0
pause 1
release all


Macro Chain Combo

#### MACRO 1 ####

automacro combo {
console /(.*)sedang: Triple(.*)/
sp > 20%
run-once 1
call smash

macro smash {
do ss 272
pause 0.5
release combo


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Macro FireArrowQuiver 2 Char dalam 1 ID

# Sebelumnya, kamu harus setting dahulu
# karakter yang ingin beli Fire Arrow di Shunken Ship
# dan Karakter yang ingin buat Fire Arrow Quiver di Payon
# Setting di bawah ini, yang di beri tanda
# Credit By FerrYGukGuk

automacro CekQuiver {
map payon
run-once 1
call CekStorage

macro CekStorage {
do move 181 103 payon
do talk @npc (181 104)
do talk cont
do talk resp 1
do storage close

automacro CekFire {
map payon
storage "Fire Arrow" <= 10000
storage "Fire Arrow Quiver" < 10000
call GantiChar

# Ini char yang beli Fire Arrow di Shunken Ship
# Ganti angka 2 sama angka slot karakter kamu
macro GantiChar {
do conf char 2
do reload config
do relog 4

automacro BeliQuiver {
map alb2trea
inventory "Fire Arrow" <= 10000
call MulaiBeli

macro MulaiBeli {
do move 75 67
do talk @npc (87 65)
do store
do store
do buy @store (Fire Arrow) 20000
pause 2
do move 59 67
do talk @npc (59 69)
do talk cont
do talk resp 0
do storage add @inventory (Fire Arrow)
do storage close
goto GantiChar2
# Ini karakter yang mau buat Quivernya di Payon
# Ganti angka "0" (Nol) Sama angka slot karakter kamu
do conf char 0
do reload config
do relog 4

automacro SiapSiap {
storage "Fire Arrow" > 10000
inventory "Fire Arrow" < 10000
call AmbilFire

macro AmbilFire {
do move 181 103 payon
do talk @npc (181 104)
do talk cont
do talk resp 1
do storage get @storage (Fire Arrow)
do storage close

automacro BuatQuiver {
map payon
inventory "Fire Arrow" > 10000
call AyoBuat

macro AyoBuat {
do move 7 132 payon_in01
do talk @npc (5 134)
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk cont
do talk resp 4
do talk cont
do talk resp 0

automacro MasukStorage {
inventory "Fire Arrow Quiver" > 30
call Masuk
macro Masuk {
do move 181 103 payon
do talk @npc (181 104)
do talk cont
do talk resp 1
do storage add @inventory (Fire Arrow Quiver)
do storage close

automacro Selesai {
storage "Fire Arrow Quiver" => 10000
call Log

macro Log {
log "Anda telah berhasil membuat 10000 Fire Arrow Quiver"
pause 60

Macronya diset kalau uda dapet 10000 Fire Arrow Quiver mati sendiri (Ikut2an yang di d-bests)

Tapi ini macronya ganti karakter, jadi siapin yang mau bikin fire arrow di payon, siapin char yang mau beli fire arrow di shunken ship (alb2trea)

Semua char kudu kuat bawa 20k fire arrow



Macro ubah yoyo doll menjadi ygg di alberta

char harap di taroh di alberta

#automacro boneka {
map alberta
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call ygg

macro ygg {
do move 116 135
do talk @npc (117 135)
pause 1
do talk resp 1
pause 1
do talk resp 8
pause 1
release all


Level 1
Macro DC kalo di PK

Ini macro dapet dari Teman And apa bila ada yg merasa ini buatan dia maap aja deh^^ :smiley_beer:

automacro lodiserangskill {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) uses .* on you - dmg: \b[0-9A-Z!]{1,5}\b/i
call reconnect
automacro lodiserangattack {
console /player (.*) \((\d+)\) attacks you - dmg: \b[0-9A-Z!]{1,5}\b/i
call reconnect

macro reconnect {	
do relog 300

semoga membantu!!


Level 1
Macro untuk lex aeterna

automacro absorbNlex{

console /Player PriestTarHere (.*) is casting Vigor Absorption on monster (.*?) \((\d+)\)/i
exclusive 1
call lexMonster

macro lexMonster{
do sm 78 $.lastMatch3
kalo g bisa tolong di koreksi y........


Level 2
Macro Disconnect n Samrat

yang ini kalo misalnya di console muncul akan dc untuk 15 detik, kalo mo ganti tinggal di bagian relog xx (xx = secondnya).
automacro relog {
console "You don't have the Teleport skill or a Fly Wing"
call {
do relog 15
timeout 5
Yang ini macro buat Bot Tarikan, kalo even share partynya bandel.
automacro even_share {
console "Party EXP set to Individual Take"
call {
do party share 1
timeout 10


Level 1
Macro Buat say thank you aja klo vendingan ada yg laku ^^

automacro ngoceh5{	
console /You gained/
call bacod5
run-once 1

macro bacod5{
do c Thx udah beli vendingan-nya~~GBU ^O^
do e thx
do reload mac
release ngoceh5


4 SD
Macro untuk buka pub trus ganti2 nama roomnya ^^

automacro BuatChatRoom {
map prontera
exclusive 1
run-once 1
call Buat

macro Buat {
do chat create Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. 2 0
call Modify

macro Modify {
do chat modify Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. 2 0
pause 4
do chat modify Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. Bla.. 2 0
pause 4
goto Ulang
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