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6 SD
Level 2
ga usa pake macro..
pake ja dr config buy auto..
ato klo ga maw repod cari2 koordinat npc lo stock ja potnya 10000 biji gitu di kafra tar tgl ambil dari kafra pake getauto..

and soal bolak balik izlude - byalan ga usa pusing..
dia da ada built-in dari sananya buad bolak balik daerah situ..
jadinya lo dr izlude ketik2 move iz_dun01 and sebaliknya dia bisa lgs ga usa lo apa2in lg.. :)


Level 1
Thx yah....

Tanya lagi donk....gini:
aQ pake config biar dia auto storage silver arrow klo udah abis. Itu berjalan lancar. cuma.......
Bot nya ga' nge-equip tuh arrow. Jadilah di tempat hunt bot cuman diam dan jadi sasaran empuk momon,

Bagi para botter pro...boleh ga' minta config/makro nya supaya di -equip-itu silver arrow yg dah di ambil.



Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
pake config aja gampang,

@muhammadmujahid & silthice
Ia, Openkore uda tau step npc nya,
di set di tables\portals.txt


Level 1
pake config aja gampang,

@muhammadmujahid & silthice
Ia, Openkore uda tau step npc nya,
di set di tables\portals.txt
kk lom jawab pertanyaan ku.

Caranya biar klo ada panah trus mau di equip gmn???aq d config isi auto-equip arrow silver arrow
tetep g isa. soalnya klo abis ngambil dr storage bingung botnya g di apa''in tuwh panah


6 SD
Level 2
ada di blakang..
and ga pake macro tapi di config aja..
nie contoh..
moga2 bner soalnya ga perna bot hunter.. :(
equipauto silver arrow {
monster sting


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2

attackEquip_arrow Silver Arrow

equipAuto {
arrow Silver Arrow
karena itu config,
ntar lain kali tanya di FaQ seputar openkore yah.. :wink:


Level 1
eh kk aku mau tanya,macro buat jasa warp gitu gmn yah??
hikz miskin amat maen di heroes pengen cari duit dengan jasa warp" gt..hehe


6 SD
Level 2
nih gw bukain spoilernya..
jadinya kek gini..

[b][size=4][color="#FF0000"]MACRO WARP 3 KOTA+HEal and AGI[/color][/size][/b]
[b]note :[/b] - [i]jangan lupa set harga tiap kota and harus berbeda, karena merupakan pemicu triger[/i]
- [i]Bahasa komputer di ubah pakai bahasa [b]Indonesia[/b][/i]

automacro one {
console /Anda duduk./i
call {
do chat create "J>Goat 2.5k|Ice 2k,Geo 1.8k|+paket" 2 0 1111

automacro two {
console /(.*) \(level (\d+)\) Mengajukan Transaksi/i
call {
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Warp ke GEO 1.800 z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Warp ke ICe - 2.000 z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Warp ke Goat - 2.500 z
do pm "$.lastMatch1" Kesalahan/kegagalan Warp bukan tanggung jawab kami

automacro three {
console /Anda mendapatkan 1.800 zeny./i
set repeat 1
call {
do chat leave
pause 1
do e heh
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
pause 0.2
#skill blessing
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
#skill increase agi
pause 1
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c @random ("Terima kasih sudah menggunakan Jasa kami...","Warp akan di buka, 30 detik warp portal akan tertutup...","Kamu membayar saya, saya akan menolongmu warp,mudah khan...")
do e thx
$distance = $.lastMatch2
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3
$playerID = $.lastMatch4
$i = @player($namaPlayer)
$warpslot = 1

$posx = @rand (1,2)
$posy = @rand (1,2)
$cellIsFull = 0

do eval $::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 0;foreach (@{$::playersList->getItems()}) { next if (($_->{pos_to}{x} != $posx) || ($_->{pos_to}{y} != $posy));$::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 1; last;}

if ($cellIsFull == 1) goto loop
$mex = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$mey = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$herex = @eval ($mex + $posx)
$herey = @eval ($mey + $posy)
do sl 27 $herex $herey
pause 1.3
do warp $warpslot
pause 2
do warp ein_fild04

automacro four {
console /Anda mendapatkan 2.000 zeny./i
set repeat 1
call {
do chat leave
pause 1
do e heh
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
pause 0.2
#skill blessing	
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
#skill increase agi
pause 1
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c @random ("Terima kasih sudah menggunakan Jasa kami...","Warp akan di buka, 30 detik warp portal akan tertutup...","Kamu membayar saya, saya akan menolongmu warp,mudah khan")
do e thx
$distance = $.lastMatch2
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3
$playerID = $.lastMatch4
$i = @player($namaPlayer)
$warpslot = 2

$posx = @rand (1,2)
$posy = @rand (1,2)
$cellIsFull = 0

do eval $::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 0;foreach (@{$::playersList->getItems()}) { next if (($_->{pos_to}{x} != $posx) || ($_->{pos_to}{y} != $posy));$::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 1; last;}

if ($cellIsFull == 1) goto loop
$mex = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$mey = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$herex = @eval ($mex + $posx)
$herey = @eval ($mey + $posy)
do sl 27 $herex $herey
pause 1.3
do warp $warpslot
pause 2
do warp ra_fild01

automacro five {
console /Anda mendapatkan 2.500 zeny./i
set repeat 1
call {
do chat leave
pause 1
do e heh
do sp 28 "$.lastMatch1" 10
pause 0.2
#skill blessing
do sp 34 "$.lastMatch1" 10
#skill increase agi
pause 1
do sp 29 "$.lastMatch1" 10
do c @random ("Terima kasih sudah menggunakan Jasa kami...","Warp akan di buka, 30 detik warp portal akan tertutup...","Kamu membayar saya, saya akan menolongmu warp,mudah khan")
do e thx
$distance = $.lastMatch2
$namaPlayer = $.lastMatch3
$playerID = $.lastMatch4
$i = @player($namaPlayer)
$warpslot = 3

$posx = @rand (1,2)
$posy = @rand (1,2)
$cellIsFull = 0

do eval $::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 0;foreach (@{$::playersList->getItems()}) { next if (($_->{pos_to}{x} != $posx) || ($_->{pos_to}{y} != $posy));$::Macro::Data::varStack{cellIsFull} = 1; last;}

if ($cellIsFull == 1) goto loop
$mex = @arg ("$.pos", 1)
$mey = @arg ("$.pos", 2)
$herex = @eval ($mex + $posx)
$herey = @eval ($mey + $posy)
do sl 27 $herex $herey
pause 1.3
do warp $warpslot
pause 2
do warp ein_fild06

:smiley_beer:  Enjoy and Happy Warper  :00100000:
creditnya liad di share macronya ja ya.. :)


Level 1
eh cara gunain ini gimana yah
bingung wa nda ngerti
maksudnya cara utak atik consolenya gimana...
ada yg bisa kasi guide/webnya gitu yg jelas??


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Itu harus pake regexp
misal nya gini

console /\[(jarak|dist) = (.*)\] (.*) \((\d+)\): (\*Flag\s\d\*|paket)/
(jarak|dist) adalah $.lastMatch1
(.*) adalah $.lastMatch2
(.*) adalah $.lastMatch3
((\d+) adalah $.lastMatch4
(\*Flag\s\d\*|paket) adalah $.lastMatch5

misal, di console terdeteksi seperti ini (macro trigged)
[dist=1] GukZz (3): *Flag 1*
[dist] adalah $.lastMatch1
1 adalah $.lastMatch2
GukZz adalah $.lastMatch3
(3) adalah $.lastMatch4
*Flag 1* adalah $.lastMatch5


Level 1
cuma bisa buat expresi kah
apa kalo buat yg lain2 begini
Player XXXXX (0) is casting Increase AGI on monster Metaling (3)(Time 780ms)
console /Player (.*)((\d+)) is casting Increase AGI on monster Metaling ((\d+))(Time 780ms)/	
kalo gini brati 
$.lastMatch1= (0)
$.lastMatch2= (3)
console /Player (.*) ((\d+)) is casting (Increase AGI) on monster (Metaling) ((\d+))(Time (780)ms)/
$.lastMatch3=Increase AGI
$.lastMatch5= 3
$.lastMatch6= waktu cast??
bener gak??


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
console /Player (.*) ((\d+)) is casting (.*) on monster (.*) ((\d+))(Time (.*)ms)/
$.lastMatch1 = (.*)
$.lastMatch2 = ((\d+))
$.lastMatch3 = (.*)
$.lastMatch4 = (.*)
$.lastMatch5 = ((\d++)))
$.lastMatch6 = (.*)

Contoh console nya :
Player FerryGukguk (0) is casting Ashura Strike on monster Baphomet (2) (Time 320ms)
$.lastMatch1 = FerryGukguk
$.lastMatch2 = 0
$.lastMatch3 = Ashura Strike
$.lastMatch4 = Baphomet
$.lastMatch5 = 2
$.lastMatch6 = 320


Level 1
@om ferry
gua uda baca dari halaman 1-abis,disuruh buka ke d-beest,gua buka d-beest ga bisa register salah terus gmn dong om T-t~