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Level 2

naruto mencapai climaks nya nih pas lawan pain..


pertama jiraya..

lalu sizhune..

lalu fusakaku..

masih belum jelas si kakashi..


banyak banged korban nya pain..


klo semua personil akatsuki turun tangan di konoha, mw jdi apa tuh konoha ?


baru pain dg conan aj ud porak poranda dan gugur semua..


turut berduka cita..



2 SD

Gaara kea na engga muncul" lagi de ..

coz crita tentang dia uda di critain smua qan??

@atas na lagi

iia bner" .. baru pain doang iank turun uda kea gitu ..

bdw sasuke masuk akatsuki qan??

koq abis lawan itachi dia engga muncul" lagi??


Level 1
sasuke ga gabung ma akatsuki kok...

dia ganti nama teamnya aja jadi Eagle misi "Hancurkan Konoha"


makin panjang pertempuran neh...


2 SD

loh engga gabung sama akatsuki dia??

iia makin panjang,, apa lagi qlo si sasuke niad mau ngancurin akatsuki ..

sedangkan anggota akatsuki iank laen selain pain masih ada iank blom di kalahin ..



Level 1
masi ada anggota akatsuki yg masi tanda tanya skillnya kek konan tuh....

tuh para shinobi masi belum tau kekuatannya konan yg sebenarnya bisa jadi dia sangar tuh abis sama pein trus kalo jalan coz dia yg jagain sipein....trus itu siTobi juga masi tanda tanya itu bener2 siobito(temennya kakashi yg kasi matanya) ato simadara uchiha yg kabarnya masi idup....

kalo sitobi itu madara uchiha lebih bahaya lg coz itu clan pertama uchiha yg manggil kyubii trus ada perjanjian rahasia gitu,,,,nah denger2 nih sipein itu kan ketua akatsuki tp dy masi tunduk ma satu orang bisa jadi itu madara uchiha

trus lo tau kan critanya pas pas mati itachi,,,dia kan sempat tranfer kekuatan gitu ke sasuke Amaterasu nah itu buat lindungin sisasuke dari madara itu

bakal panjang deh keknya,,,,,apalage Madara Uchiha tuh serem abis gila soalnya dia kan hasil perkawinan clan tertua Hyuuga ama raja iblis(Raja Tengu)
ya mudah2an bukan madara,,,,


Level 2

berita dari mana tuh soal bonyok nya si uchiha madara ??.. --a

obito itu ud mokad um, gk usa di bahas" lgi, jelas" yg pke topeng itu uchiha madara.. --a


Level 1
ada kok pernah dibahas kok soal bonyoknya dichapter brp gitu...

ya namanya kan masi prediksi om bisa jadi itu siobito ya bisa jadi madara yg pake tubuhnya obito kan,,,yah namanya prediksi....tergantung penulisnya,,,sipenulis kan bisa membangkitkan seseorang yg telah mati hihihihi...


Level 2
nehh gue ksh spoiler naruto 436...

Ino dad: I know! Where Pain's real body is!
Shikamaru: Did you get something?
Ino: What do you mean?
Ino dad: Yeah... When I looked in the head of that guy from hidden rain that Jiraiya-sama caught, he was carrying dead bodies with his friend from the village

(man: we're carrying dead bodies to the highest tower of the village. You know what is in there?)

Shikamaru: Carrying dead bodies?
Ino dad: Yes... You said it yourself earlier, in order to transmit the chakra signals, the receiver should logically be nearby. then... that guy said that among all the towers in hidden rain, it was the tallest tower they were carrying dead bodies to

(Dead body guy: Actually... The rumor is that Pain-sama is dwelling there)

Ino dad: In hidden rain, the rumor is that Pain was inside of that tallest tower. Then that girl appeared as Pain... It was the same girl whose dead body was being carried to that tall tower... It would mean that this tower is the place where they create Pain bodies by embedding those black stakes-like receivers into dead bodies
Shikamaru: So what is the connection with the position of the real body?
Ino dad: To transmit the chakra signals, the most efficient place is... To transmit as far away as possible, he had to be in the tallest tower
Anbu: I see... which means
Ino dad: Pain's real body is on the highest place of Konoha...
Shikamaru: All right! Let's investigate thoroughly tall places

437: What will Naruto do after listening to Pain!? Next, rapid development!!
Inoichi thinks there is a high possibility that Pain is on some high mountain in Konoha.
(because it would make the chakra transfer easier)
Then it's all conservation between Naruto and Tendou.

Pain wishes for peace and justice.
Naruto wishes for peace and justice.
Both have the same target but different means to achieve it.

Finally, the real body Nagato is shown.
Following is the spoiler writer's opinion:
He looks like a skinny Orochimaru, sitting on some four-legged, wheelchair-like thing.
There are a lot of black rods piercing out from his back and his body has a lot of holes/pits.
Konan: Nagato had used up too much chakra.
Nagato, with his mouth bleeding: Peace will arrive soon.
b`arti tubh pein yg d pake itu palsu, dan yg asli pake kursi roda
udh kyk si oroci aja yahh :hilarious:


Level 2
Kabar Gaara gmn coy??????
kabar gaara baik cuy. coz ntar qt2 orang gaara ke konoha. bwat
bantuin naruto, n inoici and sikamaru nyari tubuh asli pein...

next2 tubuh aslinya pein itu udh lemahh tak bedaya..
d atas kursi roda.. :hilarious:


Level 1
Ude naek kursi roda, bolong2 lagi badannya kyk di makanin rayap

garaa dah g pnya biju lagi kan?
Brarti garaa dah lemah dung?


2 SD
Level 2
oya desas desus katanya ada hubungan darah antara naruto dengan nagato
bener gk sih?

kakashi mati gk?, keliatan nya kakashi belum mati deh, tapi kok naruto bilang dia gk bisa merasakan keberadaan kakashi lagi di dunia..


2 SD

engga tau de ..

gu juga masih bingung sama kakashi .. (uda mati ato blom)

soal na engga di critain lagi qan,, pass pain lempar paku ke arah kakashi ..

abis itu langsung ke skip crita na ..


Level 2

sama persis seperti script yang ud di post sebelum nya..


dah mw mati itu painnya..

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