swt baru tau klo ad jyubi, a~info..soryy klo udah ada yang tahu..
ternyata akatsuki mengumpulkan Biju untuk menjadikan nya ekor 10...namanya klo gag salah Jyubi...
tapi naruto yang akan merebutnya...karna tahu akatsuki mengumpulkan nya untuk kejahatan nya...
klo ada info lain tentang jyubi harap share,,,
ia dia madara, kmn aja mas wkwkwkw...@all
1 peratanyaan all
TOBI = Madara kah?
kalo nyari spoiler chapter baru naruto dmn si?Naruto 467: Taking Down the Kyuubi!
Yamato: So…how long since you completed this stage?
Bee: Three months
Yamato: Sheesh what ignorance…*Someone’s coming*!
Bee: Hold them off while I keep Naruto safe…
Yamato: Theres two of them..
Yamato hides behind the wall as he see’s to shadows walking through
Yamato: Mokuton: Binding Branches!
Motoi: Now is that how to treat your host?
Might guy is seen cutting through the branches
Might guy: Just another obstacle to test my spring time of youth! *Smiles*
Yamato: I thought you were going to report to the higher ups?
Motoi: Guy-san already had the pleasure to do that.
Might guy: So hows Naruto holding up?
Bee: Get over here be-atch’s and i’ll tell you!
Motoi: Bee-san? Master Raikage is planning to invade a outpost held by the Akatsuki..That is the latest update.
Bee: Might brother can handle that..I hope he doesnt send my students or he’ll regret it!
Motoi: They are a destructive bunch arent they?
Yamato: Is Naruto winning?
Might guy: Why is Naruto just seating there? Is he meditating on his spring time of youth?! *Smiles*
Bee: He’s fighting the Kyuubi.
Yamato: *Has a concerned look on his face*
Might guy: What?!?! Where is the Kyuubi!
Motoi: He released the seal and he’s now fighting that beast in his mind..
Naruto slides back with sage mode and wounds on him
Kyuubi: Do you really think that cursed chakra would save you? My power is 100 fold compared to that chakra,
Naruto: This is it?!? That power is so amazing!
Kyuubi: Your a strong Ninja but to be able to control my power will take a mighty ninja…Just like your father. I hated him but he was definently skilled enough to handle me and Madara. I would’ve gladly gave him my power. But you? Your nothing compared to him!
Naruto: Heh..Even the fox admire my Father. Listen here Fox, my name is Naruto Uzumaki and my father is the Fourth Hokage! He believed I would be able to use you so thats wwhat im gonna do!
Naruto: *Forms the Resengan* Take this Fox!
Naruto manages to badly injure one of the Fox tails
Naruto: 8 more to go until im able to get on his back..*Just like Bee-san said*
Kyuubi: Im gonna enjoy this..have a taste of my power.
Kyuubi then stands on 4 paws and opens his mouth..
Naruto: So thats the power Yamato was talking to me about when I attacked Orochimaru!
Kyuubi: Take this brat.*Shoots an massive amount of chakra infused with its blood inside of Narutos mind*.
Naruto dodges then screams in pain….*Bee: Dont let him fire his chakra wthin your mind or you will die*!
Naruto: I have to block those attacks someway?!!?
Kyuubi then forms another ball and shoots it at Naruto
Naruto: Fuuton: Rasenshuriken! Yes! I was able to cancel it out with the rasenshuriken
Kyuubi: !!!!! Thats one formidable jutsu…How about we make a deal? *With that in his arsenal my half power wouldnt be able to handle it*..
Naruto: Haha its about time…*Bee-san said he might make a deal*..
Kyuubi: Get on my back..
Naruto: Yess hes finally cooperating.
Kyuubi: If im gonna be used by you, our top priority will be to get back at that Uchiha Madara.
Naruto: Anything else?
Kyuubi: Hmmmm….You will release me daily for a short amount of time so I can see the world again.
Naruto: Fine and in my return ill set you free when this is all over with *Smiles promise of a lifetime* hehe
Naruto then gets out of the meditation
Might guy: Are you alright Naruto-kun?
Motoi: Hmm?
Yamato: Whats wrong?
Bee: *That muthafucka*! haha
Naruto then say something and he transform into the Kyuubi…Naruto is seen attached to the Kyuubi head
Naruto: Haha I did it you guys!
Bee: Where they go?
Motoi turns around and see’s Yamato and Might Guy run out the room and he starts laughing
Next time on Naruto: Bee Vs Naruto.
wew akhirnya kyuubi ama naruto setelah tarung langsung mau tunduk ama naruto,
If im gonna be used by you, our top priority will be to get back at that Uchiha Madara.
Naruto then say something and he transform into the Kyuubi…Naruto is seen attached to the Kyuubi head
wah seru nih, tapi lom kluar RAWnya, cmn spoiler doank >.<
nunggu hari kamis
@Putri Adwi
gk jelas juga sih gan...
karakter Tobi juga "sesumbar" kan...
jadi bisa aja dia ngaku dirinya Tobi...
tapi yang pasti, sosok dibalik topeng itu Tobi [mungkin arwahnya Madara]
-Just my opinion-
but ada 1 keanehan masalah madara
waktu pas tobi ketemu kisame
nih percakapannya
dannn ini dia mizukage
aneh kan?
terus masalah tobi = obito
liat disini
hayooo pusing gga :dizzy:
maaf mod gabisa pake spoiler, kalo bisa dieditin ya maaf