Welcome to the Nyit-Nyit.Net - N3 forum! This is a forum where offline-online gamers, programmers and reverser community can share, learn, communicate and interact, offer services, sell and buy game mods, hacks, cracks and cheats related, including for iOS and Android.
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aq jg maen dh lvl 7.. ada misi2 yg harus diselesaikan untuk mendapatkan item2 unik..
Oiy,,klo ada yg punya cheat ni game share az disini..
Oiy,,yg maen ni game gmn klo qta anak N3 bikin aliance az..
ane baru dapet ini nih gan.....
sapa tw ada yg belom nyoba.... Credits: Soularas
1. Use either firefox or chrome and enter your Main facebook account
2. Click the links below to request for the material.
3. Click each link about 10 times to collect 10 of each.
4. You should now have a lot of tabs open.
5. Select your SECONDARY facebook account in the "Select Friends" list. Do NOT click Send Help Request yet.
6. Select the Secondary facebook account for ALL the tabs, then now you can click "Send Help Request" for ALL the tabs.
7. Click Send for all the tabs too.
8. Now, log into your Secondary facebook account and you should see all the requests.
9. Click on each request ONE at a time
10. Now, all the items will be sent to your main account. Have fun!
wahh baru aja nih maen ginian..
masih lv 4 :wacko:
ehh bsknya nemu thread ginian..
mangkal dlu lah disini.. btw gamenya lebih seru dari pada web based perang2 laennya.. :yahoo:
coba aja search di google gan pasti ketemu..
btw ane dah coba cheatnya tapi gk ngerti.. ga ada tutornya di dalamnya.. trus bahasanya bahasa luar ane kgk tau :stupid:
coba aja search di google gan pasti ketemu..
btw ane dah coba cheatnya tapi gk ngerti.. ga ada tutornya di dalamnya.. trus bahasanya bahasa luar ane kgk tau :stupid: