- Exp - x150.
- PT - xGM.
- Force, Skills - xGM.
- Drop - x95.
- Free PvP Final Update server. Many addons. No playing GMs.
- 50/60 int weapon, armor.
- Golden Mau/Siege Kit/Level 65 Isis.
- Relic weapons at Npc, and box items at npc and drops at mobs.
- Hero/Elven Weapons.
- No +6 donations and NO CORUPTION.
- CashShop in all HQ (dope, jewellery, modifiers).
- Armor shop (53 int, 55 int, 60 int) in all HQ.
- Shop of Teleports to all pit bosses in all HQ.
- The price to sale of mob loots - 30 is increased.
- Pit boss drop chance are corrected.
- The price for charges is reduced.
- The price for an obsidional complex is reduced.
- Accretia Shop - added grenades (3 000 charges).
- Animus are very powerful.
- Sealed relict drop from boss.
- All Animus Cora are given (49 lv mage).
- A Great Friendly Community and Staff. Our server is International, everyone is welcome!
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maaf nubie ane cuma kasi info