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Plugins Openkore

Not open for further replies.


Level 1
Need Help kk
aku mencoba ngebot di private server yg ada anti-bot
trus aku dah coba make anti-anti bot plugins dari openkore
tapi koq ga berhasil ya
ada yg bisa bantu?
nih yang ku masukan di Config TXT
reactOnNPC talk num @eval(my $numerotxt = #2~1;my $answer;message \"[reactOnNPC] Text to translate: \\\"$numerotxt\\\".\\n\", \"success\";if ($numerotxt =~ /s[èéêëe].?.?r[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu]s/@) {$answer=1;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /d[ùúûüu][àáâãäåa].?.?r[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu]s/@) {$answer=2;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /t[“í”ïi]g[àáâãäåa].?.?r[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu]s/@) {$answer=3;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /[èéêëe]mp[àáâãäåa]t.?.?r[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu]s/@) {$answer=4;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /l[“í”ïi]m[àáâãäåa].?.?r[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu]s/@) {$answer=5;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /[èéêëe]n[àáâãäåa]m.?.?r[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu]s/@) {$answer=6;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /t[ùúûüu]j[ùúûüu]h.?.?r[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu]s/@) {$answer=7;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /d[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]p[àáâãäåa]n.?.?r[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu]s/@) {$answer=8;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /s[èéêëe]mb[“í”ïi]l[àáâãäåa]n.?.?r[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu]s/@) {$answer=9;}message \"[reactOnNPC] First code to answer: \\\"$answer\\\".\\n\", \"success\";if ($numerotxt =~ /s[èéêëe].?.?p[ùúûüu]l[ùúûüu]h|b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=1;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /d[ùúûüu][àáâãäåa].?.?p[ùúûüu]l[ùúûüu]h/@) {$answer.=2;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /t[“í”ïi]g[àáâãäåa].?.?p[ùúûüu]l[ùúûüu]h/@) {$answer.=3;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /[èéêëe]mp[àáâãäåa]t.?.?p[ùúûüu]l[ùúûüu]h/@) {$answer.=4;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /l[“í”ïi]m[àáâãäåa].?.?p[ùúûüu]l[ùúûüu]h/@) {$answer.=5;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /[èéêëe]n[àáâãäåa]m.?.?p[ùúûüu]l[ùúûüu]h/@) {$answer.=6;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /t[ùúûüu]j[ùúûüu]h.?.?p[ùúûüu]l[ùúûüu]h/@) {$answer.=7;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /d[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]p[àáâãäåa]n.?.?p[ùúûüu]l[ùúûüu]h/@) {$answer.=8;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /s[èéêëe]mb[“í”ïi]l[àáâãäåa]n.?.?p[ùúûüu]l[ùúûüu]h/@) {$answer.=9;} elsif ($answer neq \'\'@) {$answer.=0;}message \"[reactOnNPC] 2nd code to answer: \\\"$answer\\\".\\n\", \"success\";if ($numerotxt =~ /s[àáâãäåa]t[ùúûüu].{0,3}$|s[èéêëe].?.?b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=1;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /d[ùúûüu][àáâãäåa].{0,3}$|d[ùúûüu][àáâãäåa].?.?b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=2;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /t[“í”ïi]g[àáâãäåa].{0,3}$|t[“í”ïi]g[àáâãäåa].?.?b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=3;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /[èéêëe]mp[àáâãäåa]t.{0,3}$|[èéêëe]mp[àáâãäåa]t.?.?b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=4;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /l[“í”ïi]m[àáâãäåa].{0,3}$|l[“í”ïi]m[àáâãäåa].?.?b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=5;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /[èéêëe]n[àáâãäåa]m.{0,3}$|[èéêëe]n[àáâãäåa]m.?.?b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=6;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /t[ùúûüu]j[ùúûüu]h.{0,3}$|t[ùúûüu]j[ùúûüu]h.?.?b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=7;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /d[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]p[àáâãäåa]n.{0,3}$|d[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]p[àáâãäåa]n.?.?b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=8;} elsif ($numerotxt =~ /s[èéêëe]mb[“í”ïi]l[àáâãäåa]n.{0,3}$|s[èéêëe]mb[“í”ïi]l[àáâãäåa]n.?.?b[èéêëe]l[àáâãäåa]s/@) {$answer.=9;} else {$answer.=0;}}message \"[reactOnNPC] Last code to answer: \\\"$answer\\\".\\n\", \"success\";return $answer;) {
type continue
useColors 0
delay 5
msg_0 [Polisi]
msg_1 Masukkan angka ini:
msg_2 /(.+)/
trus ini yg aku masukan di pluginsnya
<div class='codetop'>NYIT-NYIT CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:300px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>Plugins::register(\'reactOnNPC\', \"react on NPC messages\", \\&Unload);

my $hooks = ((substr($Settings::VERSION, 0, 3) >= 1.9) ?
[\'packet/npc_talk\', \\&onNPCTalk, undef],
[\'packet/npc_talk_close\', \\&onNPCAction, undef],
[\'packet/npc_talk_continue\', \\&onNPCAction, undef],
[\'packet/npc_talk_number\', \\&onNPCAction, undef],
[\'packet/npc_talk_responses\', \\&onNPCAction, undef],
[\'packet/npc_talk_text\', \\&onNPCAction, undef]
) :
[\'parseMsg/pre\', \\&onParseMsg,
\'00B4\' => [\\&onNPCTalk, \'packet/npc_talk\'],
\'00B5\' => [\\&onNPCAction, \'packet/npc_talk_continue\'],
\'00B6\' => [\\&onNPCAction, \'packet/npc_talk_close\'],
\'00B7\' => [\\&onNPCAction, \'packet/npc_talk_responses\'],
\'0142\' => [\\&onNPCAction, \'packet/npc_talk_number\'],
\'01D4\' => [\\&onNPCAction, \'packet/npc_talk_text\']

my %reactOnNPC;

sub Unload

sub onNPCTalk
my (undef, $args) = @_;
my $ID = unpack(\"V\", substr($args->{RAW_MSG}, 4, 4));
my $msg = unpack(\"Z*\", substr($args->{RAW_MSG}, 8));
if ((substr($Settings::VERSION, 0, 3) >= 1.9) && (substr($Settings::VERSION, 4) >= 1))
$msg = I18N::bytesToString($msg);

if (!defined %reactOnNPC || $reactOnNPC{action})
undef %reactOnNPC if defined %reactOnNPC;
$reactOnNPC{index} = 0;
$reactOnNPC{ID} = $ID;
$reactOnNPC{msg}[$reactOnNPC{index}] = $msg;
$reactOnNPC{msg}[$reactOnNPC{index}] = $msg;
debug \"[reactOnNPC] NPC message saved ($reactOnNPC{index}): \\\"$msg\\\".\\n\", \"reactOnNPC\";

sub onNPCAction
my $type = substr(shift, 16);
$reactOnNPC{action} = $type;
debug \"[reactOnNPC] onNPCAction type is: $type.\\n\", \"reactOnNPC\";

if ($type eq \'responses\')
my $args = shift;
my $msg = unpack(\"Z*\", substr($args->{RAW_MSG}, 8));
if ((substr($Settings::VERSION, 0, 3) >= 1.9) && (substr($Settings::VERSION, 4) >= 1))
$msg = I18N::bytesToString($msg);
undef @{$reactOnNPC{responses}};
my @responses = split /:/, $msg;
foreach (@responses) {
push @{$reactOnNPC{responses}}, $_ if $_ ne \"\";

my $i = 0;
while (exists $config{\"reactOnNPC_$i\"}) {
if (
|| !main::checkSelfCondition(\"reactOnNPC_$i\")
|| ($config{\"reactOnNPC_${i}_type\"} && $config{\"reactOnNPC_${i}_type\"} ne $type)
) {
debug \"[reactOnNPC] Conditions for reactOnNPC_$i not met.\\n\", \"reactOnNPC\";
my $j = 0;
my $ok = 1;
while (exists $config{\"reactOnNPC_${i}_msg_$j\"})
my $msg;
if (exists $reactOnNPC{msg}[$j])
$msg = $reactOnNPC{msg}[$j];
# Remove RO color codes
$msg =~ s/\\^[a-fA-F0-9]{6}//g unless ($config{\"reactOnNPC_${i}_useColors\"});

if (!defined $msg || !match($j, $msg, $config{\"reactOnNPC_${i}_msg_$j\"}))
debug \"[reactOnNPC] One or more lines doesn\'t match for \\\"reactOnNPC_$i\\\" ($j).\\n\", \"reactOnNPC\";
$ok = 0;

if ($ok)
my $cmd = $config{\"reactOnNPC_$i\"};
$cmd =~ s/#(\\d+)~(\\d+)/$reactOnNPC{match}[$1][$2]/g;
my $kws = \'eval|resp\';
while (my ($kw, $expr) = $cmd =~ /\\@($kws)\\(((??!(?<!\\@)\\@$kws\\().)+?)(?<!\\@)\\)/)
my $eval;
my $eval_expr = $expr;
$eval_expr =~ s/\\@(?=[\\@)])//g;
if ($kw eq \'eval\')
$eval = eval $eval_expr;
elsif ($kw eq \'resp\')
$i = 0;
foreach (@{$reactOnNPC{responses}}) {
if (match(undef, $_, $eval_expr))
$eval = $i;
$expr = quotemeta $expr;
$cmd =~ s/\\@$kw\\($expr\\)/$eval/g;
message \"[reactOnNPC] Reacting to NPC. Executing command \\\"$cmd\\\".\\n\", \"success\";
undef %reactOnNPC if $type eq \'close\';

sub match
my ($line, $subject, $pattern) = @_;

debug \"[reactOnNPC] Matching \\\"$subject\\\" to \\\"$pattern\\\" ($line)... \", \"reactOnNPC\";
if (my ($re, $ci) = $pattern =~ /^\\/(.+?)\\/(i?)$/)
if (($ci && $subject =~ /$re/i) || (!$ci && $subject =~ /$re/))
if (defined $line)
no strict;
foreach my $index (1..$#-)
$reactOnNPC{match}[$line][$index] = ${$index};
debug \"regexp ok.\\n\", \"reactOnNPC\";
return 1;
elsif ($subject eq $pattern)
debug \"ok.\\n\", \"reactOnNPC\";
return 1;
debug \"doesn\'t match.\\n\", \"reactOnNPC\";

sub onParseMsg
my (undef, $args, $handlers) = @_;

if ($handlers->{$args->{switch}})
my $handler = $handlers->{$args->{switch}};
$handler->[0]->($handler->[1], ($args->{switch} eq \'00B4\' || $args->{switch} eq \'00B7\') ? {RAW_MSG => $args->{msg}} : undef);

return 1;</div>

tapi koq di konsolenya cuma bgiini
<div class='codetop'>NYIT-NYIT CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:300px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>Unknown #110264398: [Polisi]
[reactOnNPC] NPC message saved (0): \"[^0000FFPolisi^000000]\".
Unknown #110264398: Masukkan angka ini:
[reactOnNPC] NPC message saved (1): \"Masukkan angka ini:\".
Unknown #110264398: dempâtdrätüsp rdêlâpånrpülûh düa
[reactOnNPC] NPC message saved (2): \"^46964B^32B83Edempât^7A7C15drätüsp^0A8322 ^083A4Ardêlâpånr^5C28BDpülûh ^C5BC63 düa^000000\".
Unknown #110264398: såtu dari lïma
[reactOnNPC] NPC message saved (3): \"^566A1E^8C606Esåtu^000000 dari ^C86306lïma^000000\".
Unknown #110264398:
[reactOnNPC] NPC message saved (4): \" \".
Unknown #110264398: sëmbïlánpülûh detik untuk merespon
[reactOnNPC] NPC message saved (5): \"^0DA0C6 ^957B87^95B28Esëmbïlán^939023pülûh ^40B05B^000000^846D9B detik untuk merespon\".
Unknown #110264398: Auto-continuing talking
[reactOnNPC] onNPCAction type is: continue.
[reactOnNPC] React to NPC with delay. Execute command \"talk num \" after 5 seconds.
NPC Exists: BotKillerFnc1 (140, 180) (ID 110264398) - (9)
BotKillerFnc1: Type \'talk num <number #>\' to input a number.
[reactOnNPC] onNPCAction type is: number.
[reactOnNPC] Conditions for reactOnNPC_0 not met.
[reactOnNPC] Conditions for reactOnNPC_1 not met.
[reactOnNPC] Reacting to NPC. Executing command \"talk num \".
Error in function \'talk num\' (Respond to NPC)
You must specify a number.
reactOnNPC] Reacting to NPC. Executing command \"talk num \".
Error in function \'talk num\' (Respond to NPC)
You must specify a number.
[reactOnNPC] Reacting to NPC. Executing command \"talk num \".
Error in function \'talk num\' (Respond to NPC)
You must specify a number.</div>

ada yg bisa bantu ga?
kesalahan saya dmn ya


Level 1

bro gk bisa di DL tuh Plugin yg DC, need link doong! :smiley_beer:

fer plugin yg Dc bisa gk di openkore versi atau svn bisa ga????



Level 1
all tanya dnk.... plugin autodisconnect wat versi 2.0.5 gmn yha??? koq ga bisa pny ku....

ak pke openkore eror trs soalnya.. jadi kembali ke 2.0.5

masi newbie... tlg bantuannya...T_T


Gukguk Love Cat
Level 2
Coba baca pengumuman yg baru..
Attachment lagi error kk..

Kalo engga pake macro aja, gw jg pake macro..

tanya di bagian macro


1 SD
Level 2
Level 1
om gukguk

saya pake plugins follow_wait, jd hunter samperin prist klo prist hilang,
nah... masalahnya,
wa bot di kuya,
kan hunter duluan masuk ke kuya dr alberta,
ntar klo hunter dah masuk baru prist masuk jg..
masalahnya klo pake plugins follow_wait,
klo hunter dah masuk ke kuya dan prist masi ada di alberta, hunter balik ke alberta samperin prist
soalnya prist masi ngomong ama npc yg kekuya -- panjang ngomongnya,
jd hunter balik ke alberta samperin prist,
dan itu terjadi berulang2 kali..
jd, gak jd hunt, exp gak jalan, z habis (T.T)

padahal wa dah set :
follow wait in lock only 1

itu gmn solusinya om,
mohon penjelasannya..

maap klo susunan katanya rancu ^^


Level 1
config yang gmn ?, pusing dimananya....?
kasih keterangan yang jelas kk ^^

@Up 2x

memang setau saya pemakain plugins follow_wait kurang terlalu efektif plus sangat mempengaruhi pendapatan exp/jam, kenapa kk tidak coba saja pake settingan yang dari Openkorenya sendiri di config.txt ada kok yang followBot 0/1, kk tinggal tentuin kek gini contohnya

setingan di Priest :
follow 1
followTarget ##### <------  nama hunter kk
followDistanceMin ###  <--- terserah kk
followDistancemax ### <--- sama terserah kk
followLostStep #### <------ ini isi 12 standardnya sich, tapi isa dicoba-coba kok

follow Bot 1  <--- diset 1 biar ON
fungsi diatas itu kalau master (hunter kk) hilang dalam jumlah step yang kk dah tulis diatas, si priest akan command otomatis utk balik nyusul si priest (hampir sama kek plugins follow-wait ya ~_~!) , tapi lebih simpel krn dak perlu tambah-tambah plugins^^.

Saya berani bilang pake setting dari config lebih enak dibanding pake plugins yang follow_wait karena saya sendiri juga sudah mencoba, no offense ya kk yg bikin plugins follow_wait^^. Moga-moga bermanfaat.


3 SD
Level 2
pake macro udah ada. adopsi dari macro warp portal bot. lalu buat command nya coba2 dulu di open kore. huehe :smiley_beer:


Level 1
@godzilaz : klo homunculus kan gk pake plugin, udah ada di confignya tinggal u atur ajah ..
trs klo maw GB homunya tinggal tankMode 1 <-- ganti di config


Level 1
om ferr
gene... dolo,gw bikin bot bwt ps am temen2 gw
http://www.kitaupload.com/download.php?file=478Bot Duid.rar
otomatis bot save auto d pront , tele k mjol 3
gw lpa gw setting e keq gtoe d mn waktu itu

giliran uda gw ubah bwt bot WSP.. pharmacy
gk bza..
bisa tlong bantu
di ubah2in..
plz............... tolong banget da lama..
gk maen ro.. brrr


Level 1
<div class='codetop'>NYIT-NYIT CODE</div><div class='codemain' style='height:300px;white-space:pre;overflow:auto'>### Move to Create Position trigger by Inventory Quantity
automacro initiate {
sp > 80
location not payon 180 100 181 100
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call start
#run-once 1
timeout 10

macro start {
#@release initiate
move 180 100 payon
@pause 1

#at Create Position consider condition trigger by Quantity and sp
automacro resta {
location payon 180 100
sp < 15
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call rest
run-once 1
timeout 5
macro rest {
move 181 100
@release resta
@pause 1
#at Rest Position ... condition trigger by Quantity & sp
automacro jallen {
location payon 181 100
sp > 90
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call shifta
timeout 5
macro shifta {
move 180 100
@pause 1

#at Create Position ... Create condition trigger by Quantity or Sp
automacro create {
location payon 180 100
sp > 15
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call pharmacy
run-once 1
##### Pharmacy Creation CODE : Credit to flakey of OpenKore Board #####
##### http://openkore.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5000 #####

##### send (code) after invoke "ss 228 10" only ... therefore Kore terminate !
##### Red Potion = 8E 01 F5 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Yellow Potion = 8E 01 F7 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### White Potion = 8E 01 F8 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Blue Potion = 8E 01 F9 01 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Adonyne = 8E 01 5D 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Aloevera = 8E 01 5E 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Red Slim = 8E 01 21 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Yellow Slim = 8E 01 22 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### White Slim = 8E 01 23 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Alcohol = 8E 01 CA 03 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Fire Bottle = 8E 01 DF 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Acid Bottle = 8E 01 E0 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Plant Bottle = 8E 01 E1 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Mine Bottle = 8E 01 E2 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00
##### Coating Wax = 8E 01 E3 1B 00 00 00 00 00 00

macro pharmacy {
ss 228 10
@pause 0.5
send 8E 01 23 02 00 00 00 00 00 00
@release create
@set (time) @var (.time)

##### Counter Relogin every 10 min ... while Pharmacy #####
### in order not to Mix up the Counter Relogin with the Process ###
### leave the Counter Relogin macro at last lines ###
#Counter Relog while Grab
#Counter Relog while Create
automacro resetKaraCreate {
var time < @eval (@var (.time) - 30)
location payon 180 100
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
call reseto
timeout 60
macro reseto {
macro reset
@pause 1
#Counter Relog while Rest
#Counter Relog while Walking
# Counter Relog while Standing out of 181,100 / 180,100
# Counter Relog while Store Item</div>

edit bagian
inventory "White Herb" > 0
inventory "Medicine Bowl" > 0
inventory "Empty Potion Bottle" > 0
cari apa aja bahan utk buat wsp, dan tambahkan disitu ..
klo yg sekarang setau gw itu pharmacy utk buat WP doank ..


Level 1
kk tolong tny donk data2 yg folder fields itu dapet drmana aja ya?
help please... w cm krg folder fileds n plugins aja


Level 1
Plugin Dc saya ko ga mau ya?
yg ga maunya tuh dc saat hp < 45%
disconnect_plugin 1
disconnectAuto_time 60
disconnectAuto_monster_time 300
disconnectAuto_hp < 45%
disconnectAuto_minAggressives 4
disconnectAuto_minAggressivesInLock 4
ini settingan di config saya...
saya pk plugin disconect 3.0
tolong pencerahannya...
thx b4
:beer: :beer:


Level 1
@gokilz : coba diliat di bot pluginya jalan gk ??
klo jalan, coba di ganti disconnectAuto_hp < 1000 (bukan persentasi, tp angka hp sesungguhnya)
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