on pet and search 1 then off pet search 65535...Ada yg dh nemu pet attack codenya ?
search ur lvl then choose other char and search second char lvl then the code will pop up u just need save the last code n edit to 127 n the pet attck will increase...for the pet attck on pet n search 1 n then off pet and search 65535 find the code (6100) then copy to the lighting button n search *****7a,*****78,*****98 ...7a edit to 90255,)(78 edit to 1)(98 edit to 0...that allMin tanya donk... dax attack klo cheat untuk naikkan lv kok status ngk naik ya??? Lalu pet hunter ngk da efek ya?? Minta infonya donk biar bs lvnya tinggi pakai dax attack
Tlong dijawab ya min
pake lucky patcher, trus pilih custom patch no.1 sm no.3Tolong , game ini dha sya download , tpi kedetect root jdi ga bs main ,
Ada solusi?